SOSC 102 U - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SOSC 102 U


... sending countries: Burma, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam ... Singapore, and Taiwan; receive workers from Burma and Laos ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SOSC 102 U

  • Background
  • Two major kinds of foreign migrant workers
  • A. Foreign factory workers
  • B. Foreign domestic helpers

Background of transnational labor migration in
East and Southeast Asia
Vivien Wee and Amy Sim, Transnational Labor
Networks in Female Labor Migration Mediating
between Southeast Asian Women Workers and
International Labor Markets, SEARC Working
Papers Series, No. 49, City University of Hong
Kong, 2003
Trajectories of transnational labor migration (1)
  • Major sending countries Burma, Indonesia, Laos,
    Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam
  • Major receiving countries Canada, the European
    Union, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, USA, and
    countries in the Middle East
  • Malaysia send workers to Singapore receive
    workers from Indonesia)
  • Thailand send workers to Hong Kong, Singapore,
    and Taiwan receive workers from Burma and Laos

Trajectories of transnational labor migration (2)
  • In Hong Kong in 2001, more than 200,000
    documented foreign workers
  • Most transnational migrant workers were female
  • E. g. Indonesian female immigrant workers
    Indonesian male immigrants workers100 30
    (statistics in 1993-1994)

How did they get to work overseas
  • Examples of Commercial Agents for transnational
    labor migration
  • Taiwan the Dart-wits Manpower Co. Ltd the Great
    Manpower Co.
  • Hong Kong the Proxy-maid Service Center
  • Singapore the Maid Power Ltd.

SOSC 102 U
  • Lecture Note 13
  • Transnational Immigrant Labor

What do these commercial agents do
  • Recruit the workers
  • Provide training
  • Find them employment (agents in sending societies
    would contact with agents in receiving societies)
  • Arrange their passage
  • Provide loans
  • Draw up contracts
  • Remit their remuneration
  • Arrange their repatriation

Wee and Sim (2003 4)
Migration Cycle of a migrant women worker
Wee and Sim, 2003, p. 6
Enquiry friends, family, acquaintances,
job-placement agencies
Fees levied by agents (may result in debts)
Repatriation end of contract, get an extension,
look for another contract, or go home
Employment work, get paid, pay the debts, remit
money back home
Marketing the Immigrant Workers
  • Nationality-based stereotypes (constructed by the
    brokers and accepted by the employers)
  • Thai men hard-working and honest ? make the best
    factory and construction work
  • Filipino men good at handling machines ? good
    factory work
  • Filipina women better educated, more
    civilized, good in English ? take care of
  • Indonesian women loyalty, caring, willingness to
    work hard ? take care of the sick and elderly

Interview of Anne Loveband (2003)
Foreign Factory Workers
  • Anru Lees case study on Thai workers in a Taiwan
  • (Lee in Chow, Ch. 9)

Foreign Labor as Factory Worker
  • Why they are in need?
  • How do they get to work overseas?
  • What do they do?
  • How about their salaries?

Why are they in need
  • Young generation of Taiwanese women do not want
    to work in a factory
  • Foreign workers become alternative source of
    cheap labor

How do they get to work overseas?
  • Bilateral agreements between sending and
    receiving states only citizens of sending
    countries can be recruited to work overseas
  • The Taiwan government would adopt a system of
    quota control and issue a two-year non-renewable
    work permit to foreign workers
  • To prohibit them from permanent settlement, each
    foreign worker can stay in Taiwan no longer than
    six years and cannot transfer employers freely

What do they do in the shop floor
  • Sexual division of labor in textiles between male
    and female Taiwanese workers
  • E.g.
  • Mens work mechanics
  • Womens work tend looms, upload and download
  • No explicit sexual division of labor
  • Sometimes Thai male workers are assigned to do
    those womens work
  • Usually foreign workers are asked to do the
    undesirable jobsthe 3 D (dirty, dangerous, and
    demeaning) work

Salary gaps in textile factory (workers
performing similar work)
  • Estimation of average monthly wages for Taiwanese
    workers (paid by piece-rate wage system)
  • Male workers U. S. 1,111-1,481
  • Female workers U. S. 814
  • Male and Female Thai workers U. S. 518 (paid
    by fixed monthly salary)
  • U. S. 518 is the minimum wage according to the
    Labor Standards Law in Taiwan

Foreign Domestic Helpers
  • Mary Romero, Maid in the U. S. A. (N. Y. and
    London, 1992)
  • Nicole Constable, Maid to Order in Hong Kong
    (Cornell, 1997)
  • Anne Loveband, Positioning the Product
    Indonesian Migrant Women Workers in Contemporary
    Taiwan, SEARC Working Papers Series, No. 43,
    City University of Hong Kong, 2003.
  • P. C. Lan, Micropolitics of employing migrant
    domestic workers, Social Problems, Vol. 50, No.
    4 (2003) 525-249.

Foreign domestic helpers in Taiwan, Hong Kong,
and Singapore
  • 150,000 Filipina domestic workers are hired in
    Hong Kong, out of a total population of
    approximately 7 million
  • 80,000 Filipina domestic workers are hired in
    Singapore, out of a total population of 4 million
  • 120,000 foreign domestic workers from the
    Philippines, Vietnam, and Indonesia are hired in
    Taiwan, out of a total population of 22 million
  • (Hong Kong and Spore Daniel A. Bell Taiwan

Who are the foreign domestic helpers?
  • Are they professional domestic helpers from the
  • No. Some of them have college degrees but could
    not find a job after graduation (esp. the
    Filipinas) some of them held professional jobs
    such as nurses or teachers
  • Contradictory class mobility people downgrade
    their jobs from professional or semi-professional
    tracks to take on unskilled and demeaning jobs
    while gaining higher wages overseas

How do they become domestic helpers?
  • In a recruitment agents in sending countries
    Packing the product--to transform women of
    different backgrounds into a domestic workers
  • The training include how to cook, to do household
    chores, to use modern electronic facilities
  • All women would be required to become (or at
    least to look like) a hardworking, submissive,
    and obedient domestic helper

How do Potential Employers Choose their Live-in
Middle income or above Family with kids under 12
or the older above 65
Local agents e. g. the Proxy-maid Service Center
Access to individual applicant files
The agency coordinates the necessary paperwork
with a counterpart agency of the sending country
See candidates on video monitors
After three or four months, the maid arrives
Why are they hired?
  • Why are domestic helpers in need? Where are the
  • Many double-income families cannot arrange time
    to fulfill these home demands
  • market substitutes of home demands
  • Some upper middle and upper class families with
    full-time housewives would also hire domestics

Implication of Hiring Domestic Workers for
double-income families
  • Wee and Sim This practice of hiring domestic
    maids reflects a particular developmental
    trajectory where the economy is developed through
    the labor force participation of its female
    citizens, without the government compensating for
    the withdrawal of their labor in social

Why foreign maids were favored than compatriot
  • Hiring women of different races to work for
    domestic helpers is a common practice
  • For example, middle-class families in Hong Kong,
    Singapore and Taiwan (mostly ethnic Chinese) hire
    domestic helpers from Indonesia and the
  • In the U. S., many white middle- and upper-class
    families hire working-class women of color (esp.
    the Chicano women from Mexico) as domestic helpers

Why dont the middle-class women hire someone of
their own color?
  • Interviews of white middle-class women in the U.
    S. the employers regard that hiring a woman of
    color is a form of social benefit, reducing the
    unemployment rate of the minorities
  • Scholars (Romeo, Lan, and Loveband) however argue
    that the working relationship entails a racial
    and class hierarchy between the middle-class
    employers and the domestic workers

Racial and class hierarchy
  • Master-servant relationship is easier to
    establish when the differences are obvious
  • Ethnic differences help to establish class
    dominationcompared with hiring a compatriot
    maid, employers would feel more comfortable to
    control the relationship
  • Employers vs. Employees class and racial

Labor process of domestic helpers
  • Domestic work include two primary spheres
    physical labor and emotional labor
  • Physical labor the employers decide what aspects
    of physical labor should be left for domestic
    helpers to take care of. While some employers
    hire women to replace their own labor, others
    hire women to do much more demanding household

Labor process of domestic helpers
  • Emotional labor domestic helpers are hired to do
    emotional labor, such as to talk, to offer
    psychological support, and to be accompany with
    the employers
  • Protomothers of domestic helpers expected to
    perform the emotional labor of mothering both
    the women employers and their families
  • Would reciprocal relationship be established
    through emotional labor and thus diminished the
    master-servant hierarchy
  • Romeos research on domestic work in the U. S.

Emotional labor and social hierarchy
  • The inherent power relation between an employer
    and employee
  • 1. Employers expect to be consoled, but the
    psychological needs of domestic helpers are often
  • 2. Most employers would show a condescending
    manner to interact with their domestic helpers
  • 3. Even when employers initiated conversations at
    a peer level, domestic helpers have to hide their
    real feeling
  • 4. Instrumental personalism or strategic
    intimacy Some employers would try to makes
    friends with domestic helpers in exchange for
    better service

When home becomes a workplace (hiring live-in
domestic helpers)
  • Domestic service creates a unique social setting
    that women (or men) from different
    social-economic, racial, and ethnic backgrounds
    interact in an informal and intimate way
  • The social setting is the employers home

Boundary work
  • Theory of Boundary Work the strategies,
    principles, and practices we use to create,
    maintain, and modify cultural categories
  • For example, employees would describe the
    home/work boundary by organizing realm-specific
    matters, people, objects, and aspects of the self
  • In the context of domestic service both the
    employers and employees would negotiate the
    boundaries between each other
  • Visible boundary and invisible boundary

Based on P. C. Lans research on Filipina
domestic work in Taiwan
Visible boundary
  • Eating arrangement in a family who is included
    in the dining table, where to sit at the table,
    who eats before or after whom, who gets more
    food, better quality, and a larger variety, whose
    tastes or needs are prioritized
  • Spatial arrangement (living/working space)

Invisible boundary
  • Invisible boundary guardianship (are employers
    the foreign migrant maids protectors?) privacy
    (how much should they know each other?)

Employers boundary work
Family Boundary

Distant Hierarchy
Class/ ethnic divides
Business Relationship
Workers boundary work
  • Live-in domestic workers live in a dual lifethe
    life with front and backstage
  • Life in the front stage submissive servants on
  • Life in the backstage go to church, picnic, meet
    friends, go shopping, dancing, etc. on Sunday

Workers boundary work in front stage
Front/backstage boundary

Keeping safe distance
Seeking patronage
Class/ ethnic divides
Obscuring previous positions
Highlighting status similarity
  • Equal rights for foreign resident workers?
  • Pros Liberal democratic theorists argue that
    foreign resident workers should be put on the
    road to citizenship. Rights of guest workers in
    Europe and immigrants in North America are
    protected by laws (Daniel A. Bell)
  • Cons if the foreign workers are not satisfied
    with the wages and labor conditions, they can
    choose to leave and to return their home countries
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