Title: Second edition revised by Juan Ted Tufichsitt
1Title page
Title page verso
Nobody Knows the Truffles Ive Seen
- 1975
- Second edition revised by Juan Ted Tufichsitt
a Memoir of One Who Truly Loves Chocolate
by Chock O. Hollick Illustrated by Payne Ting
Paris London Honolulu Valentine Press
There are two pagination sequences. The last
page of the first sequence is numbered xiv the
second sequence starts with 1 and ends with 214.
There are 28 unnumbered pages (printed on both
sides of the paper) of black-and-white
illustrations. They do not form part of either
main pagination sequence. The book is 25.5 cm.
2100 a 245 _ _ a b c
250 a b 260 a a b c
300 a b c 700 a 700 a
3100 1 a Hollick, Chock O. 245 1 0 a Nobody
knows the truffles Ive seen b a memoir of
one who truly loves chocolate / c by Chock O.
Hollick illustrated by Payne Ting. 250 a 2nd
ed. / b revised by Juan Ted
Tufichsitt. 260 a Paris a Honolulu
b Valentine Press, c 1975. 300
a xiv, 214 p., 28 p. of plates b ill.
c 26 cm. 700 1 a Ting, Payne 700 1 a Tuf
ichsitt, Juan Ted
21.12A1, 21.24A, 22.3A1
1.1B1, A.4A
1.2A, C.8A, B.9
Statement of responsibility for this edition
2.5B1, 2.5B9
21.24A, 21.30K2
4100 a Hollick, Chock O. 245 1 0 a Nobody
knows the truffles Ive seen b a memoir of
one who truly loves chocolate / c by Chock O.
Hollick illustrated by Payne Ting. 250 a 2nd
ed. / b revised by Juan Ted
Tufichsitt. 260 a Paris a Honolulu
b Valentine Press, c 1975. 300
a xiv, 214 p., 28 p. of plates b ill.
c 26 cm. 700 a Ting, Payne 700 a Tufic
hsitt, Juan Ted