Title: Introducing the Semantic Web
1Introducing the Semantic Web
- Professor James Hendlerhttp//www.cs.umd.edu/hen
dler - Co-Director, Maryland Information and Network
Dynamics Laboratory - Semantic Web Agents Project
- http//www.mindswap.org
2(No Transcript)
3The Evolving Web
4Web Semantics
Semantic Web LayerCake (Berners-Lee,
99Swartz-Hendler, 2001)
5Cant we just use XML?
This is what a web-page in natural language
looks like for a machine
6XML helps
XML allows meaningful tags to be added toparts
of the text
7XML ? machine accessible meaning
But to your machine, the tags look like this.
8Schemas take a step in the right direction
Schemas help.
lt CV gt
by relating common termsbetween documents
9But other people use other schemas
Someone else has one like this.
lt CV gt
10The semantics isnt there
lt CV gt
which dont fit in
11KR provides external referents to merge on
SW languages add mappings And structure.
12Which is what the web was meant to be!!
- "This is a pity, as in fact documents on the web
describe real objects and imaginary concepts, and
give particular relationships between them... For
example, a document might describe a person. The
title document to a house describes a house and
also the ownership relation with a person. ...
This means that machines, as well as people
operating on the web of information, can do real
things. For example, a program could search for a
house and negotiate transfer of ownership of the
house to a new owner. The land registry
guarantees that the title actually represents
reality. - Tim Berners-Lee plenary presentation at WWW
Geneva, 1994
13Putting semantics on the web
14(and making it machine-readable)
15(No Transcript)
ltdamlObjectProperty rdfID"photograph"gt ltrdfsdo
main rdfresource"Picture"/gt ltrdfsrange
rdfresource person"/gt lt/damlObjectPropertygt
lt gt rdftype photoPhotograph, PhotoFile
http///imagesimage1, Phototopic
Event1 a Eventevent date May 7-11,
speaker http//timbl.html Title WWW
2002 TimBL rdftype w3c-ontperson name
Tim Berners-Lee
ltsClass rdfabout"http//www.semanticweb.org/ont
ologies/swrc-onto-2000-09-10.damlConference"gt lts
commentgt describes a generic conceptabout events
lt/scommentgt ltssubClassOf
s/swrc-onto-2000-09-10.damlEvent"/gt ltadisjointFr
om rdfresource"http//www.semanticweb.org/ontolo
gies/swrc-onto-2000-09-10.damlWorkshop"/gt ltarest
rictedBy rdfresource"http//www.semanticweb.org/
ltrdfDescription rdfabout"http//www.w3.org/200
1/03/earl/0.95Person"gt ltrdftype
Class"/gt ltrdfssubClassOf rdfresource"http//ww
w.w3.org/2001/03/earl/0.95Assertor"/gt lt/rdfDescr
17On the Web -- links are critical!
Web page
Any Web Resource
lta href
lta hrefhttp//gt
18RDF graphs resemble semantic nets
ltmindPerson rdfidHendlergt ltmindtitle
jobsProfessorgt ltjobsplaceOfWork
http//www.cs.umd.edugt lt/mindPersongt
Web Page http//www
19Semantics on the WEB
- RDF, like the WWW itself, is not separable
- Thinking about the ontologies, without
considering - The links to other terms
- The instances that link to them
- The crawling and collecting of ontological
terminologues - Is like thinking about the Web without the
Web Page http//www
20Radically new view of Semantics
some partial mapping
Distributed,partially mapped, inconsistent -- but
21Real examples
- Examples from http//dormouse.cs.umd.edu8080/wiki
/cmsc498wiki.wiki - Students violated every rule in the KR book
- Extended existing ontologies
- Linked instances directly to terms from multiple
ontologies - Mixed real KR and NL
- We can learn from their lessons
- http//dormouse.cs.umd.edu8080/wiki/assignment1_c
22Current Activities
Semantic Web LayerCake (Berners-Lee,
99Swartz-Hendler, 2001)
23W3C Web Ontology Working Group
- Web Ontology Working Group in the W3C Semantic
Web Activity aimed at extending the semantic
reach of current XML and RDF meta-data efforts.
- History
- DAMLOIL is submitted as a joint committee effort
published as a W3C note . - W3C WG Announcement in November 2001 -
2001Nov/0000.html - Weekly teleconferences started in November 2001
- First Face to Face Meeting - New Jersey (Lucent),
Jan 02 2nd - Amsterdam April (W3C) 3rd - CA
(Fujitsu/Stanford host) July 4th in Bristol UK
(HP Host) Oct. - Four Working Drafts to date
- Requirements/Use cases - March 2002
- 3 Technical Documents - July 2002 (Language
renamed OWL)
- Current Working Group includes over 50 members
from over 30 organizations. - Chairs
- J. Hendler, MIND Lab UMCP
- G. Schreiber, Univ. of Amsterdam
- Industry including
- Large companies - Daimler Chrysler, IBM, HP,
Intel, EDS, Fujitsu, Lucent, Motorola, Nokia,
Philips Electronics, Sun, Unisys - Newer/smaller companies - IVIS Group, Network
Inference, Stilo Technology, Unicorn Solutions - Government and Not-For-Profits
- US Defense Information Systems Agency,
Interoperability Technology Association for
Information Processing, Japan (INTAP) ,
Electricite De France, Mitre, NIST - Universities and Research Centers
- University of Bristol, University of Maryland,
University of Southamptom, Stanford University - DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial
Intelligence), Forschungszentrum Informatik,
Ontoweb - Invited Experts
- Well-known academics from non-W3C members (Hayes,
Heflin, Stein, Borden)
25But will it fly?
- DAMLOIL is already the most used ontology
language ever!! - http//www.daml.org (3.5M statements on 25,000
web pages) - Gaining acceptance by web players
- Semantic Web Track being offered at WWW 2002
- 3x more people attended WWW2002 Developer Day on
SW than attended KR - Significant (international) Govt Support
- US DARPA/NSF EU IST Framework 5,6
- Japan, Germany, Australia considering significant
investments - US National Cancer Institute to publish cancer
vocabulary in DAMLOIL - Much New Startup activity (even in this economic
climate) - Many tools being developed
- Many of them aimed at developers, not just AI
literate types
26Making Markup Easier
27Machine worries about the syntax
28Use that markup in query/portal interfaces
29Extending ontologies on the fly
30Semantic Web Portals The Mosaic of the
semantic web?
ltOncogene rdfID"Oncogene, MYB"gtltcodegtC3682lt/code
gtltidgt3683lt/idgt ltFound_In_Organism
rdfID"Human"gtlt/Found_In_Organismgt ltGene_Has_Func
tion rdfID"Gene Transcription"gtlt/Gene_Has_Functi
ongt ltGene_Has_Function rdfID"Transcriptional
Regulation"gtlt/Gene_Has_Functiongt ltIn_Chromosomal_L
ocation rdfID"6q22-q23"/gt lt/Oncogenegt
ltOncogene rdfID"Oncogene NMYC"gt ltcodegtC17656lt/co
rdfID"Human"gtlt/Found_In_Organismgt ltIn_Chromosoma
l_Location rdfID"2p24.1"/gt ltGene_Has_Function
rdfID"Transcriptional Regulation"gt lt/Gene_Has_Fu
rdfID"Neuroblastoma"gt lt/Gene_Associated_With_Dis
31Moving to the futureof the web
Semantic Web LayerCake (Berners-Lee,
99Swartz-Hendler, 2001)
32Web travel agents
How many cows are there in Texas?
- Query processed 73 answers found
- Google document search finds 235,312 possible
page hits. - Http//www/CowTexas.html claims the answer is
289,921,836 - A database entitled Texas Cattle Association
can be queried for the answer, but you will need
authorization as a state employee. - A computer program that can compute that number
is offered by the State of Texas Cattlemans
Cooperative, click here to run program. - ...
- The sex network can answer anything that
troubles you, click here for relief... - The UFO network claims the all cows in Texas
have been replaced by aliens
33Allows new capabilities
34Services off the desktop
35Or perhaps on different desktops
36Web Agents need Service Descriptions
37Semantic Web Service Description
38Use Semantics for Composition
Translate my symptoms fromFrench and find me a
pharmacythat has the necessary medicine(then
compute how to get thereand print the
Print the directions to a pharmacywhich has a
medicine that curesthe symptoms that I will tell
you (in French)
39Or, translate to Planning Operators
40For goal-based service composition
Buy the French version of a book from amazon.fr
and have it sent to Moms address
41Services need Web Logics
42Web of Trust
- Claims can be verified if there is supporting
evidence from another (trusted) source - We only believe that someone is a professor at a
university if the university also claims that
person is a professor, and the university is on a
list I trust.
believe(c1) - claims(x, c1) predicate(c1,
professorAt) arg1(c1, x) arg2(c1,
y) claims(c2, y) predicate(c2,
professorAt) arg1(c2, x) arg2(c2,
y) AccreditedUniversity(y) AcknowledgedUniversit
y(u) - link-from(http//www.cs.umd.edu/universit
Notice this one
43Distributed Trust
- It is no longer a question of whether the
semantic web will come into being, it is already
here! - Were already well past the starting gate
- Web ontologies, term languages, shims to DB and
services, research in proofs/rules/trust - Standardization providing a common denominator
for KR researchers as well as web developers - Small companies starting to form, Big companies
starting to move - The current environment is open, encouraging,
moving fast, and exciting as heck - Come play!
http//www.daml.org http//www.semanticweb.org htt