Title: These Are the Moments of Your Life
1These Are the Moments of Your Life
Making the Most of Your Time
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3Moments in Time
- On one level, time is what we measure by the
clock -- Absolutely nothing we can do to stop
- More personally, time consists of your
precious moments the unfolding of life, event
by event.
4Managing Your Moments . . .
is about controlling the Events that unfold in
your life
- Events we think we CANNOT control, and we CANT
5Managing Your Moments . . .
is about controlling the Events that unfold in
your life
- Events we think we CANNOT control, but we CAN
6Managing Your Moments . . .
is about controlling the Events that unfold in
your life
- Events we think we CAN control, but we DONT
7Managing Your Moments . . .
is about controlling the Events that unfold in
your life
- Events we think we CAN control, but we CANT
8Managing Your Moments . . .
is about controlling the Events that unfold in
your life
- Events we think we CAN control, and we CAN
9Stress occurs . . .
- when the demands of our life are greater than the
resources available to meet those demands,
including our time
10Pareto Principle
The Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 rule states
that typically 80 of unfocussed effort generates
only 20 of results, and that the remaining 80
of results are achieved with only 20 of the
11What Steals Your Precious Time?
- Interruptions -- telephone
- Interruptions -- personal visitors
- Meetings
- Tasks you should have delegated
- Procrastination and indecision
12What Steals Your Precious Time?
- Acting with incomplete information
- Dealing with team members
- Crisis management (fire fighting)
- Unclear communication
- Inadequate technical knowledge
13What Steals Your Precious Time?
- Unclear objectives and priorities
- Lack of planning
- Stress and fatigue
- Inability to say "No"
- Desk management or personal disorganization
14Biggest Time Wasters
Change I Will Make
Time Waster
Possible Solution
15My Biggest Time Savers
New Time Savers to Implement Now
My Time Savers
16Twelve Timely Tips
- 1. Spend Time Planning and Organizing
17Twelve Timely Tips
18Twelve Timely Tips
19Twelve Timely Tips
20Twelve Timely Tips
21Twelve Timely Tips
- 6. Consider Your Biological Prime Time
22Twelve Timely Tips
- 7. Do the Right Thing Right
23Twelve Timely Tips
24Twelve Timely Tips
- 9. Avoid Being a Perfectionist
25Twelve Timely Tips
- 10. Conquer Procrastination
26Twelve Timely Tips
27Twelve Timely Tips
The more time we spend planning our time and
activities the more time we will have for those
activities. By setting goals and eliminating time
wasters and doing this everyday you may find you
will have extra time in the week to spend on
those people and activities most important to you.
29For more information please refer to the These
Are the Moments of Your Life newsletter on your
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