Title: Master Slide
1Debt Management Practices Throughout the Borrower
2- Wanda Stover
- North Carolina State Education Assistance
Authority - Linda Viau
- Vermont Student Assistance Corporation
- Bill Kohl
- National Student Loan Program
3- Part I
- Historical Perspective
- Linda L. Viau
- Associate Director
- Vermont Student Assistance Corporation
4Historical Perspective
- for years, holders of student loans focused their
activities on effective default collection
strategies - over time, that focus has drastically changed to
early intervention and default prevention - Why the switch?
- U.S. economic downturn
- exacerbated by the events of September 11th
- tight job market
- consumer credit crunch
5Sequence of Events
- May 2001 - NCHELPs Debt Management Committee
developed a survey to determine some of the
practices being utilized by the industry - Summer of 2003 - the Debt Management Committee
identified the need for additional information on
industry practices
6Sequence of Events (continued)
- intent was to identify best practices utilized
within the industry (with measurements) and then
share the results with its colleagues - FSA at ED was working on a similar project
- Fall 2003 Default Prevention Subcommittee of
Debt Management Committee designs survey
7Sequence of Events (continued)
- survey initially sent to Subcommittee members as
a trial - January 2004 - NCHELP Board approves the use of
the survey - March 2004 - survey was sent to all NCHELP
members - Summer and Fall of 2004 - results tabulated and
follow up completed
8Components of the Survey
- all NCHELP members invited to respond
- privacy maintained
- activities listed and detailed with an indication
of where in the borrower lifecycle the
activities would occur - matrices were developed for eachNCHELP
organization - guaranty agency
- lender/holder
- third party servicer
9Types of Activities Included
- high school outreach
- counseling
- communication methods
- financial planning
- default prevention tools
- training
- research and development
- technology
- skip tracing
10Borrower Life Cycles
- outreach
- in school
- grace
- repayment
- delinquency
11End Users
- school
- student
- other organization
12Part IIExamples of Survey Responses
13Early Outreach Examples
- financial aid counselors and co-sponsored
programs - website
- publications
14In-School Examples
- on-line calculator
- on-line presentations
- consumer credit counseling in schools
15Grace Period Examples
- web-based grace period information
- early withdrawal counseling program
- skip tracing
16Repayment Examples
- web-based repayment information
- default prevention workshops
- on-line counseling
17Delinquency Examples
- counseling via telephone
- claim aversion strategies
- default management systems
18- Part III
- Examples of Initiatives Developed by Nebraska,
North Carolina, and Vermont
19Money Management Counseling for students
Presented by Bill Kohl Vice President of
Operations NSLP
20Money Management Counseling
- available at www.nslp.org
- click on Loan Education Products and then Money
Management Counseling - features free interactive tools students can use
to manage money - designed with input from financial aid
professionals to meet student needs
21Features interactive courses
- Credit and Debt
- provides information on budgeting, credit, and
student loans - At the Bank
- helps students understand how banks and bank
accounts work - Home Finance
- teaches fundamentals of finding, renting and
owning a home
22(No Transcript)
23Living within a budget
24Budgeting Workshop includes
- worksheet to outline needs, wants, expenses, and
long-term goals - budget calculators to compare income to expenses
for - current college students
- recent graduates
- full-time employees
25Budgeting Workshop
26Types of credit cards
27Your credit history
28At the Bank
29Checking accounts
30Keeping a checkbook
31Balancing your checkbook
32Choosing an account
33Choosing an account
34Home Finance
35Renting 101
36Why buy?
38Take the quiz
each course features an interactive quiz to help
students review the course
39Interactive Quiz
40Interactive Quiz
41Interactive Quiz
42Completion certificate
43Money Management Counseling
- its free!
- its easy!
- visit www.nslp.org
- click on Loan Education Products and then Money
Management Counseling - the site will guide you through each course
45For more information
Bill Kohl Vice President of Operations P.O. Box
82507 Lincoln, NE 68501-2507 phone 800-735-8778,
ext. 6836 e-mail billk_at_nslp.org fax
402-479-6658 www.nslp.org
46Thank you for joining us.Please complete your
conference evaluation form!