Title: Gratitude
- Making known to God and
others the ways they have
benefited my life
2Science Gratitude
- Expressing Gratitude positively affects your
physical, emotional and spiritual health
3Definition of Gratitude
Gratitude is a feeling-
- The feeling of being blessed with more than you
deserve, being thankful for what you have.
4Definition of Gratitude
Gratitude is a choice-
- The intention to count-your-blessings every day,
every minute, while
avoiding, whenever possible,
the belief that you need or deserve
different circumstances.
5Gratitude is a decision-
- To focus on
- positive, not the negative
- faith, not doubt
- God, not self
6How to cultivate a grateful heart
- Count your Blessings
- Nurture Grateful feelings
- Express Gratitude to others
- Remember trials are blessings
- Study Scripture Inspirational stories- Romans
831-39 - Express Gratitude to God
7How to show gratitude to God
- What do you have that God hasnt given you?
And if all you have is from
God, why boast as though you have accomplished
something on your own? - 1 Corinthians 47b
8How to show gratitude to God
- Verbally- praise and thanksgiving
- Live your life as an offering to God
9Will you decide to live
a grateful life?
10Prayer for Serenity
11God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I
cannot change, the courage to change the things I
can, and the wisdom to
know the difference.
12Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment
at a time
accepting hardship as a pathway to
peace taking, as Jesus did, this
sinful world as it is, not as I would
have it
13Trusting that You will make all
things right if I
surrender to Your will
so that I may be reasonably
happy in this life and supremely happy
with You forever in the next. Amen.
Reinhold Niebuhr
14At the heart of true giving
there must be a spirit of Genuine
- Only as we recognize the truth
that we have freely received
will we be able to obey the
instruction to freely give