Title: SAMI: Situational Awareness from Multimodal Input
1SAMI Situational Awareness from Multi-modal Input
2Talk Organization
- Why are we at RESCUE interested ?
- Situational Awareness (SA)
- Introduction
- System architecture
- Research challenges
- Expected outcomes and artifacts
- Extraction system demonstration
Bhaskar Rao Mohan Trivedi Rajesh Hegde Sangho
Park Shankar Shivappa
Naveen Ashish Sharad Mehrotra Nalini
Venkatasubramanian Utz Westermann Dmitry
Kalashnikov Stella Chen Vibhav Gogate Priya
Govindarajan Ram Hariharan John Hutchinson Yiming
Ma Dawit Seid Jay Lickfett Chris Davision Quent
Ron Eguchi Mike Mio
Jacob Green
4Information from Various Sources
5More Data ? More Information
6Situational Awareness
- Wide variety of fields
- Beginning in mid-80s, accelerating thru 90s
- Fighter aircraft, ATM, Power plants,
Manufacturing - Definitions
- "the perception of elements in the environment
along with a comprehension of their meaning and
along with a projection of their status in the
near future" - "the combining of new information with existing
knowledge in working memory and the development
of a composite picture of the situation along
with projections of future status and subsequent
decisions as to appropriate courses of action to
take" - Situational awareness and decision making
- Areas
- Cognitive science
- Information processing
- Human factors
Knowing what is going on
7Abstraction of Information
8First-cut Architecture
Centered around EVENTS as fundamental abstractions
9Research Areas
Event Modeling
Event Extraction
GIS Querying
Location Uncertainty
Graph Analysis
10Event Modeling
- What is an event ?
- Event Representation
11Domain Knowledge
12Event Extraction
- Long history of information extraction
- IR (MUC efforts)
- Web data extraction
- Entities, Relations, Events
- Events in 2004
- Event extraction accuracy is still low
- SA Domain
- Stream of information
- Duplicated, ambiguous
- Reliability
- Conversations
- Modalities
- Text
13Focus in RESCUE
- Specific types of input sources
- Regular unstructured text
- Such as online news stories
- Transcribed conversations and communications
- Particular structures and segments that can be
exploited - Approach
- Event extraction
- Embellished information extraction
- Determining and exploiting linkages
- Eg between locations and events
16Uncertainty is a Challenge
Report 1 ... a massive accident involving a
hazmat truck on I5-N between
Sand Canyon and Alton Pkwy ... Report 2 ... a
strange chemical smell on Rt133 between I405
and Irvine Blvd ...
Report 2
- point-location
- in terms of landmarks
- uncertain, not (x,y)
- reasoning on such data
- support all types of queries
Report 1
17Implications of Uncertainty in Text
- How to model uncertainty?
- probabilistic model
- P(location report)
- e.g. report says near building A
- Queries
- cannot be answered exactly...
- use probabilistic queries
- all events P(location ? R report) gt 0
- SA requirements
- triaging capabilities
- fast response
- top-k
- threshold P(location ? R report) gt ?
- ?-RQ, k-RQ, k? -RQ
- How to map text to probabilities?
- use spatial ontologies
18Graph Analysis
- Inherent spatio-temporal properties
- Graphs are powerful for querying and analysis
19GIS Search
Current FGDC Search
20GIS Search
- Areas in RESCUE Focus
- GIS search and integration
- GIS deep web data
- Contextual GIS search
- Probabilistic search framework
21Predictive Modeling and Inference
- Anomalous event detection from sensor data
- Highway traffic sensor data
- Model based estimation
- Eg estimate of number of people in particular
area at particular time
- Integrated Information Dashboard
- Manifestation in City of Ontario Emergency
Information Portal - Web-based portal for citizens
- Integrated information, map-based, alerts,
messages, shelter status, .. - Multimodal reconnaissance system
- ImageCat UCI
- Real-time multimodal information capture and
ingestion system
23Thank you !