Title: Public Private Dialogue PPD
1Public Private Dialogue (PPD)
- International Lessons of Experience
- John Speakman
2Key Messages
- Public Private Dialogue is a key foundation for
growth and its time has come - This is about Win Win
- Private sector wins because it grows and makes
money - Public sector wins because growth strengthens its
fiscal situation and jobs are created - Success breeds Success
- BUT implementation is key its better to do
nothing than promise policies and not deliver
3What is PPD
- Its a positive enhancement to the growth process
- Indias National Competitiveness Council has
identified the involvement of industry in the
process and formulation and implementation of
their industrial policy as a key policy for
achieving spectacular manufacturing sector growth
IT IS RECOMMENDATION NUMBER ONE! - Its not PPP as applied in India
- Its a process of dialogue that identifies
possible complementarities between public action
and private sector objectives, and thereby
maximising the effectiveness of public policy for
business development.
4Context The sad case of UPs manufacturing sector
5Some PPD observations
- Its nothing new
- its been happening since civilization began and
its always been tricky - The East Asian miracle
- the tigers is often attributed to very
effective PPD the state, academia (think tanks)
and the private sector worked very well together - Its found in one form or another in most
countries it already exists in UP - It has struck me as someone who has worked in 30
countries the rich industrialized countries,
middle income countries and the poor as a huge
gap in India and a lost opportunity
6Examples of Policy Success
7Why do the best performing states want to get
- Mexico the case of Aguascalentes
- The private sector and public sector sat down and
agreed - to focus efforts on improving competitiveness
- to consult when new taxes and levies are
introduced - to measure progress (through Doing Business
8How is it that Bangladesh is seriously looking at
becoming a middle income country in the next
- An evolving process of strengthened dialogue
- It began informally a joint working group with
three dedicated work groups - Regulatory reform
- Special economic zones provision of serviced
appropriately located industrial land - Capacity building
- Now the dialogue is institutionalized in the
Bangladesh Better Business Forum - "We will not allow this forum to become a talking
shop. We shall rather emphasize result-oriented
decisions and output. Elaborate mechanisms will
be put in place to monitor the implementation of
our decisions." -Chief Adviser
9Key BBBF activities include
- Promoting an effective public-private dialogue to
improve the business enabling environment. - Removing barriers impeding business operations.
- Providing feedback on various Government
policies, laws, and regulations affecting the
private sector. - Promoting consistent enforcement and
non-discretionary interpretation of laws and
10The path to sustainability
11Requirements for effective PPD
- A strong public sector combined with political
will and leadership - A well organized and led private sector, which
does not fear retribution from government when
speaking out - A highly visible champion that can attract the
attention of participants and media - Instruments to make it happen seed funding,
logistical and personnel support
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13Bosnia Herzegovina A case study
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16In UP many of the conditions needed for serious
and effective dialogue are in place.
- The Government bureaucracy is strong by
developing country standards and is led by a
cadre of high caliber IAS civil servants. - The private sector is represented by a number of
well organized Business Membership Organizations
(BMOs) who are also active in the high growth
states, e.g. Indian Industries Association,
Confederation of Indian Industries, PHD Chamber
of Commerce and Industry - The new Government is already championing some
significant private investments. It would be
consistent for them to champion this effort. - There is a strong willingness to support such an
endeavor from the private sector side, and the
donor community will also support the initiative
with seed funds.
17UPs initial conditions for investment are sound.
- UP in itself is a huge market. It is the bread
basket of India. - UP is a large state, indeed if it were a country
on its own with its population of 170 million it
would be the 5th largest country in the world. - Because of its size and history it has some
powerful facets that can be incorporated in the
dialogue the IIM in Lucknow, the IT in Kanpur
and a plethora of biotechnology institutions. - It has one of the Worlds leading tourist
attractions, the Taj Mahal, the center of one of
the Worlds leading religions, Varanasi. - There is close proximity to Delhi and so on.
18Why hasnt PPD developed in India?
- The relationship is often perceived as Principal
Agent the private sector does what the planners
say - Lack of trust
- the private sector are a bunch of .
- the Government doesnt care about the private
sector - Rent seeking
- NOW as India professionalizes and modernizes this
concept has a chance and can make the difference
at the state level - Some formal and informal dialogue at the federal
level which has been effective
19Some core challenges / success factors -
- Credibility commitments need to be followed
through on build trust - Good policies without implementation are worse
than no policy at all - Sustainability Keep it going
- Focus on the long term agenda
- Some quick wins wouldnt hurt
- Keep it positive this is not about hand outs or
venting space - do not just complain but suggest solutions
Vietnam - Tailor it to your own circumstances your own
strengths - Use your academic endowments academics can play
the role of honest brokers
20Risk Mitigation strategies for PPD
21Benefits of PPD
- SENDS a strong message of predictability to
investors. - Government credibility with business is more than
other political variables, a statistically strong
measure of economic performance - MAXIMIZES the impact of Government policies to
support the private sector, - because the private sector will be included and
will therefore be less cautious and less likely
to evade their impact. - LEADS to better policies, policies that are
relevant and well designed.
22Some follow up resources
- http//www.publicprivatedialogue.org/
- http// www.nmcc.nic.in
- http//www.rru.org
- http//www.bbbf.org.bd
- jspeakman_at_worldbank.org
- dpurkyastha_at_worldbank.org
- pdasgupta_at_ifc.org