Title: The Expansion of the Universe
1The Expansion of the Universe
- Paul J. Thomas
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- UW - Eau Claire
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- All galaxies, except a few local ones, are
receding from us. - The more distant the galaxy, the greater the
recession speed. - The expansion apparently began in the Big Bang
- Will the universe continue expanding or start to
contract someday?
4Lookback Time
- We can see galaxies billions of light years away.
- Therefore we see these galaxies as they were
billions of years ago! - Looking out into space is like looking back in
time! - The universe was probably different in the past.
5Topics of Discussion
- Hubbles Law
- The Big Bang Model
- The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)
- Dark Matter and the density of the universe
- The long-term future of the universe
6Expansion of the Universe
- Slipher discovered that virtually every spiral
galaxy has a red-shifted spectrum (1912). - Distance and recession speed are connected by
Hubbles Law - V H0 r,
- where V recession speed (km/s),
- r distance (Mpc)
- H0 Hubbles Constant (km/s/Mpc).
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8Hubbles Law
- We can measure V from the redshift of light from
the galaxy. - We can determine r by the use of standard candles
(e.g. Cepheid variables). - Plug these numbers into Hubbles Law
- V H0 r,
- and we get a value for H0.
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10Standard Candles
- We cant use parallax over galactic distances, as
they are too great - If we knew the specific brightness of a star, we
could use the inverse square law to calculate its
distance - We use variable stars, such as Cepheid variables
11Cepheid Variables
- These are giant stars (103 - 105 L?)
- They cannot balance pressure and temperature
well, and go through phases of expansion and
contraction - We see these phases as regular cycles of
brightening and dimming (1 - 60 days) - The greater the luminosity of a variable, the
longer the period
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13HST views Cepheid Variables in M100
14Values for Hubbles Constant
- Current best estimate of H0
- 710.04 km/s/Mpc (WMAP spacecraft)
15George-Henri LemaƮtre (1894-1966)
Fred Hoyle (1915-2001)
16Penzias and Wilson
- The discovery of the cosmic microwave background
by Penzias and Wilson transformed cosmology from
being the realm of a handful of astronomers to a
'respectable' branch of physics almost
overnight. - -Michael Turner,
- University of Chicago
17Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR)
- Black Body radiation that is isotropic (all
directions at same strength) - Peak energy at 1 mm wavelength, corresponding to
2.7 K - This is the remnant energy from the Big Bang
19The Big Bang Model
- The Universe began in an episode of high
temperature and density about 13 billion years
ago. - Matter, energy and physical laws came into being
at that time.
20The Big Bang
- The Big Bang was not an explosion of matter and
energy in pre-existing space. - Space and time came to be during the Big Bang.
- Physical laws came into being then, too. (They
did vary in the very earliest stages).
21Four Fundamental Forces
- The Strong Nuclear Force
- Binds the nucleus of atoms together. Limited
range 10-15 m. - The Electromagnetic Force
- Acts on charges and magnetic objects. Unlimited
22Four Fundamental Forces
- The Weak Nuclear Force
- Binds neutrons and similar particles together.
Limited range 10-16 m. - Gravitation
- Attracts massive objects to each other. Unlimited
23Unifying the Forces
- In our most powerful particle accelerators, we
are able to collide protons and electrons at very
high speeds (99.999999999 of the speed of
light). - This produces conditions similar to those just
after the Big Bang.
24Unifying the Forces
- In our particle accelerators, we see
electromagnetic weak nuclear force ? combined
electroweak force. - We think the other forces would combine at higher
energies. - So, during the Big Bang, one original force
split to become the four forces we know.
25Particle Accelerator
Fermilab Accelerator (Proton Synchrotron),
Batavia, Illinois
26Particle Accelerator
Main accelerator ring, Fermilab
27Events of the Big Bang
- Time Temperature (K) Event
- 0 ? All forces unified
- 10-43 s 1032 Gravity separates from
- other forces
- 10-35 s 1027 Strong nuclear force
- separates inflation
- period
28Events of the Big Bang
- Time Temperature (K) Event
- 10-12 s 1015 Weak, electromagnetic
- forces separate
- 10-6 s 1013 Quarks combine to form
- protons, neutrons
- 3 min 109 He forms from H
29Events of the Big Bang
- Time Temperature (K) Event
- 106 y 105 Stable atoms form
- universe becomes
- transparent to light
- 108 y 103 First galaxies form
- 4.5 1017 s 2.7 Life on Earth
- (Now)
30The Age of the Universe
- H0 has units of 1/time
- H0 distance/(time distance)
- 1/H0 is the Hubble Time, tH.
- This is the time since the Big Bang.
- H071 km/sec/Mpc ? tH 13.7 billion years
31Will the Universe Recollapse?
- Required density for Universe to recollapse 4.5
10-30 g/cm3 critical density. - Observed density of luminous material 2
10-31 g/cm3. - But there may be 20 this amount in dark matter.
32Curvature of the Universe
- The curvature of the universe as a whole is
determined by its mass density, ?. - A universe with a mass density greater than the
critical value, ? gt 1, will be a spherical closed
universe. - A universe with a mass density ? lt 1will be an
open, hyperbolic universe.
33Spherical Universe
- ? gt 1.
- Universe is closed, spherical geometry.
- Angles of large triangles will sum to gt 1800.
- Universe will eventually contract into big
34Hyperbolic Universe
- ? lt 1.
- Universe is open, hyperbolic geometry.
- Angles of large triangles will sum to lt 1800.
- Universe will expand forever.
35Flat Universe
- ? 1.
- Universe is flat, Euclidean geometry.
- Angles of large triangles will sum to 1800.
- Universe will expand forever, at an
ever-decreasing rate.
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38What is the observed value of ??
- Based on luminous matter, ?LM 0.05.
- Including dark matter, ?TOT 1.0.
- So it is very important to accurately determine
how much dark matter there is! - The current consensus is that ? 1, so we live
in an flat universe. - Dark energy, with ?DE0.65, seems to be
increasing the expansion rate.
39Type Ia Supernova - 10 billion ly
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