Title: Sex Work: An Experiential Perspective
1Sex WorkAn Experiential Perspective
- October 18, 2006
- London, Ontario
2Thoughts To Consider
- The significant problems we face cannot be
solved at the same level of thinking we were at
when we created them - The world is a dangerous place to live, not just
because of the evil people in it, but because of
the people who do nothing about it.
34 Categories of the Sex Trade
4Forming A Group
- Formation of group that includes experiential and
community supporters - From all parts of the harm reduction and
legislation spectrum - Everyone has a personal stake in this, both as an
advocate and as a woman - Listening and respect for each other despite
differences was achieved - All of the members felt that the work they do in
their own communities across Canada has been
helped by membership in the Coalition
5CNCEW Mission
- CNCEW commits to the improvement of the living
and working conditions of women in and from sex
work - CNCEW supports diversity and inclusion of
dialogue that does not promote harm to those
active in and from sex work - CNCEW opposes models of enforcement or
rehabilitation that promote the continued
criminalization or harm of women in and from sex
work - Gratefully funded by Status of Women Canada
6CNCEW Goals
- To facilitate the involvement of women in and
from sex work on issues of direct impact - To provide opportunities for women to communicate
their ideas directly to legislators, policy
makers, and public towards the improvement of
living and working conditions - To combat conditions of violence, abuse,
exploitation, slavery and coercion related to sex
- We represent women from all areas of sex work
- Street level sex work
- Escorts agencies and independent
- Massage Parlor workers
- Trafficked women
- Exotic entertainers
- Adult film workers
- Adult phone sex workers
8Demographics of Members
- Women from all areas of sex work
- Ages range from 20 50 years old
- 160 years combined experience in sex work
- 120 years combined experience working as
advocates - All women are activists in their own communities
- Extremely passionate and actively involved in all
issues surrounding the sex industry
9What have we done so far?
- Held four national meetings
- Developed statements in seven key areas
- Conducted research in these key areas
- Full day conference in Edmonton, Alberta
- Testified at a private Senate Committee hearing
before members of many Federal Government
departments on Parliament Hill
10Seven Key Priorities of Action
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Violence Against Women Working in the Sex
Industry - Addiction Services
- Law Reform
- Public Awareness and Education
- Social Justice
- Sexual Exploitation of Children and Youth
11Occupational Health and Safety
- Exotic dance, massage and escort agencies are
licensed by the city and as businesses are
subject to labour laws - Improper care and control of the enterprises can
lead to injury and diseases - Existing health and safety, labour and municipal
by-laws should be enforced by the appropriate
12Occupational Health and Safety
- As with any other occupation, workers in these
establishments should have the following rights - Refuse unsafe work
- Education on potential job-related risks
- Participation in joint health and safety
committees with industry owners - Workers should also be
13Violence Against Women
- Law enforcement must begin to take reports of
violence against sex workers seriously - Ability for sex workers to report bad dates
anonymously - Prosecution of violent offenders
- National DNA databank of those convicted with
violence against sex workers - Training of experiential women in victim service
14Addiction Treatment Services
- Removal of barriers to treatment, including long
wait lists, childcare accessibility, and
unrealistic expectations - Sex work-specific treatment centres
- Recognition that sex work in and of itself can be
an addiction for some - Aftercare and follow-up provided by sex
worker-specific agencies across Canada
15Law Reform
- Removal of common bawdy house laws
- Removal of solicitation laws
- End the deportation of trafficked women being
dependent on police cooperation against
traffickers - Access to employment insurance, workers
compensation and re-training in the same way as
other workers - Removal of policies that are punitive based only
on status as a sex worker - Fair and equitable licensing fees
16Public Awareness and Education
- Media
- Use of appropriate images and language
- Public Education
- Culturally sensitive sessions
- Research
- Sex worker-friendly research
- Consultations with sex workers
- Training
- Sex workers as consultants and researchers
17Social Justice
- Train and hire experiential women to design and
implement programs and services - Removal of barriers to services
- Stable core funding for programs
- Continuum of services
- Access to educational opportunities
- Safe and affordable housing
18Sexual Exploitation of Children and Youth
- The Federal Government of Canada must take a
leadership role to ensure that the age of consent
law is raised from 14 to 16 years of age - Each province has the means to provide
appropriate and accessible services, including
treatment, emergency shelter, healing and exiting
programs and outreach services for children and
youth who have been sexually exploited - More resources and strategies are needed to
prevent children and youth from being exploited.
CNCEW is currently working with the Federal
Government of Canada to bring harsher punishments
to the perpetrators who sexually exploit children
and youth
19We are the Experts
- The experiential voice is mandatory when
implementing and developing programs and services - We can provide useful resources and deliver
powerful messages to key stakeholders, policy
makers and government officials - When our voices and experiences are inserted into
public policy, realistic solutions can be
achieved -- reducing the stigma, one attitude at
a time
20Response to Sex Work
- Criminalization
- (Criminal Code)
- Legalization
- (Municipal Bylaws)
- Swedish Model
- (Both Criminalization Legalization)
- Decriminalization
- (Provincial Labour Laws)
- Not here yet!
21Canadian Criminal Code S 210
- 210. (1) Every one who keeps a common
bawdy-house is guilty of an indictable offence
and liable to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding two years. - (2) Every one who
- (a) is an inmate of a common bawdy-house,
- (b) is found, without lawful excuse, in a common
bawdy-house, or - (c) as owner, landlord, lessor, tenant,
occupier, agent or otherwise having charge or
control of any place, knowingly permits the place
or any part thereof to be let or used for the
purposes of a common bawdy-house, - is guilty of an offence punishable on summary
22Canadian Criminal Code S 213
- 213. (1) Every person who in a public place or
in any place open to public view - (a) stops or attempts to stop any motor vehicle,
- (b) impedes the free flow of pedestrian or
vehicular traffic or ingress to or egress from
premises adjacent to that place, or - (c) stops or attempts to stop any person or in
any manner communicates or attempts to
communicate with any person - for the purpose of engaging in prostitution or
of obtaining the sexual services of a prostitute
is guilty of an offence punishable on summary
conviction. -
- (2) In this section, public place includes any
place to which the public have access as of right
or by invitation, express or implied, and any
motor vehicle located in a public place or in any
place open to public view.
23The Outcome of S. 213 Murder
- 86 sex workers were murdered from 1992 to 1998
- 56 (65) of the murders committed were by clients
- 18 sex workers were murdered in 2004
- 54 of cases reported between 1991 and 1995
remained unsolved (34 incidents) compared to only
20 of non sex worker murders (as of 1996) - 90 women missing/murdered from Vancouver
24Municipal Bylaws
- Licenses
- Criminal Record Checks Photo ID Cards
- Fines
- Health Checks
- Fees I.E. Winnipegs Licensing Fees
- Massage Parlours Escort Agencys 4000
- Shooting Gallery 460
25Provincial Labour Laws
- Provincial Labour Laws are not applied to sex
workers. For example - Occupational Health Safety Act
- Employment Standards Act
- Labour Relations Act
- Pay Equity Act
26Human Rights
- Why is Canada regulating the labour of sex
workers under the Canadian Criminal Code and
municipal bylaws? - Sex workers should have the same rights as other
workers. - Not applying criminal code (as protection) or
labour laws or treating sex workers as workers is
a human right violation.
27CCC Enforcement Tax Payers Dollars
- There were 6493 prostitution related offences in
2004 - It costs 50 005 to incarcerate 1 person for 1
year at the (cheaper) provincial rate - Therefore, to incarcerate every person charged
for a period of one year (1/2 of the maximum time
for communicating) it would cost taxpayers 324
682 465 A YEAR!!! - Over a million dollars per riding! In addition to
the cost of policing courts murder
investigations (18 for 2004 alone) violent
crimes against sex workers and all other offences
related to sex work!
- With respect to sex workers, the immediate
removal of S. 210 (bawdy house) S. 213
(communicating) from the Canadian Criminal Code. - Consult with sex workers when reviewing any law
relating to prostitution, trafficking,
immigration, migration and living off the avails
of prostitution. - Provide sex workers with a safe worksite. Sex
work is not illegal in Canada and very human
being has a right to safe place to work. Denying
a person a safe place to work is a human rights
violation. - Listen to our voices we are the experts and we
know what is best for us.
29Concluding Questions 1
- The significant problems we face cannot be
solved at the same level of thinking we were at
when we created them - - Albert Einstein
- Where is your level of thinking at now?
30Concluding Questions 2
- The world is a dangerous place to live, not just
because of the evil people in it, but because of
the people who do nothing about it. - - Albert Einstein
- What are you going to do about it now?