Title: Coal in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities
1Coal in the 21st Century Challenges and
Presented at the Electricity 2020 Forum Grand
Rapids, MN Dr. Michael L. Jones Senior Research
Advisor Energy Environmental Research
Center Grand Forks, ND February 14, 2007
2Humanitys Top Ten Problemsfor the Next 50 Years
- 2. WATER
- 3. FOOD
2003 -- 6.3 billion People 2050 -- 10 billion
Richard Smalley, 2003 (1996 Nobel Laureate in
3Colin J. Campbell, 2004
4Hubberts Peak by Kenneth Deffeyes (2001)
- M. King Hubbert predicted U.S. oil production
would peak in 1970. - It did.
- The same approach predicts world oil production
will peak within this decade. - It will.
- The days of cheap energy from oil will then be
5Richard Smalley, 2003 (1996 Nobel Laureate in
6Richard Smalley, 2003
7U.S. Energy Resources
Source U.S. Department of Defense
8Bottom Line New Middle East
Source U.S. Department of Defense
9Opportunities for Coal
- Production of transportation fuels
- Liquids
- Hydrogen
- Electricity production
10Transportation Fuels -- Challenges
- Oil resources finite resource
- Alternative fuels (including electricity)
- Hydrogen
- Production
- Storage
- Distribution
- Coal production of hydrogen, liquid fuels and
electricity - CO2 sequestration
11Electricity Generation Challenges
- Zero-emission power plants that produce
electricity, chemicals, and liquid fuels cheaply - Massive long distance electricity transmission
- Electrical storage
12Coals Resurgence in Electric Power Generation
13Generation Options
- Conventional combustion
- Coal gasification (IGCC)
- Indirectly fired combined cycle
14Conventional Combustion
- Operational issues
- Environmental performance
- NOx
- Particulate
- SOx
- Metals
- CO2
15Ash Deposition Phenomena in Utility Boilers
16Environmental Issues
- SOx
- NOx
- Particulate
- Metals (Hg)
- CO2
17Coal Gasification
18IGCC Diagram
Source National Energy Technology Laboratory,
U.S. Department of Energy
19Opportunities for Low-Rank Coal Gasification
- High reactivity Lower temperature gasification
processes transport reactor - High sodium and calcium Catalyzes gasification
rates - High moisture Water for steam gasification,
shift reaction, increased gas flow
20What Is the Best Conversion Technology?
- Key Fuel Properties
- Moisture content
- Coal reactivity
- Caking properties
- Inorganic materials Ash/slag and trace elements
- Sulfur levels
- Oxygen content
21Lignite Gasification to Produce Liquid Fuels,
Hydrogen, Electricity, and Carbon Dioxide
Modified after Gray and others, 2004.
22Fate and Impacts of Impurities on Gasification
and Gas Cleanup
Coal Preparation and Upgrading/Slurry
Gas Purification and Separation
Sulfur Removal And Ammonia Removal
Syngas Cooler
Hot Gas Filter
Coal/Biomass/Pet Coke
- Gas Processing/
- Cooling
- Condensation
- Transport
- Deposition Growth
- and Removal
- Gasification
- Fuel Reactivity
- Partitioning (Vapor, Liquid, Solid)
- Slag Flow
- Bed/Ash Reaction
- Deposition
- Hot Gas Cleanup
- Particulate
- Hg
- Na
- Trace elements
- Halogens
- Fuel Prep and Upgrading
- Slurry Prep
- Drying
- Mineral Removal
- Blending
Na Ca
- Gas Purification and Separation
- Shift Reactions
- Separation and
- Purification
- Sulfur Removal
- H2S --Metal Oxide
- Impact of Na, K
- Trace elements
- Hg
- Halogens
23Examples of Current Experience
- Eastman Chemical Company's coal gasification
plant - High-sulfur Appalachian bituminous 1300 ton/day
- Acetyl chemicals
- Over 22 years of operation
- Tampa Electric's Polk Power Station
- GE Energy (Texaco) gasifier slurry-fed,
single-stage, entrained flow - Pittsburgh Basin and Appalachian coals, petcoke,
and biomass 2200 ton/day - Medium-Btu syngas fired to produce electricity
250 MWe - DOE Clean Coal Project 4- to 5-year
demonstration - Commercial operation began in 1995
- SG Solutions Wabash River
- E-gas (ConocoPhillips) slurry-fed, two-stage,
entrained-flow gasifier - Illinois Basin coal, petroleum coke
- 262 MWe (net) of electricity
- DOE Clean Coal Project 4- to 5-year
demonstration - Commercial operation began in 1995
- GE Energy (Texaco) gasifiers slurry-fed,
single-stage, entrained-flow quench gasifier
24Examples of Current Experience (cont.)
- Shell Gasification (Nuon) Buggenum Netherlands
- Shell gasifier entrained flow with dry fuel
feeding and recycled syngas cooling - Range of bituminous coals
- 253 MWe of electricity
- Operation since 1998
- Elcogas Puertollano, Spain
- Prenflo gasifier entrained-flow system with dry
fuel feeding - Coal and petroleum coke
- 298 MW of electricity
- Began operating in 1998
- Schwarze Pumpe Gmbh
- Future Energy Gmbh entrained flow with dry dry
feeding cooling screen design - 130 MWth brown coal before 1992 waste oil
slurries after - Operation since 1984
25Examples of Current Experience (cont.)
- PiƱon Pine IGCC Power Project (Sierra Pacific)
- KRW fluidized-bed gasifier
- Utah bituminous, 0.50.9 sulfur coal 90 MW
- DOE Clean Coal Project Problems during start-up
and project was not completed - HTW Demonstration Berrenrath, Germany
- High-temperature Winkler fluidized bed with dry
feed - 140 MWth of dried brown coal
- Methanol production
- Started operation in 1986, shutdown in 1997 with
67,000 hours - GTI U-Gas Process
- Shanghai, China
- 1000 TPD, 8 gasifier low-pressure using
bituminous coal - Fuel gas for coke oven
- Started operation in 1995, currently moth-balled
70,000 hours
26Advantages of Indirectly Fired Combined Cycles
- Operations very similar to pc-fired boilers
- Nearer-term technology
- Higher efficiencies 45 when firing coal, over
50 with NG supplement - Half the water usage of a typical steam-based
plant because of the Brayton cycle - Slagging heat exchangers are self-cleaning
- Much lower loss of heat transfer due to fouling
- Much less overconstruction
27IFCC Schematic
Key FGD Flue Gas Desulfurization GT Gas
Turbine ST Steam Turbine
28Technologies for CO2 Capture
29Methods for Reducing GHG Emissions
- Renewable energy technologies
- Advanced high-efficiency energy systems
- Improve efficiency on existing systems
- Reduce consumption of energy
- Sequester GHG emissions
30PCOR Partnership
- Phase II Goals
- Increase public understanding of CO2
sequestration - Perform field validation tests that develop
- - MMV protocols
- - Regional sequestration strategies
- - Best separation/source matches
- - Regulatory and permitting strategies
- - Environmental benefits and risks
- - Information needed to monetize C
credits - Continued regional characterization
- Regional partnership program integration
31Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships
The Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership
(RCSP) Program represents more than 216
organizations in 40 states, three Indian nations,
and four Canadian provinces.
32Partnership Benefits (cont.)
- Breaking news on our four regional field
verification activities.
- Clean coal will be part of our future energy mix.
- Coal gasification will be one option.
- CO2 capture and sequestration will be part of
future coal development activities. - A range of power generation options will be used
to meet our future energy needs.
34Contact Information
Energy Environmental Research Center University
of North Dakota 15 North 23rd Street Stop
9018 Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202-9018 www.und
eerc.org Telephone No. (701) 777-5000 Fax No.
(701) 777-5181
Dr. Michael L. Jones Senior Research
Advisor (701) 777-5152 mjones_at_undeerc.org