Louisiana Department of Education - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Louisiana Department of Education


Louisiana Department of Education – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Louisiana Department of Education

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LASAFAP Spring Conference LDE Presentation
  • Agenda
  • eGMS Issues
  • FY 06/07 Update
  • FY 07/08 Update
  • FY 08/09 Application Preparation
  • Break 1000 1030
  • FY 08/09 Federal Grants Update

eGMS Issues
Checking the Status of Your Application
  • You can check the Review Summary to track your
    applications and amendments

Create Application Button
Create Amendment Button to view and add in
Review Summary Button to check the status
Checking the Status of Your Application
  • Here you can see exactly where your application
    is and whether or not it has been accepted or
    rejected by reviewers thus far.

Removal of Expired Funds
  • Expired funds will soon be removed from your eGMS
  • For IDEA and Preschool this will be 05/06 funds
    that expired 9/30/07
  • For the Titles, this will be 04/05 funds that
    expired 9/30/07

Removal of Expired Funds
  • If you have a fund balance from these years you
    will see a reduction in your allocation and you
    will be over-budgeted on the affected pages
  • You will need to reduce these budgets through an

FY 06/07 Update
FY 06/07 Fund Balances
  • Review of FY 06/07 Carryover balances based on
    9/30/07 PER
  • Requests for Waivers will be going out to all
    LEAs that have exceeded the 15 cap in Title I
    and the 25 cap in Title IV
  • We do not have a waiver from USDOE for FY 06/07,
    so this waiver will count towards your limit of
    one every three years.
  • Everyone starts fresh this year - 1 for anyone
    making a request

FY 06/07 Fund Balances
  • Requests for Waivers under Title I should be sent
    to Bernell Cook with the Division of Education
    Improvement and Assistance
  • Requests for Waivers under Title IV should be
    sent to Terri Byrd with the Division of School
    and Community Support

FY 07/08 Update
FY 07/08 eGrant Application Status
  • 109 Applicants for the 2007-2008 Funding Year
  • 73Approved Applications
  • 20 Have Yet to Submit
  • 16 Pending Approval

FY 07/08 Allocations
  • Final FY 07/08Allocations will be available at
    the end of March
  • These are currently pending release of the 2/1/07
    SIS data
  • You will need to revise your budgets to include
    these final supplements

Budget Amendments for FY 07/08
  • If you have an application or amendment pending
    at LDE when the supplements are loaded, one of
    two things will occur
  • If the application is rejected for modifications,
    you will have to include the most current
    allocation amounts prior to resubmitting
  • If the application is approved, you will have to
    create a new amendment to both view and budget
    the new allocation amounts
  • You must submit an amendment with your revised
    allocations budgeted within 60 days in order to
    avoid an interruption in payments.
  • The amendment does not have to be approved.

Periodic Expense Reports
  • 6/30 Periodic Expense Reports (PER)
  • 6/30 PERs must be completed on all programs for
    year end close out and submitted by 7/15/08
  • This report should reconcile your expenditures
    for the entire fiscal year
  • This report determines your roll over amount
  • The approval of your 6/30 PER triggers the roll
    over funds that will be released into your FY
    08/09 application budget

FY 08/09 Application Preparation
FY 08/09 eGMS Updates
  • FY 2008/2009 eGMS Applications
  • Applications inclusive of your tentative
    allocations will be available on April 1, 2008
  • Applications will be due on or before June 1,

FY 08/09 eGMS Updates
  • FY 08/09 Tentative Allocations
  • Projecting at 90 of FY 08 for Titles I, II and
    III along with IDEA Part B and IDEA Preschool
  • We anticipate a decrease in Title IV funding and
    we are projecting that the tentatives will be at
    80 of the final FY 08 allocation
  • Title V will not be funded in FY 08/09

Tips for Budgeting in eGMS
  • You may not supplant local or state funds with
    these federal dollars
  • For IDEA, you may not supplant other federal
    funds either
  • You may not both direct charge a cost and include
    it in your indirect cost pool
  • You may not budget unallowable costs as set forth
    in Superintendent Pastoreks memo from August 27,
  • Use the links in eGMS -
  • Instructions
  • NCLB IDEA statute and Guidance
  • OMB Circular A-87
  • Use the links to the Object Codes and Education
    Improvement Codes (EIC) to assist you in
    determining how to code appropriately

Common Errors in eGMS
  • Related Benefit coding should follow the coding
    of your salaries
  • All Parental Involvement and Homeless costs
    should be coded to EIC 31
  • EIC 23 is for Professional Development costs. PD
    travel, consultants fees, PD supplies, PD
    stipends and substitutes for teachers
    participating should be under this code

Common Errors in eGMS
  • All tuition costs for School Board personnel
    should be coded to Object Code 200
  • Tuition and stipends for non public employees
    should be coded to Object Code 500
  • Supply sufficient detail for supplies, travel and
  • Indirect Cost is not budgeted automatically the
    maximum amount is calculated and you have to
    enter the amount you choose to budget

Common Errors in eGMS
  • Title IV
  • Student Incentives are not allowable under Title
  • You may only implement research based programs
  • Administrative Cap of 2
  • Security Cap
  • You may only budget up to 20 of your grant for
    security supplies and equipment
  • You may budget up to 40 of your grant for
    security personnel and training
  • You may not exceed 40 total and never over 20
    for supplies and equipment

Program Specific Application Preparation
Title I Intent and Purpose (SEC1001)
  • Meeting Educational Needs of Low-Achieving
  • Closing the Achievement Gap Between High and Low
    Achieving Children
  • School, LEA, and State Accountability to Improve
    Academic Achievement of All Students Especially
    in Low Performing schools

Title I Intent and Purpose (SEC1001)
  • Distributing and Targeting Resources Sufficiently
    to Make a Difference to LEAs and Schools Where
    Needs are Greatest
  • Providing Greater Flexibility to Schools and
  • Involving Parents in the Education of their

Factors for Prompt Approval
  • Submit Before LDE Monitoring Begins
  • Timely Addressing of Requested Modifications
  • Clarity of Budget Details
  • Strategy Planning Worksheet Evaluation Complete

Factors for Prompt Approval
  • Title IV Programs
  • Title II V Program Specific Pages Complete
  • Upcoming Adjustments

Submission Before Monitoring
  • September 2008 (Beginning of Monitoring Season)
  • April 1st Live application (tentative
  • June 1st Submission Due Date

Addressing Modifications Timely
  • Retrieve Checklist for all Reviewers
  • Contact LDE for Clarity
  • LDE Email Modifications

Clarity of Budget Detail
  • Highlight Set-Asides
  • Highlight Supplemental Positions/Activities
  • Proper Identification of Administration Cost

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Clarity of Budget Detail
  • Title I Equitable Services
  • -Teacher/Paraprofessionals
  • -Computer Technician
  • -Supplies
  • -3rd Party Providers
  • -Reservations (i.e. PD, Parental Involvement,
    Instructional Programs)

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Strategy Planning Worksheet Evaluation Component
  • Data Analyzed
  • Personnel Responsible
  • Timelines (Formative and Summative Assessments)

Upcoming Adjustments
  • SES/Choice Pages (If Applicable)
  • Private School Proportional Share Computation
  • Possible EIC Adjustment for Title I Budget Only

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FY 08/09 Federal Grants Update
FY 08/09 Federal Grants Update
  • Current LDE Process
  • LEAs have been allowed to obligate funds on July
    1 regardless of the submission date of their
  • Example
  • Submission Date December 31, 2007
  • Approval Date February 15, 2008
  • Obligations allowed retroactive to July 1, 2007

FY 08/09 Federal Grants Update
  • EDGAR 76.708 reads as follows
  • . . .to make subgrants on the basis of a formula,
    the State may not authorize an applicant for a
    subgrant to obligate funds until the later of the
    following two dates
  • (1)The date that the State may begin to obligate
    funds or
  • (2)The date that the applicant submits its
    application to the State in substantially
    approvable form

Substantially Approvable
  • Definition
  • eGMS once an application is successfully
    submitted to LDE it is considered substantially
  • Paper applications once an application is
    submitted with all required components inclusive
    of original signatures it is considered
    substantially approvable

FY 08/09 Federal Grants Update
  • FY 08/09 LDE Process
  • In order to obligate funds beginning July 1, LEAs
    must submit a substantially approvable
    application on or before July 1
  • Example
  • Submission Date December 31, 2007
  • Approval Date February 15, 2008
  • Obligations allowed retroactive to December 31,

FY 08/09 Federal Grants Update
  • A memo detailing these changes will be
  • The memo will provide a schedule of conference
    calls for LEAs to participate in to discuss this
    policy change
  • LEAs will be able to submit questions regarding
    this change for both electronic and paper grants
    to egms_at_la.gov prior to the calls so that they
    may be addressed by the LDE

To visit our website
  • Go to- www.louisianaschools.net
  • Tab to the bottom of page
  • Click on Management/Finance tab
  • Click on Education Finance
  • Click on Grants
  • This page contains information on the Grants
    Management Unit
  • Budget Forms
  • Quick Reference Guide
  • Allocations

  • Budgets/Allocations
  • Mary.Cavalier_at_la.gov
  • Amanda.Joyner_at_la.gov
  • Rashaunda.Matthews_at_la.gov
  • Phone (225) 342-6311
  • Fax (225) 219-4205
  • eGMS
  • Jason.Berard_at_la.gov
  • Phone (225) 342-0320
  • Payments
  • Babs.Myers_at_la.gov
  • Phone (225) 342-3780

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