The church is the only way - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The church is the only way


... major invertebrate alive today is found in Cambrian ... The Missing Link ... And when you two girls are all grown up, then you have a right to decide ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The church is the only way

Satans Stormy Winds
  • The church is the only way

  • the rain descended, and the floods came, and the
    winds blew (Matt. 725, 27).

  • The Winds of Atheism

(No Transcript)
  • In Reason We Trust?

It is not my purpose to convert people to
atheism such efforts are usually futile. It is
my purpose, however, to demonstrate that the
belief in god is irrational to the point of
absurdity and that this irrationality, when
manifested in specific religions such as
Christianity, is extremely harmful.
  • George H. Smith The Case For Atheism

In other words, I have attempted to remove the
veneer of intellectual and moral respectability
that often enshrouds the notion of a god. If a
person wishes to continue believing in a god,
that is his prerogative, but he can no longer
excuse his belief in the name of reason and moral
  • George H. Smith The Case For Atheism

the fool hath said in his heart, there is no
God (Psa. 141 531).
So Mr. Smith charges that theists are fools for
believing in God, while the Bible charges that
atheists are fools for affirming that there is no
  • Whom Should We Believe?

I can see how it might be possible for a man
to look down upon the earth and be an atheist,
but I cannot conceive how he could look up into
the heavens and say there is no God.
  • Design Argument

Abraham Lincoln
The heavens declare the glory of God and the
firmament sheweth his handywork (Psa. 191).
  • Design Argument

  • The Winds of Darwinism

Charles Darwin was convinced that the fossil
record would be teeming with intermediate
creatures, i.e., one species in the process of
changing into another species.
  • Where did I come from?

If evolution is true, the fossil record should be
littered with transitional creatures that
bridge the gaps between different species.
  • Darwins Fossil Record

The fossil record should begin with very simple
life forms in the oldest rocks (which are
generally on the bottom).
Perhaps most importantly, if evolution is
true, the fossil record should be littered with
transitional creatures that bridge the gaps
between different species.
  • Darwins Fossil Record

What the Fossil Record Actually Reveals
  • Evolutionists date the fossils in this stratum
    to be 600 million years old.
  • However, the amazing thing is that the animals
    found here are fully developed creatures.

What the Fossil Record Actually Reveals
There is absolutely no evidence that the animals
in this stratum were in the process of evolving
when they died. In fact, every major invertebrate
alive today is found in Cambrian rocks. When
fish show up in the fossil record, they are fully
developed, with no evidence of any transitional
creaturesnot even one!
What the Fossil Record Actually Reveals?
There is much more missing than one linkthe
whole chain is missing!
  • The Missing Link is Still Missing!

The entire hominid (pre-people) fossil collection
known today would barely cover a billiard table.
Dr. Duane Gish observed The concept of a
frog being turned into a prince in an instant is
a fairy tale, but the assertion that a frog,
given 300 million years, can turn into a man is
considered science.
When it comes to the origin of the life on
this earth, there are only two possibilities
creation or spontaneous generation (evolution).
There is no third way. Spontaneous generation was
disproved 100 years ago, but that leads us only
to one other conclusion that of supernatural
creation. We cannot accept that on philosophical
grounds therefore, we choose to believe the
impossible that life arose spontaneously by
George Wald1967 Winner of the Nobel Prize for
Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We
believe in it because the only alternative is
special creation, and that is unthinkable.
Sir Arthur KeithThe Scottish anatomist and
Evolution is universally accepted, not because
it can be proved by logically coherent evidence
to be true, but because the only alternative,
special creation, is clearly incredible.
Dr. D. M. S. Watson of the University of London
The Winds of Humanism
Humanism is a philosophical system which asserts
that there is nothing that exists that is morally
superior to man.
  • Protagoras

Man is the measure of all things.
Humanism worships man as the source of all
knowledge and truth, whereas Theism worships God
as the source of all knowledge and truth.
5th Century B.C.
  • Humanisms Creed

  • Humanist Manifesto

John Dewey, often labeled as the father of
progressive education, led the way.
  • Humanist Manifesto 2

Humanism assigns to man nothing less than the
task of being his own saviour and redeemer.
Corliss Lamont
  • Humanist Manifesto 2

While there is much that we do not know,
humans are responsible for what we are or will
become. No deity will save we must save
  • Chris Brockman

We no longer need gods to explain how things
happen. By careful thinking, measuring and
testing we have discovered many of the real
causes of things, and were discovering more all
the time. We call this thinking...
The Winds of Subjectivism
In the area of sexuality, we believe that
intolerant attitudes, often cultivated by
orthodox religions and puritanical cultures,
unduly repress sexual conduct. The right to birth
control, abortion and divorce should be
While we do not approve of exploitive,
denigrating forms of sexual expression, neither
do we wish to prohibit, by law or by social
sanction, sexual behavior between consenting
adults. The many varieties of sexual exploration
should not in themselves be considered evil.
Without countenancing mindless permissiveness or
unbridled promiscuity, a civilized society should
be a tolerant one. Short of harming others or
compelling them to do likewise, individuals
should be permitted to express their sexual
proclivities and pursue their life-styles as they
desire (HM2).
The greatest danger in marriage is lack of
variety. Most marriage partners need more
diversity in sex interplay than they can give
each other and should therefore have ample
contacts with friends of the opposite sex outside
the family circle.
Corliss Lamont
Since premarital sex relations are no longer
viewed as morally reprehensible or sinful by most
educated and informed individuals, there need be
no intrinsic guilt attached to them.
Dr. Albert Ellis
I had motives for not wanting the world to
have meaning consequently, assumed it had none,
and was able without any difficulty to find
satisfying reasons for this assumption...
Alduous Huxley
The philosopher who finds no meaning in the
world is not concerned exclusively with a problem
in pure metaphysics he is also concerned to
prove that there is no valid reason why he
personally should not do as he wants to do...
Alduous Huxley
For myself, as no doubt for most of my
contemporaries, the philosophy of meaninglessness
was essentially an instrument of liberation.
Alduous Huxley
The liberation we desired was simultaneously
liberation from a certain political and economic
system and liberation from a certain system of
morality. We objected to the morality because it
interfered with our sexual freedom.
Alduous Huxley
did not like to retain God in their knowledge
(Rom. 128).
We can no longer base our ethics on the idea
that human beings are a special form of creation,
made in the image of God, singled out from all
the other animals and also possessing an immortal
It is frightening to think that an
organization devoted to taking care of children
would adopt such a godless philosophy of ethics.
Humanist C. F. Potter wrote Education is
thus a powerful ally of humanism and every
American public school is a school of humanism
What can the theistic Sunday schools, meeting
for an hour once a week, and teaching only a
fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of
a five-day program of humanistic teaching?
I think the most important factor leading us
to a secular society has been the educational
factor. Our schools may not teach Johnny to read
properly, but the fact that Johnny is in school
until he is 16 tends to lead toward the
elimination of religious superstition.
--Paul Blanchard, Humanist
If schools teach dependence on ones self
they are more revolutionary than any conspiracy
to overthrow the government.
H. J. Blackham
A large majority of the educators of
American colleges and universities are
predominantly humanists, and a majority of
teachers who go out from their studies in
colleges to responsibilities in primary and
secondary schools are basically humanist, no
matter that many maintain a nominal attachment to
church or synagogue for good personal, social or
practical reasons.
Morris Storer Director of The American Humanist
Association (1975-1980)
John Dunphy I am convinced that the battle
for humankinds future must be waged and won in
the public school classroom by teachers who
correctly perceive their role as the
proselytizers of a new faith a religion of
humanity that recognizes and respects the spark
of what theologians call divinity in every human
These teachers must embody the same selfless
dedication as the most rabid fundamentalist
preachers, for they will be ministers of another
sort, utilizing a classroom instead of a pulpit
to convey humanist values in whatever subject
they teach, regardless of the educational level
preschool day care or large state university.
The classroom must and will become an arena of
conflict between the old and new the rotting
corpse of Christianity, together with all its
adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of
humanism, resplendent in its promise of a world
in which the never-realized Christian ideal of
love thy neighbor will finally be achieved.
Then perhaps, we will be able to say with Tom
Paine that the World is my country, all
humankind are my brethren, and to do good is my
religion. It will undoubtedly be a long,
arduous, painful struggle replete with much
sorrow and many tears, but humanism will emerge
triumphant. It must if the family of humankind is
to survive. John Dunphy (1983)
He has the right to develop HIS OWN personal
values, free from parental influence and
authority, free from religious influences. It can
further convince the child that there are NO
ABSOLUTES. NO RIGHT. NO WRONG. The child is told
that whatever value he chooses is right for him.
Excerpt from a Pamphlet Is Humanism Molesting
Your Child?
Absolute truth belongs to only one classthe
class of absolute fools.
Ashly Montagu
At one time sex education was based...on
innocence, ideals and moral codes...but....we are
now moving toward a more humanistic approach. In
other words, there are no absolute rights or
wrongs for young people when it comes to the
subject of human sexuality.
The North Carolina Department of Public
Instruction Policy Manual
Torcaso v. Watkins, 1961
Among religions in this country which do not
teach what would generally be considered a belief
in the existence of God are Buddhism, Taoism,
Ethical Culture, Secular Humanism and others.
Justice Hugo L. Black
Humanism may not have Sunday schools but it has
something moreit has numerous Monday-Friday
schools. Thats right. The humanists are bragging
that Humanism is alive and well in the public
One of the greatest crusaders for the religion of
Humanism is the television. Satan is using the
airwaves to whittle away at our convictions.
A case in point was a CBS made-for-TV movie
called Not In Front Of The Children. The movie
centered on a mother who chose to live with a man
without benefit of marriage. Her ex-husband is
represented as a Christian.
The drama opens with tender, heart-warming music
surrounding scenes of affection between mother,
children and mothers live-in boyfriend. Music
stops. It is Sunday morning.
Enter one obviously narrow-minded father who is
upset at the thought of his children living under
the same roof with mother and boyfriend. Consider
the dialogue from this movie
Husband Nancy, you are the person they
(daughters) respect most in the whole world, and
youre teaching them that intimacy outside
marriage is not a sin.
Wife I dont think it isI am being honest with
themI am doing whats right for me, and later on
they can do whats right for them.
Husband If you deliberately choose to have a
relationship with some man, thats your right and
your choice, even if I dont approve. But what
about their rights? They didnt choose to live
with this man.
Wife I asked them. They wanted to. Husband
Theyre babies! They dont know what it means. I
forbid you to flaunt this relationship in front
of my children. (Husband leaves.)
Daughter (Who has overheard conversation)
Mom, are you gonna go to hell?
Mother No, sweetheart, Im not. This is kind of
hard to explainEveryone has their own beliefs.
And your Daddy thinks the way were living
together is wrong. He has a right to think that.
But I dont. I believe God is love, and that what
we have together,
Paul (her live-in companion) and I (beautiful,
moving inspirational music starts again) and you
two girls, thats love. And I think God
understands that. Thats what I believe. And when
you two girls are all grown up, then you have a
right to decide whats right for you. OK?
The remainder of the program is a study in
contrasts. At one end of the spectrum is the
harsh, bigoted, dogmatic, intolerant,
domineering, ill-tempered, biased, overbearing
Christian ex-husband.
At the other end are the sympathetic, caring,
kind, affectionate, gentle, understanding,
tender, benevolent, secular living-together
lovers. Throughout the program, the injured party
is the teary-eyed ex-wife who is consistently a
victim of Christian intolerance.
Humanist can make fun of God-intoxicated
believers all they wantbut at least we know
exactly where we came from and we know exactly
what we are doing here.
Our purpose is to fear God and keep his
commandments (Eccl. 1213).
Our task is to let our light so shine before men
that they may see our good works and glorify the
Father in heaven (Matt. 516).
While the humanist stumbles through life,
tripping over the consequences of following his
own desires, we trust in the Lord with all our
hearts instead of leaning to our own
understanding (Prov. 35-7).
We do not glory in our own wisdom, but rather in
the infinitely superior wisdom of God (Jer.
923-24 1 Cor. 318-21).
Consequently, we freely admit that the way of
man is not in himself it is not in man that
walketh to direct his steps (Jer. 1023).
We would rather let the Lord direct our steps
(Prov. 169) because the way that seems right to
us may lead to death (1625).
If we trust in the wisdom of our own hearts we
are foolsif we follow the wisdom of God we shall
be delivered from philosophy and vain deceit
(Col. 28).
The wisdom of this world is foolishness compared
to the wisdom of God (I. Cor. 318-21).
The wisdom of this world is foolishness compared
to the wisdom of God (I. Cor. 318-21).
Christianity offers something rock solidSatan
offers nothing but shifting sand.
Christianity offers a dignified answer to the
question, Where did I come from?
I am not the accidental happenstance of ocean
slime. I am a member of the human race, made in
the image of God. (Gen. 126)
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