Title: Yakutia
2Siberian Crane on the species breeding grounds
in northern Yakutia
The Yakutia Republic in northeastern Russia is a
critical breeding and migration area for Siberian
Cranes along the East Asia flyway.
3The Siberian Crane breeding areas in the north,
including the Kytalyk Resource Reserve, are
located in the tundra, vast treeless areas
crossed by rivers and covered by many small
lakes. The Chabda Resource Reserve and
neighboring nature reserves in southern Yakutia
used by migrating Siberian Cranes are located in
the taiga, open plains with forests of larch,
pine and fir. Both regions are covered by
permafrost, or permanently frozen ground that may
be a few inches or several feet below the
4Yakutia is home to several indigenous peoples,
including the Yakut and Even, who have lived in
this region for many generations and still
practice a traditional way of life (such as
reindeer herding). Along with Russian, Yakut is
an official language of the Republic.
Logo for Siberian Crane education activities in
Moma Ulus, Yakutia. The child dancing with the
crane is wearing traditional Even clothing.
5- Conservation Threats
- Migration stop over areas in southern Yakutia
are threatened by mining and oil extraction,
which can destroy wetland habitats and effect
water quality. - Migrating Siberian Cranes are also at risk of
accidentally eating lead shot, which is still
used for waterfowl hunting in many areas. - The death of these two cranes (right) in central
Yakutia was linked to lead poisoning. The birds
had high levels of lead in their bodies and many
shots were found in their stomachs.
6Conservation Threats
- Climate change and warming temperatures in the
Artic threaten to melt permafrost near Siberian
Crane breeding areas, raising water levels along
the edges of small lakes and wetlands where the
cranes nest and feed. Rising water levels will
reduce the number of suitable nesting areas and
make it more difficult for the cranes to find
7Conservation SolutionsReducing use of lead
shotIn the last few years, a shot producer in
the Irkutsk Region in southeastern Russia has
started to manufacture shot that is only 30
lead. Before this change, the Yakutian
government communicated with the company and
explained why lead shot is not good for the
Migrating Siberian Cranes in the Chabda Resource
8Conservation Solutions
Researchers are studying breeding Siberian Cranes
in Yakutia to learn more about the cranes
nesting areas and the number of cranes that
summer in Yakutia. Researchers are also banding
Siberian Crane chicks in Yakutia so that we can
follow the banded birds during their long
migrations to southern China. We hope to learn
more about their migration routes and where the
birds spend the winter and first summer away from
their parents.
9Conservation SolutionsCommunity
EducationStudents in Yakutia are learning about
the East Asia flyway and Siberian Cranes through
annual Crane Celebrations (below), a Russian
language website (right) and participation in an
art exchange with students in China and the
United States.
- Describe the difference between the tundra and
taiga. - List two main threats to the wetlands and
Siberian Cranes in Yakutia. - List two solutions for these threats.
- Bonus question
- Migratory birds like the Siberian Crane connect
landscapes and people that are far from each
other. The Siberian Crane breeds in far northern
Russia and migrates 3,000 miles south to southern
China for the winter. How does this effect our
conservation efforts for this species? (hint do
the cranes only need safe places to summer in
Yakutia to survive?)