Title: Endogenous Grading and Labour Market Mismatch
1Measuring Competitive Balance and Match
Uncertainty in Professional Tennis. Are There
Differences Among Gender and Court Surfaces?
Julio del Corral
2- Introduction
- Data
- Competitive balance (CB) and match uncertainty
(MU) in elimination tournaments - Results
- Conclusions
3- Competitive balance and match uncertainty has
been analyzed widely in leagues of team sports
(American football, baseball, football). - However there is almost no paper that analyze
those concepts in individual sports. Some
exceptions are - Rhom et al. (2004) investigated the degree of
competition at a major tennis championship
(Wimbledon) from 1968 to 2001 using the degree of
dominance among the four top seeds - Du Bois and Heyndels (2007) studied
match-specific uncertainty, inter-seasonal
uncertainty as well as indicators for long-term
uncertainty in mens and womens tennis - But they have not compared neither gender nor
court surfaces differences using match data
4- Women grand slam matches are played to the best
of 3 sets while men matches are played to the
best of 5 sets. Hence, the favorite is more
likely to win in men than in women matches by
probabilistic theory - On the contrary, Magnus and Klaasen (1999) argued
that men are more equal in quality than are women - Therefore, it is very interesting to test the
difference in match uncertainty and competitive
balance among gender since it remains unclear
from a theoretical point of view
5- Tennis circuits are divided into Grand Slam
Tournaments and other tournaments such as Master
Series, Fed Cup, Davis Cup... - There are four tennis Grand Slam tournaments
which are played in different court surfaces
(i.e., grass in Wimbledon, hard in US and
Australian Opens and clay in the French Open) - The court surface could influence the balance. In
particular, it is expected that the match
uncertainty will be higher on grass than on clay
and hard courts
6- The objectives of the paper are
- Propose two alternative measures of competitive
balance in elimination tournaments based on the
performance of all seeded players - To use such measures to analyze the competitive
balance in tennis Grand Slam tournaments - Measure the level of match uncertainty in tennis
as well as analyzing its determinants.
Especially, we are interested in the effect of
gender and soil court on match uncertainty
7- In order to calculate the competitive balance in
elimination tournaments, we propose to use two
measures based on the seed players performance - the percentage of the seeded players who should
achieve some round over the total players in that
round - The percentage of some points given according to
the ranking over the points that should achieve
some round
n- number of seeded players
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14- We have used data from the tennis Grand Slams
tournaments from Wimbledon 2005 to Roland Garros
2007 (that is 8 tournaments) - Each draw is composed by 128 players. In total we
gathered data on 2,032 matches
15Pretty similar
In first rounds Wimbledon has the highest CB
16Women has lower competitive balance with the
only exception of the final (Federer vs. Nadal)
In first rounds Wimbledon has the highest CB
non-nested probit estimations where the dependent
variable takes the value of one whether there is
an upset and zero otherwise. Therefore, positive
coefficients? higher match uncertainty - Independent variables
- Gender dummy variables (DMALE, DFEMALE)
- Court surface dummies (HARD, CLAY, GRASS)
- Difference in absolute ranking (DIFRANK,
DIFRANK2) - DIFRANKM8-log(rank) following Klaasen and
Magnus (2001) - Other variables Player from qualifying round
(DQUALIFICATION), Local player dummies (DLOCALF,
DLOCALU) and differences in height and weight
18Lower MU in men than in women
GRASSDFEMALE is the base
Higher rank difference? lower MU
Higher MU in grass
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20- We proposed to measure the tournament competitive
balance using the performance of all seeded
players - Women have lower competitive balance than men
except in the final round - It was found some support for the notion that
grass courts have the highest competitive balance - The upset probability is significantly greater in
womens than in mens mathches. Moreover, the
highest upset probability occurs on the quickest
surface (i.e., grass)
22- In order to calculate the match uncertainty we
use the percentages of the matches in which the
underdog beats the favorite (upset)
23TABLE 3 Percentage of Upsets
24TABLE 3 Percentage of Upsets