Title: Marvelous Mammals
1Marvelous Mammals
- Kindergarten Curriculum Web
- By Jamie Evans
- Click on the arrow to begin
Teaching Guide
2What is a mammal?
- A mammal is an animal.
- Do you think that all animals mammals?
3 4Correct! Not every animal is a mammal.
- There are many different groups of animals.
These groups include - Mammals
- Reptiles
- Amphibians
- Birds
- Fish
- Arthropods
- Click on the tiger to learn more about the
animal groups.
5What do we want to know about mammals?
- What makes an animal a mammal?
- What do mammals eat?
- Where do mammals live?
- Are humans mammals?
- Are there any exceptions?
- Click here to start the quiz
6What makes an animal a mammal?
- To be a mammal, the animal must
- have fur or hair
- breathe air
- have a backbone
- have live babies
- are warm blooded
- Click on the tiger to learn more.
7What do mammals eat? Like most animals, mammals
eat many things like
8Where do mammals live?Mammals live in
Click on the pictures to see animals that live in
that area.
9Are there any exceptions?
- Yes! Both the spiny anteater and the platypus
are mammals, but they both lay eggs. - spiny anteater platypus
10 Here are some mammals that live in the
11 Here are some mammals that live on the
plains and fields.
12 Here are some mammals that live in the
13 Here are some mammals that live in the
14Are humans mammals?
15Correct! Humans are mammals!
- Humans
- have fur
- breathe air
- have a backbone
- have live babies
- are warm blooded
- have live babies
16 17Is this a mammal?
- Cats
- have fur
- breathe air
- have a backbone
- have live babies
- are warm blooded
- Cats are mammals.
- Next Question
19 20Is this a mammal?
- Eagles
- do not have fur
- do not have live babies
- Eagles are not mammals.
- Next Question
22 23Is this a mammal?
- Dogs
- have fur
- breathe air
- have a backbone
- have live babies
- are warm blooded
- Dogs are mammals.
- Next Question
25 26Is this a mammal?
- Butterflies
- do not have fur
- do not have live babies
- do not have backbones
- are not warm blooded
- Butterflies are not mammals.
- Next Question
28 29Is this a mammal?
- Goldfish
- do not have fur
- do not have live babies
- do not have backbones
- are not warm blooded
- do not breathe air
- Goldfish are not mammals.
31 32Congratulations!
- You have worked very hard. See your teacher
for the next Mammal Mission. - Teachers Guide
33Teaching Guide
- Introduction
- Throughout the year, our kindergarten science
curriculum focuses on animals. We learn how they
look, feel, act, and sound. We learn about where
they live and what they eat. We learn about the
different classifications of animals and their
lifecycles. We also introduce an array of
vocabulary that revolves around this topic. - Aim
- The aim of this curriculum web is to give the
students the opportunity to learn about and view
one of animal classifications, mammals, that
kindergarten studies throughout the year. - Rationale
- The rationale is to allow the students to
experience information about mammals in a
different context.
34Teaching Guide cont.
- Description of audience prerequisites
- Audience-This curriculum web is designed for
kindergarten learners. - Prerequisites-The students must be able to follow
simple directions. They need to be able to work
a mouse by pointing and clicking. Some
background of animals would be beneficial. - Description of Subject-Matter
- This curriculum web mostly addresses science.
Other subjects such as technology, math, and
reading also play a role in this curriculum web.
35Teaching Guide cont.
- Learning objectivesstandards
- This curriculum web meets the following learning
standards - 12AKnow and apply concepts that explain how
living things function, adapt, and change. - 12.A.1aIdentify and describe the component
parts of living things (e.g. birds have feathers
people have bones, blood, hair, skin) and their
major functions. - 12.A.1bCategorize living organisms using a
variety of observable features (e.g. size, color,
shape, backbone). - 12.B.1a---Describe and compare characteristics
of living things in relationship to their
36Teaching Guide cont.
- Instructional plan
- As a class, make a list of animals.
- Compare the similarities and differences of the
animals, use pictures if available. - Introduce the term mammal.
- Discuss what the students believe a mammal is.
Talk about possible examples. Try to figure out
what they all have in common.
37Teaching Guide cont.
- Using the above information create a KWL chart.
Make sure to add in the questions used throughout
the curriculum web. - What is a mammal?
- Are all animals mammals?
- What makes an animal be a mammal?
- What do mammals eat?
- Where do mammals live?
- Are humans mammals?
- Are there any exceptions?
38Teaching Guide cont.
- Begin a guided study of mammals using the
curriculum web. - Take the curriculum web one question at a time.
Discuss the information and visit the websites
included in the curriculum web as a class. - After discussing all the questions, have the
students individually take the curriculum web
quiz found on the curriculum web.
39Teaching Guide cont.
- Follow up activities
- Activity 1-Read the book It Could Still be a
Mammal By Alan Fowler. Then discuss. - Activity 2-Have the students create a picture of
a mammal and write/sound out the name of their
animal on their own. When completed, have the
students present their mammal picture to the
class and add it to the class bulletin board. - Activity 3-Have the students use Kid Pix computer
software to complete animal habitats. The
students will match animal stamps to the
appropriate habitats. We will repeat this
activity for each of the habitats.
40Teaching Guide cont.
- List of materials
- One computer per student or one computer for a
small group of students - Kid Pix software program
- Teaching guide
- Paper
- Pencils, crayons, markers, glue, scrap
construction paper, scissors - Pictures/posters of animals
- Books on animals, both fiction and nonfiction
- Internet access
41Teaching Guide cont.
- Plan for assessment and evaluation
- Self evaluation quiz on mammals
- Class participation in discussions and activities
on mammals - Have students use Kid Pix software program to
classify mammals into the appropriate habitat - Have students draw/create picture examples of a
42Teaching Guide cont.
- The following sites are used as links within the
curriculum web. - http//facstaff.buffalostate.edu/beaverjf/mammals/
tsld002.htm - http//yahooligans.yahoo.com/content/animals/speci
es/3903.html - http//www.animaltrial.com/platypus.html
- Start Marvelous Mammals