Title: Getting Cozy with the CODATA Elephant
1Getting Cozy with the CODATA Elephant
- Some Ideas on Forging Closer Ties Between IASSIST
2Objective of this presentation___________________
- To float some ideas on how IASSIST
- can work more closely with other
- data organizations such as
- To highlight the Canadian experience
- between CODATA and IASSIST
3 Who/What is Codata? ___________________________
- The Committee on Data for Science and Technology.
See http//www.codata.org/ - An interdisciplinary Scientific Committee of the
International Council for Science (ICSU) - established 40 years ago
- five years before IASSIST was formed.
- CODATA works to improve the quality, reliability,
management and accessibility of data of
importance to all fields of science and
technology. - A resource that provides scientists and engineers
with access to international data activities for
increased awareness, direct cooperation and new
4 Who is the ICSU? ____________________
- The International Council for Science (ICSU) is a
non-governmental organization representing 116
members and 30 international scientific unions - This extensive international network provides a
forum for discussion of issues relevant to policy
for international science and the importance of
international science for policy issues and
undertakes a number of activities in this
5 Who/What is Codata? Contd
- CODATA was established by ICSU to promote and
encourage, on a world-wide basis, the
compilation, evaluation and dissemination of
reliable numerical data of importance to science
and technology. - To sum up, one could say that CODATA is to
scientific data what IASSIST is to the social
science world (only bigger)
6 Who wants to get cozy with CODATA?
- IASSIST does! (Not entirely sure about CODATA)
- One of the thrusts of the IASSIST 2004-2009
Strategic Plan - Collaborations and Strategic Alliances with
Related Organizations - IASSIST would best leverage its resources by
working in partnership with other organizations
committed to the collection, dissemination, and
preservation of data. - See IASSIST Strategic Plan
7 So Why the Elephant?_________________________
- CODATA is a large organization so it can be
likened to an elephant - And by comparison, IASSIST is small
8So is this a story about an elephant
and a Mouse?
- Luckily (for IASSIST) this does not depict the
relationship between the two organizations!
9Wildebeests and Impalas tend to graze together in
Africa. They compliment each other for mutual
10How cozy have we been so far?
- Paula Lackie and Bill Block presented at the 2006
CODATA International Conference that was held in
Beijing - See link for a wonderful presentation
- Paula and Bill reported on their CODATA
experience the Montreal IASSIST Conference (2007) -
11How cozy have we been so far? Contd
- Montreal 2007 conference
- Michel Sabourin (Université de Montréal, Chair,
Canadian National Committee for CODATA) - Described a broad strategy aimed at establishing
dedicated national infrastructure, tentatively
called Data Canada, to assume overall leadership
in the development and execution of a strategic
plan. - Over the years there have been other presenters
- E.g., Bob Chen from CIESEN
- This year, Raed Shariff, University of Syracuse
12The 2008 Canadian experience
- Discovery of the Canadian National Committee for
CODATA (CNC/CODATA), the Canadian voice of
CODATA - CNC/CODATA is sponsored by CISTI (the Canada
Institute for Scientific and Technical
Information), part of the National Research
Council of Canada - CNC/CODATA is made up of members and observers
- The 2008 Annual Meeting of the Canadian CODATA
committee was held on September 26, 2008 (Chair
was Michel Sabourin) - Wendy Watkins and Ernie Boyko invited themselves
to the CNC/CODATA annual meeting.
13CNC/CODATA 2008 meeting
- Discovery of CNC/CODATA was serendipitous
- Margaret Haines (Carleton University Librarian)
and Wendy Watkins sit on a Research Data Strategy
Working Group. (Haines Task Group 3 Research
Data Capacity--Skills, Training, Rewards System) - A member of that committee mentioned the
CNC/CODATA meeting.and off we went
15CNC/CODATA Meeting
- Agenda
- Report on data strategies
- ICSTI 2009 Conference Ottawa Managing Data for
Science - Reports from various scientific groups.
- Participants (about 30)
- Several physical scientists
- Three social scientists
16CNC/CODATA Meeting, Ottawa
- During a round table session, IASSIST and
Canadian data initiatives were highlighted - Data Liberation
- ltODESIgt
- This was well received, it was noted that IASSIST
was quite advanced in the area of managing
research data. - We prepared and submitted a report
- Are now formal participants (observers)
17CNC/CODATA Meeting, Ottawa
- Why are we participating in CNC/CODATA?
- CNC/CODATA -- focus on science complements
IASSISTs focus on Social Science - Hope to bring a wider social science perspective
to the work of CODATA - Represents an opportunity to learn from each
other - tools and approaches
- Provides a platform for participation in national
and international research data initiatives - We plan to continue. First project should be a
joint article for the IQ (IASSIST Quarterly)
18What else can IASSIST do with CODATA?
- Participate in CODATA conferences where funding
and support is available - Ensure that CODATA members are aware of the
IASSIST conference and feel free to participate - Look for national CODATA committees in other
countries - Participation in national committees could be
possible where such committees exist. - Dont be shy!
19A Few National Codata Committees
- US http//sites.nationalacademies.org/pga/brdi/PGA
_046807 - Australia http//www.atnf.csiro.au/people/rnorris/
NCDS/index.html - Germany http//www.codata-germany.org/
- South Africa http//www.nrf.ac.za/services/icsu/co
datasa.stm - Korea http//codata.kisti.re.kr/
20What else can IASSIST do with CODATA?
- Participate in their international conferences
where funding and support is available - Look for national CODATA committees in other
countries - Participation in national committees could be
possible where such committees exist. - Examine the CODATA organizational model of
providing an umbrella for a range initiatives,
e.g., - Web site
- Communication with members
- Report to IASSIST and encourage CODATA
participate in IASSIST events
21(No Transcript)
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23In Conclusion
- Our Canadian experience confirms that identifying
CODATA as an organization that IASSIST should
associate with is an appropriate strategic
direction. - They are a data organization and so is IASSIST
- There are things that we can learn from them
- There are things that we can share with them
- It gives us a window to broader research data
activities within our respective countries and
internationally - There is at least some scope for replicating the
Canadian experience in other countries - And a final word about elephants
24How can you tell whether this is an African or an
Asian Elephant?
25Thank You Very Much
- Ernie Boyko
- boykern_at_yahoo.com