Title: Pasteurellaceae of Ruminants
1Pasteurellaceae of Ruminants
- A Review of Research Activities
- Alton (Al) C. S. Ward, PhD, Professor Emeritus
- University of Idaho
- Caine Veterinary Teaching Center
- Caldwell, Idaho
2 Background
- Research in animal diseases gt35 yrs Diseases
affecting reproduction and survival of neonates - Diagnostic microbiology gt20 yrs
- Isolation of bacteria in Pasteurellaceae family
from clinical specimens - Development and use of selective media for
Pasteurellaceae isolation
3 Pasteurellaceae family genera
- Actinobacillus (example equuli)
- Haemophilus (example somnus)
- Pasteurella (example multocida, and trehalosi)
- Mannheimia - New genus for identification of some
isolates formerly identified in Pasteurella genus
(example haemolytica) -
- Obligate bacterial parasites of vertebrates
- Common commensals of upper respiratory tract
- Associated with disease as primary or
opportunistic pathogens - Extremely diverse
5 Initiation of bighorn sheep
studies at CVTC
- 1988 An ongoing respiratory disease epizootic
in Central Idaho bighorn sheep - Two bighorn ewes taken to CVTC for diagnostic
evaluation - Question Do these bighorn sheep have
Pasteurella, and if they do, did they get it
from domestic sheep?
- Culture samples from multiple sources
- Differentiation of Pasteurella strains
- Evaluation of strain distribution
- Evaluation of disease potentials
7Isolation of Pasteurella from multiple sources
Objective 1
- Bighorn sheep from 14 western states, British
Columbia and Alberta Canada - Domestic sheep on private land and on bighorn
sheep habitat - Additional animal sources
- Archived collection of gt6,000 isolates
8Biovariant Classification System (M.D. Jaworski,
et al., Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic
Investigation 1998 1049-55)
- Biovariants determined by differences in
- Fermentation of
- -Trehalose
- -Xylose
- -Arabinose
- -Salicin
- -Sorbitol
- -Cellobiose
- -Maltose
- Production of enzymes
- -Ornithine decarboxylase
- -a-Fucosidase
- -ß-Glucosidase
- -ß-Galactosidase
- Catalase
9Benefits of biovariant identification
- Differentiates isolates into multiple groups
- Provides basis to detect geographic and host
distribution - First step in identification of Pasteurella types
colonizing individual animals and populations
(Population compatibilities?) - First step in detecting transmission of strains
between individual animals or populations - Number of biovariants
- identified to date
- P. multocida 32
- P. haemolytica 184
- P. trehalosi 45
10DNA Fingerprinting
- Allows differentiation, as well as tracking
transmission, of unique strains(M.D. Jaworski,
et al., Journal of Clinical Microbiology 1993
31831-835) - Restriction Enzyme analysis (REA)
- Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP)
- Provides second step to evaluate
- compatibilities of animal populations
11Pasteurella dendogram
Pasteurella multocida subsp. multocida a (Weiser
et al., Journal of Wildlife Diseases 2003
1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2
12 Bighorn sheep pneumonia epizootic a case
study (Rudolph et al., Journal of Wildlife
Diseases in review)
- Disease in Hells Canyon in 1995-96 after contact
with a feral goat (30 augmentations) - 72 sheep were removed to prevent disease spread
- Multiple strains of each P. multocida, trehalosi,
haemolytica were isolated - Mycoplasma sp was isolated from 5
- PI-3 virus isolated from lung of one sheep
- Serological tests suggestive of active PI-3 and
RSV viral infections - DNA profiles did not incriminate goats
- Essentially all animals harbor Pasteurellaceae
- Most Pasteurellaceae strains have narrow host
range - Pasteurella spp are very diverse
- Multiple procedures used for strain
differentiation - Multiple factors associated with strain disease
potential - Pasteurella strains indigenous in bighorn
populations critical factor to be considered
prior to translocation of animals
Presentation Created by Vienna Ward