Interatomic Forces and Protein Structure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Interatomic Forces and Protein Structure


Interactions between atoms within the protein chain ... MAD cow (bovine spongiform ecephalopathy, BSE) KURU. Creutzfeld-Jacob ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Interatomic Forces and Protein Structure

Interatomic Forcesand Protein Structure

Forces that stabilize protein structure
  • Interactions between atoms within the protein
  • Interactions between the protein and the solvent

Bond types in proteins
  • Covalent bonds
  • Hydrogen bonds
  • Metal ligands
  • Ionic interactions
  • Disulfide bonds
  • Non-bond interactions

Favourable conformations in polypeptides
  • Covalent interactions establish the structural
    framework of the protein molecule, the chemical
    expression of primary structure
  • Backbone conformation constrained by steric
    restrictions on ? and ? torsions
  • Sidechain conformations are also constrained
  • Favourable sidechain conformations depend on the
    sidechain and also on its neighbours.
  • S-S Bonds between cysteine residues can form
    within proteins

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Electrostatic Interactions
  • Charged side chains in protein can interact
    favorably with an opposing charge of another side
    chain according to Coulombs law
  • Examples of favorable electrostatic interaction
    include that between positively charged lysine
    and negatively charged glutamic acid.
  • Salts have the ability to shield electrostatic

Charge-charge interactions
  • Coulomb interaction between two ions
  • At close range, Coulomb interactions are as
    strong as covalent bonds
  • Their energy decreases with 1/r and fall off to
    less than kT at about 56 nm separation between
  • In practice, charge-charge interactions have been
    shown to be chemically significant at up to 15 Å
    in proteins
  • Small charged metal ions can act as positive
    charge in an ion pair

Salt Bridge
Hydrogen bonds
  • Noncovalent chemical bond in which an
    electronegative atom (a hydrogen-bond acceptor)
    shares a hydrogen atom with an electronegative
    atom with a bound hydrogen
  • Energy 10-40 kJ/mol
  • Approximately 1.7-3 Å in length
  • Strength varies with angle of hydrogen-bond
  • Individually, not very strong, but the large
    numbers of hydrogen bonds in regular secondary
    structures stabilize the framework of the protein

H-bonding in lysozyme
Hydrogen Bonds
Hydrogen bonds in protein structure
van der Waals forces
  • Nonspecific forces between like or unlike atoms
  • Decrease with r6
  • approximately 1 kJ/mol
  • r0 is the sum of van der Waals radii for the two
    atoms. Van der Waals forces are attractive forces
    when rgt r0 and repulsive when rlt r0.

Approximate Strengths of Interactions between
The hydrophobic force
  • Observation
  • Hydrophobic residues are buried while hydrophilic
    residues are on the outside.
  • The exterior surface area of proteins can be up
    to 60 polar atoms
  • Proteins fold to maximize their effectiveness as
    hydrogen-bonding partners to water
  • Explanation
  • When hydrophobic residues are exposed to solvent,
    the extended hydrogen bonding structure of water
    is disrupted
  • Breaking hydrogen bonds in water is energetically
  • Water molecules reorient around the hydrophobic
    molecule, so that the least number of hydrogen
    bonds are sacrificed to accommodate it
  • Burying hydrophobic residues releases water and
    increases entropy.

Packing of Globular Proteins
  • Secondary structures pack closely to one another
    and also intercalate with extended polypeptide
  • Most polar residues face the outside of protein
    and interact with solvent but may be buried if
    H-bonding and charge is satisfied
  • Most hydrophobic residues face the interior of
    the protein and interact with each other thereby
    minimizing contact with water
  • van der Waals volume is about 72-77 of the
    total protein volume about 25 is not occupied
    by protein atoms. These cavities provide
    flexibility in protein conformation and dynamics
  • Random coil or loops maybe of importance in
    protein function (interacting with other
    molecules, enzyme reactions)

The Thermodynamics of Folding
  • Folding of a globular protein is a
    thermodynamically favored process, i.e. ?G must
    be negative.
  • The folding process involves going from a
    multitude of random-coil conformations to a
    single folded structure.
  • The folding process involves a decrease in
    randomness and thus a decrease in entropy -?S and
    an overall positive contribution to ?G. This
    decrease in entropy is termed conformational
  • An overall negative ?G a result of features
    that yield a large negative ?H or some other
    increase in entropy on folding.

?G ?H - T?S
Protein Folding No Net Enthalpic Contribution
  • Formation of secondary structure is an enthalpy
    driven process
  • Energy derived from the formation of many van
    der waals and h-bonding interactions as well as
    the alignment of dipoles overcomes the loss of
    entropy associated with the formation of the
    peptide backbone conformation.
  • Formation of tertiary structure is enthalpically
  • Energy loss in the burying of ion-pairs (1
    kcal/mol) and the breaking of shorter, stronger
    H2O bonds.
  • Though some energy is gained from van der waals
    packing, very little is gained from the formation
    of internal h-bonds because as many h-bonds with
    water are broken as are formed in the process of
    folding a protein.
  • Free energy associated with solvation of an ion
    is -60 kcal/mol
  • An ion will NOT be buried in the hydrophobic
    interior of a protein.

Protein Folding Entropy Driven Process
  • Upon protein folding
  • hydrophobic residues move to the interior of the
  • caged H2O molecules are released
  • Enthalpy is gained unfavorable (?H )
  • entropy is also gained (?S ) extremely
  • Increase in entropy of water compensates for the
    loss of conformational entropy of the protein and
    drives the protein folding process

Free energy of folding
  • Difference in energy (free energy) between folded
    (native) and unfolded (denatured) state is small,
    5-15 kcal/mol
  • Enthalpy and entropy differences balance each
    other, and DG is a small positive number.
  • Small DG is necessary because too large a free
    energy change would mean a very stable protein,
    one that would never change
  • However, structural flexibility is important to
    protein function, and proteins need to be degraded

Protein Folding
  • What are the forces that guide this process?
  • What are the Steps Involved?
  • How Fast Can this Happen?

The Thermodynamic Hypothesis
The native, folded structure of a protein, under
optimal conditions, is the most energetically
stable conformation possible Christian
Anfinsen, 1972
  • Most of the information for determining the
    three-dimensional structure of a protein is
    carried in its amino acid sequence

Anfinsen, C.B. Principles that govern the folding
of protein chains. Science 181, 223-30 (1973).
Anfinsens experiments late 1950s through 1960s
Ribonuclease Involved in cleavage of nucleic
acids Structure has a combination of a and b
segments Four disulfide bridges
?G, Gibbs Free Energy
Transition state, energy barrier
Reaction Coordinate
Entropy and Enthalpy in Protein Folding
Folded Protein
?H, large, negative
?H, small, negative
?S, small, positive
?S, large, positive
  • Compensation in entropy and enthalphy for protein
  • Contribution of entropy of water molecules
    released upon folding
  • ?S of water is large and positive

Levinthals Paradox
  • Consider a protein of 100 amino acids. Assign
    2 conformations to each amino acid. The total
    conformations of the protein is 21001.27x1030.
    Allow 10-13 sec for the protein to sample through
    one conformation in search for the overall energy
    minimum. The time it needs to sample through all
    conformations is
  • (10-13)(1.27x1030)1.27x1017sec 4x109 years!
  • Levinthals paradox illustrates that proteins
    must only sample through limited conformations,
    or fold by specific pathways. Much research
    efforts are devoted in searching for the
    principles of the specific pathways.

Protein folding
  • For any given protein, there is one conformation
    that has significantly lower free energy than any
    other state
  • Achieved through kinetic pathway of unstable
    intermediates (not all intermediates are sampled)
  • Assisted by chaperones and protein disulfide
    isomerases so intermediates are not trapped in a
    local low energy state

The Kinetic Theory of Protein Folding
  • Folding proceeds through a definite series of
    steps or a Pathway. A protein does not try out
    all possible rotations of conformational angles,
    but only enough to find the pathway
  • - The final state may NOT be the most stable
    conformation possible, but it could be the most
    stable conformation that is accessible in a
    reasonable amount of time. This is also the
    biologically important time frame

Folding Pathways
  • Protein folding is initiated by reversible and
    rapid formation of local secondary structures
  • Secondary structures then form domains through
    the cooperative aggregation of folding nuclei
  • Domains finally form the final protein through
    Molten globule intermediates.

Models for Protein Folding
1. Hydrophobic collapse. Formation of a 'molten
globule' 2. Framework model. Secondary
structure forms first, perhaps including
supersecondary structure. 3. Nucleation.
Domains fold independently, and sub-domains serve
as 'structural kernels.
Kinetics of Protein Folding
  • How do proteins fold so fast?
  • Currently accepted model is the Pathway Model
  • All of the partially folded structures can be
    "funneled" by energy minimizations toward the
    final state.
  • Nucleation is critical because it is much more
    difficult to begin an helix than to extend it.

Hydrophobic/global collapse
  • Alternative model proposed by Ken Dill and
    co-workers (1985s)
  • Non-local interactions drive collapse processes
    in proteins and give rise to protein structure,
    stability, and folding kinetics
  • Implies that collapse drives secondary structure
    formation rather than the reverse

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Framework model
  • Local interactions are the main determinants of
    protein structures
  • Interactions as the ones responsible for forming
    secondary structural elements, a-helices and
  • Isolated helices/sheets form early in the protein
    folding pathway, then assemble in the native
    tertiary structure

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What's really happening?
  • Hydrophobic side chains are being buried
  • Secondary structure formation insulates the polar
    protein backbone from the nonpolar protein
  • Hydrogen bonds, disulfide bonds and salt bridges
    begin to form and stabilize structure
  • van der Waals interactions bring protein
    substructures into stable contact

What's most important in folding?
  • Nonspecific interactions (hydrophobic effect, van
    der Waals) are required to bring the protein
    together into a globular conformation
  • Steric interactions (restraints on the backbone)
    limit the ways in which the globular conformation
    can form
  • Chemically specific interactions (hydrogen bonds,
    ionic interactions, dipolar interactions)
    determine the fine detail of the protein

Folding Funnel Concept
Many Possible Folding Pathways to Get to Native
Topology determines folding mechanisms
  • Protein-folding rates and mechanisms are largely
    determined by a proteins topology rather than
    all its inter-atomic interactions.
  • Folding rates of small proteins correlate with
    the average sequence separation between residues
    that make contacts in the 3D-structure, the
    contact order.

Baker, Nature 405, 39 (2000)
Contact order
Average separation along the sequence of residues
in physical contact in a folded protein, divided
by the length of the protein
Contact Map (2IGD)
Parallel Beta Sheets
Amino Acid Aj
Alpha Helix
Amino Acid Ai
Anti-parallel Beta Sheets
Enzymes that speed folding
  • Protein disulphide isomerase Facilitates
    formation of correct disulphide bridges
  • Peptidyl proline isomerase Catalyses cis-trans
    isomerisation of peptide bonds involving proline
  • Molecular chaperones Help folding, especially of
    large proteins, by preventing interaction with
    other proteins

Some real time experiments
  • temperature jump
  • stop - flow
  • fluorescence
  • NMR
  • circular dichroism (CD)

Temperature jump
  • Background..
  • protein is cold (2)
  • bang with infra-red laser
  • follow with trp fluorescence
  • shortest time ?
  • about 250 ns
  • main information ?
  • kinetics
  • not much specific structure

Stop flow
  • Start from chemically unfolded protein
  • Use quick mixing / change of conditions to refold
  • example
  • lysozyme guanadinium HCL
  • suddenly dilute in buffer
  • protein refolds

Stop flow and spectroscopy
  • watch with
  • circular dichroism (follow secondary structure)
  • fluorescence
  • (absorption, re-emission, polarisation)
  • time scale ?
  • gt 10-3 s
  • difficulty ?
  • fast mixing / dilution

  • most detailed structural information
  • timescale
  • minutes to hours for details
  • maybe some seconds for 1-D spectra
  • fastest for limited kinds of information
  • put in a few labels (19F) peaks can be recorded

Diseases of Protein Folding
  • Prion diseases
  • MAD cow (bovine spongiform ecephalopathy, BSE)
  • KURU
  • Creutzfeld-Jacob
  • Fibril or amyloid formation
  • Alzheimers
  • Parkinsons

Prions Protein infectious particles
  • Responsible for kuru, Creutzfeld-Jacob disease,
    mad-cow disease, etc.
  • The infection involves a change of secondary
    structure and conformation in the prion protein
  • A Nobel Prize for Stanley Prusiner in 1997

What if protein folding goes wrong ?
  • In general misfolded proteins get degraded
  • In some cases, they can form aggregates, which
    might be difficult to get rid of
  • Aggregates can result in severe diseases, such as
    Alzheimers disease and Creutzfeld- Jacob Disease
  • Alzheimers progressive neurodegenerative
    disease characterized by memory loss, impaired
    visuspatial skills, poor judgement etc. Symptoms
    can be easily missed as that due to aging.
  • CJD characterized by loss of motor control,
    dementia, paralysis wasting and eventual death.

Alzheimers Protein Folding gone Wrong.
An amyloid plaque in Alzheimers disease is a
tangle of protein filaments
  • The amyloid protein (42-43 residues) is derived
    by proteolytic cleavage of the amyloid precursor
    protein, a constituent of many healthy cells
  • APP has a-helical conformation, while the amyloid
    protein can change into b-conformation forming
    aggregates, and plaques

CJD Protein Folding gone Wrong ...
Pathogenic conformation PrPSc
Normal conformation PrPC
  • Prion diseases associated with an accumulation,
    in the brain, of prion proteins in the pathogenic
  • The normal protein open, greater alpha-helical
    structure, and less beta-sheet structure.
  • The pathogenic conformation compact,
    characterized by an increase in the beta-sheet
    structure, relative to that in the normal
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