Title: Apparent Survival of Pacific Black Brant Branta bernicla nigrans
1Apparent Survival of Pacific Black Brant (Branta
bernicla nigrans)
- Rebecca Bryan, Chris Cannon, Hayley Glover, Paige
Gingrich - Institute of Arctic Biology
- University of Alaska Fairbanks
2Pacific Black Brant
- Nest in Canadian and Alaskan arctic regions
- Winter along Pacific Coast of Washington, Oregon,
California and Mexico
3Distribution of Brant in North America
- 2,998 previously marked brant were sighted during
9, one-week sampling intervals - Sampling occasions occurred in Mexico and
California during the winters of March 1998,
December 1998, January 1999, February 1999, March
1999, December 1999, January 2000, February 2000,
and March 2000
5Goals of Study
- Determine the apparent survival of black brant
- Determine if there are changes in apparent
survival during the winter and the rest of the
year - Find changes in apparent survival over time
- Find the best way to model the recapture
- Data analyzed in Program MARK using
Cormack-Jolly-Seber models (recaptures only) - Best-fitting models selected using AIC weights
7- Phi(wintert)p(t)- Survival is time-specific in
winter months, constant in non-winter months and
recaptures is time-specific. - Phi(wintert)p(t)- Survival is time-specific in
winter months, constant in non-winter months and
recaptures is time-specific. - Phi(wintert)p(t) Survival is time-specific in
winter months, constant in non-winter months and
recapture is time-specific. - Phi(seasont)p(t) Survival is time-specific
between winters and non-winter periods, and
recapture is time-specific. - Phi(seasont)p(seasont) Survival is time
specific between winters and non-winters, and
recapture is time-specific between winters and
non-winters. - Phi(season)p(t) Survival is constant within
winter and non-winter periods and recapture is
time-specific. - Phi(wintert)p(t) Survival is time-specific in
winter months, constant in non-winter months and
recaptures is time-specific. - Phi(seasont)p(.) Survival is time-specific
between winters and non-winters and recapture is
constant. - Phi(wintert)p(.) Survival is time-specific
between winter months, constant in non-winter
months and recapture is constant. - Phi(season)p(.) Survival is constant between
winter months and constant between non-winter
months, recapture is constant.
Mar-dec dec-jan jan-feb feb-mar
Mar-dec dec-jan jan-feb feb-mar
Mar-dec dec-jan jan-feb feb-mar
Table 1 Models analyzed in Program MARK along
with AIC scores
10Table 2 Apparent survival estimates with
standard error for models with highest AIC values
11Model Phi(wintert)p(T) (by 4 para)
12Model Phi(wintert)p(T) (by 3 para
- Best way to model capture probability
- Time Specific
-Observer -Weather -Seasonal/Yearly Change
- Previous Studies
- Mortality and Permanent Emigration CONFOUNDED
- March-December versus December-March
- Migration Stress, Breeding/Nesting Stress,
Harvest Mortalities
www.ag.unr.edu/brant/ images/photos/morrobay74.jpg
- Better Approaches
- Sampling during summer months
- Combining band recovery data with observation
data? Burnham model (separate perm. emigration
mortality) - Standardize observers as much as possible
- Account for difference in winter and non-winter
time discrepancies
- Photos not cited were taken from The Birds of
North America - Bellrose, F. C.. 1980. Ducks, geese and swans of
North America. 3d ed. Stackpole Books,
Harrisburg, PA - Burnham. K.P., White. G.C. 1999. Program MARK.
- Charlesworth. B.1994. Evolution in Age-Structured
Populations. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press.
Cambridge, United Kingdom. - Reed, A., D. H. Ward, D. V. Derksen, and J. S.
Sedinger. 1998. Brant (Branta bernicla). In The
Birds of North America, No. 337 (A. Poole and F.
Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc.,
Philadelphia, PA - Sedinger. J.S., Chelgren. N.D., Lindberg. M.S.,
Obritchkewitch. T., Kirk. M.T., Martin. P.,
Anderson. B.A., and Ward. D.H. 2002. Life-History
Implications of Large-Scale Spatial Variation in
Adult Survival of Black Brant (Branta bernicla
nigricans). The Auk 119(2) 510 515. - Ward, D.H., E.A. Rextad, J.S. Sedinger, M.S.
Lindberg, N.K. Dawe. 1997. Seasonal and Annual
Survival of Adult Pacific Brant. Journal of
Wildlife Management. 61773-781.