Title: Digital kunst ITUniversitetet d' 7' Marts 2006
1Digital kunstIT-Universitetet d. 7. Marts 2006
2(No Transcript)
3Jeremy Blake (USA) Angel Dust (2000)
4Kært barn
- New Media kunst
- Digital kunst
- Computerbaseret kunst
- Internetkunst
- net.art
- Softwarekunst
- Generativ kunst
6- Technologies develop faster than the rhetoric
evaluating them and we are still in the process
of developing descriptions for using digital
technology as a medium in social, economic, and
aesthetic respect. -
Christiane Paul Digital art 2003 p. 67
7Digital kunst
- Christiane Pauls inddeling
- As a tool
- As a Medium
8Nancy Burson (USA) Beauty Composites (1982)
9Tania Ruiz Guitíerrez (Colombia) La Plaza II
(2004). Real time rendered video-projektion
10Dirk Eijsbout (NL) Interface 4/TFT tennis V18
11Simon Heijdens (NL) Three (2004)
12Akio Kamisato (JP), Takehisa Mashimo (JP),
Satoshi Shibata (JP) Moony (2004)
13Steve Heimbecker (CA) POD (Wind Array Cascade
Machine) (2005)
14Sabrine Raaf (USA) Translator II Grower 2005)
15Ben Fry (USA) Valence (1999-2002)
16John Gerrard (IRL) The Ladder (2005)
17Jeffrey Shaw The Golden Calf (1994)
18John F. Simon (USA) Complex City (2000)
19Piet Mondrian Broadway Boogie Woogie (1942/1943)
20Casey Reas (USA) Software Structures (2004)
- Sol LeWitt Wall Drawing 358 (1971)A 12" (30
cm) grid covering the wall. Within each 12" (30
cm) square, one arc from the corner. (The
direction of the arcs and their placement are
determined by the draftsman.)
22 23Net.art
24Net.art Per Se
25- Net.artists are Duchamps ideal Children
- - Vuk Cosic 1997
26JoDi (NL/B) 404 (1997)
27Heath Bunting (GB) _readme Own be Owned or
Remain Invisible
28Vuk Cosic (SL) ASCII Unreal
29Alexei Shulgin (R) Form Art (1997)
New York Whitney har netkunst med på biennalen
Berlin Rhizome grundlægges (flytter hurtigt til
New York)
DK Artnode etableres
1994 1995 1996
1997 1998 1999
Banff, Canada Shulgin og Cosic erklærer net.art
for død
Triste, Italien Net.art per se-konferencen
Kassel, Tyskland Documenta udstiller net.art
(men gør det fysisk)
Mosaic Netscape lanceret den første browser,
derkan vise billeder
31- Net.art is an answer to 'when' and not to
'what'. At the time we were proposing that the
expression web art be used or any derivative. -
Vuk Cosic i mail til Kristine Ploug, august 2004
- Net.art is a bit like Eastern Europe. There
was lots of expectations, some of them were met,
but in general we stopped being terribly
attractive and scary somewhere around the dotcom
boom. - Interview med Vuk
Cosic, we-make- money-not-art.com,
jan. 2006
- Often it has been net artists who, alongside
various critics and activist have formulated
critique against the assumptions built into new
and existing computer and informational
technologies. - Rachel
Greene, Internet Art, 2004
34Ben Benjamin (USA) Superbad
35Young Hae Chang Heavy Industries Dakota (2000)
- http//www.yhchang.com/DAKOTA.html/
36Christophe Bruno (Fr) Adwords (2002)
Ord Symptom
Ord Dream
Ord Mary
Ord Money
37Christophe Bruno (Fr) Dreamlogs (2005)
- "You can only command language by obeying it" -
Georges Perec Marcel Bénabou, P.A.L.F. project,
OuLiPo 1964 - http//www.iterature.com/dreamlogs/
38Carlo Zanni (IT) eBay Landscape (2004)
39Yes Men
40Christophe Bruno/YesMen
- Yes Men møder Human Browser
- http//www.iterature.com/human-browser/en/
41Alessandro Ludovico (IT) og Hans Bernhard (AU)
Google will Eat itself (2005)
42Golan Levin (G) The Dumpster (2006)
43Beat Brogle Philippe Zimmermann (CH) One
Word Movie (2003)
- http//www.onewordmovie.ch/
- kristine_at_artificial.dk