Title: Preguntas Bsicas
1Preguntas Básicas
2Preguntas Básicas
When you are first learning spanish, there are
some basic questions you need to know how to
answer about yourself.
3Lets look at some of these questions and answers.
- What is the most basic question someone might
ask you in Spanish?
Cómo te llamas?
4Cómo te llamas?
- Literally means What are you called? and it is
the most common way to ask someones name.
Lets practice it!
5If someone asks me, Cómo te llamas?
How would I answer them?
6I would say,
(My name is _________.)
7Now you try it!
Me llamo ________.
Bobbie Joe
8What might be the next question?
Yo soy de __________.
Buzzard Roost
9Another greeting might be..
Estoy Bien. Y tú?
10Estoy bien, gracias.
11What if youre feeling bad?
--triste sad --enojado mad --mal bad,
not well --malito a little sick
Lets practice them!
12Estoy triste.
13Estoy enojado
14Estoy mal
15Estoy malito
16Heres another common question
- Cuál es tu número de teléfono?
17Mi número de teléfono es _____________.
1 2 3 - 4 5 6 7
18Y tu dirección?
- Mi dirección es
- 123 Chango Rd.
- Buzzard Roost, AR 76543
19Cuántos años tienes?
- How many
- years (old)
- are you?
20Yo tengo ______ años.
- I am 15(quince)
- 16 (dieciseis)
- 17 (diecisiete)
- 18 (dieciocho) years old.
21Cuántos hermanos tienes?
- Yo tengo _______ hermanos.
22Cuál es tu clase favorita?
- Mi clase favorita es ________.
El Español
23Cómo eres tú?
- Yo soy
- inteligente
- guapo (a)
- cómico (a)
- serio (a)
- divertido(a)
- atlético (a)
24Lets practicePracticamos!
25Yo soy inteligente.
26Yo soy divertida.
27 La Tarea
- Make an origami book using the instructions you
are given. The title of your book could be, Mi
Librito. (de Mí) Then on each page, write a
question you have learned and how you would
answer that question using these phrases we have
learned. Keep your book as a study tool for oral
exams in Spanish!
El Fin