Title: Critical Thinking Skills
1Critical Thinking Skills
- First, need to differentiate between beliefs and
knowledge -
- Process
- Gather complete information
- Question the methods, conclusions, sources of
study - Tolerate some level of uncertainty
- Look at the Big Picture
2Scientific Method
Fail to Reject
3"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the
integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic
community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.
...To keep every cog and wheel is the first
precaution to intelligent tinkering."(Aldo
Leopold, champion of conservation father of
wildlife biology)
4In short, a land ethic changes the role of
Homo sapiens from conqueror of the
land-community to plain member and citizen of it.
It implies respect for his her fellow-members,
and also respect for the community as such.
Aldo Leopold
5History of Wildlife Management
Making way for modern wildlife species
6History of Wildlife Management
- Humans colonize N.A. Quaternary Period,
Pleistocene Epoch - ice ages 13,000 ybp
- - evidence for 50,000 ybp
7History of Wildlife Management
- Large mammal extinctions (exploitation?)
- 66 of megafauna extinct
8History of Wildlife Management
- American Indians
- wildlife
- fire
9History of Wildlife Management
- 500 ybp, Europeans arrive.
- Spanish bring horses, livestock
10History of Wildlife Management
- 500 ybp, Europeans arrive.
- Other Europeans exploit fisheries, fur, meat,
feathers. (1870-1915)
11History of Wildlife Management
- Fur trade near extinction of beaver (Castor
12History of Wildlife Management
- Market hunting
- Near extinction of bison 60M to 150
13History of Wildlife Management
- Market hunting
- Bison
- Successful extinction of passenger pigeon
- - immense abundance (400 km long, 1800)
14History of Wildlife Management
- Passenger pigeon
- immense abundance (400 km long, 1800)
- 1878 3 months, 1.5 M pigeons from MI to market
15History of Wildlife Management
- Passenger pigeon
- last sighting 1899
- 14-yr old boy shot last wild pigeon in Ohio
(1900) - last captive pigeon died
- Male (1912)
- Female (1914)
16History of Wildlife Management
- Habitat loss Exploitation
17History of Wildlife Management
- Habitat loss Exploitation
Or is it gone?
18History of Wildlife Management
Or is it gone? http//www.birds.cornell.edu/ivory
/multimedia/videos/index_html http//www.birds.co
19History of Wildlife Management
- U.S. policy
- Manifest Destiny
- Land Rush
- Agricultural Development
20History of Wildlife Management
- Fear of losing species at such fast rates
(especially game species)..birth of modern
wildlife conservation movement
21Modern Wildlife Management
- Aldo Leopold
- wrote Sand County Almanac
- wrote Game Management
- 1st university wildlife program (UW-Madison)
- Land Ethic
22April 22, 1970
23- Recent Epoch (0.01 Mybp - present)
- historic time
- green industrial revolutions
- rapid loss of biodiversity
- Largest extinction event?
24- Our Insatiable Appetite for Energy
25Guild Concept
- guild group of species that exploit the
- same class of resources in similar way
- community guild no taxonomic restrictions
guild members chosen based on investigator-defined
resources - assemblage guild guild members based on
taxonomic relations
- An area supporting a particular type of
vegetation (habitat type) - An area with the combination of resources and
environmental conditions that allows a species
(or population) to occupy, survive and reproduce - habitat quality as relative term
27Habitat Quality
- Good habitat means there are higher densities of
a species compared to Poor habitat.Right!?
- Not necessarily.Van Horne (1983) pointed out
that animal density may not be the most accurate
measure of habitat quality.
- Quality relates more to vital rates (survival and
reproduction), vitality of offspring, temporal
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- Habitat from an evolutionary perspective
- Species distribution relative to habitat distn
- Climatic events
- Pleistocene Epoch distn of modern species
- Evolutionary underpinnings
- Adaptation Evolution for habitat
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32Behavior is Important!
33Concept of Habitat Selection
- Wildlife perceiving correct configuration of
habitat needed for survival differences based
on age/experience/chance? hierarchy to decision
- Niche concept (time/place/functional role)
habitat selection
34Hutchisons n-dimensional hypervolume
35Concept of Habitat Selection
- Hutchison n-dimensional hypervolume as
explanation of the niche
- Fundamental vs. Realized Niche
Species 2
Species 1
36Testing the Hutchinsonian Niche Concept of
Habitat Selection
- James work with birds in Arkansasquantified
habitat relationships
- How do birds select habitat?
- niche gestalt each species has characteristic
perceptual worldresponds to that world as
organized whole search image concept
- How do we (as wildlife biologists) see through
the eyes of wildlife species?
37Scale Dependence of Habitat Selection
1st Order 2nd Order 3rd Order 4th Order
Macrohabitat vs. Microhabitat
38Habitat Selection
- Proximate Factors vs. Ultimate Factors
- Immediate Evolutionary context
context - Predation Fitness relations
- Competition
- Abiotic factors
39Human Resource Use
Human Values Attitudes
40Naturally patchy distribution of resources
Heterogeneity supports greater diversity right!?
41 habitat interspersion Leopolds Law of
42Managing for Biodiversity
Paradigm of Wildlife Biology Conservation
43Human-induced heterogeneity
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45Land-use Trends Private vs. Public
46- Human Land Use Practices
- Agriculture
- Suburban Development
- Lets pick on Indiana
- 97 of land in state privately-owned
- In central Indiana,
- 70 of land in row crop
- lt10 in forest
- Urban sprawl intensifying
47Intensive Agriculture Clean Farming
48Timber Extraction Fragmentation
49Formation of Terrestrial Islands
50Oceanic Island Terrestrial Island ?????
51Important Wildlife Legislation
- Lacey Act no interstate commerce
- Migratory Bird Treaty Act
1934 Fish Wildlife Coordination Act federal
assistance 1934 Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act
duck stamp revenue for habitat purchase
1937 Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act
Pittman-Robertson Act (P-R funds) 1956 Fish
Wildlife Act set up US Fish Wildlife Service
52Important Wildlife Legislation
1964 Wilderness Act 1969 National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
1973 Endangered Species Act federal action for
recovery mgt 1974 Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna Flora
(CITES) import/export regulation
1976 Federal Land Policy Mgt Act BLM land
use plans 1976 National Forest Mgt Act (NFMA)
USFS forest mgt plans
53Important Wildlife Legislation
1980 Fish Wildlife Conservation Act P-R
funds to nongame research mgt 1980 National
Forest Mgt Act (NFMA) USFS forest mgt plans
- Food Security Act Farm Bill Provisions
- - Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
- CREP (enhancement)
- - Wetland Reserve Program (WRP)
- - Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP)
2001 Conservation Reinvestment Act (CARA)
54Importance of Management
- Finite natural resources (land, water, wildlife,
fuel, etc)
- Future generations inherit our world
55Managing for Biodiversity
- Genetic diversity and
- evolution
- reproduction
- adaptation
- disease
- Species Diversity and
- Evolution
- Community stability
- Predator-prey relations (keystone predators)
- Umbrella species
- Ecosystem Diversity and
- Evolution
- Flow of Energy Nutrients
- Disturbance change
59Types of Management
- 1) Manage Populations
- Protect species
- Remove individuals by exploitation
- Re-establish species
- Add to population from captive source
- Control predators and/or diseases
- Artificial feeding
60Types of Management
- 2) Manage People
- Law enforcement
- Public relations
- Control access and/or use
- Education
61Types of Management
- 3) Manage Habitat
- Maintain habitat
- Improve habitat
62Land to Manage
- 2.3 billion acres in U.S.
- 741 million acres in public ownership
- - 336 MA BLM
- - 189 MA USFS
- - 86 MA USFWS
- - 68 MA NPS
- - 13 MA U.S. Army
63Land to Manage in Michigan
- 36.4 million acres in Michigan
- 6.9 million acres in public ownership
- - 2.8 MA USFS
- - 93,000 A USFWS
- - 140,000 A NPS
- - 3.8 MA State Forests
64Ways to Manage
- 1) Featured Species Mgt
- single species
- particular purpose
- e.g., white-tailed deer
- could also include umbrella species and
flagship species
65Ways to Manage
- 2) Species Richness Mgt
- maintain diversity and certain of each species
(follow MVP concept)
- 3) Indicator Species Mgt
- use a species (or group of species) to monitor
environmental conditions - not necessarily managing for these spp.
- bioindicators, biosentinels, canary in coal mine
66Ways to Manage
- 4) Guild Mgt or Life-Form Mgt
- grouping of species based on use of same type of
resources (e.g., foraging guilds)