Title: Why%20Can
1Why Cant We All Get Along?(Structured Data and
Information Retrieval)
- Bruce Croft
- Computer Science Department
- University of Massachusetts Amherst
- History of structured data in IR
- Conceptual similarities and differences
- What is the goal?
- The Indri System
- Examples using IR for structured data
- XML retrieval
- Relevance models
- Entity retrieval
- IR systems have had Boolean field restrictions
since 1970s - metadata date, type, source, keywords
- content structure title, body
- Implementing IR systems using a relational DBMS
first done in the 70s - Crawford and McCleod, 1978-1983
- Efficiency issues with this approach persisted
until 90s (e.g. DeFazio et al, SIGIR 95) - Inquery IR system successfully used object
management system (Brown, SIGIR 95)
- Modifying DBMS model to incorporate probabilities
to integrate DB/IR - e.g. probabilistic relational algebra (Fuhr and
Rolleke, ACM TOIS 1994) - e.g. probabilistic datalog (Fuhr, SIGIR 95)
- Text retrieval as a SQL function in commercial
DBMSs - e.g. Oracle, early 90s
- Ranked retrieval of complex documents
- e.g. office documents with structure and
significant text content (Croft, Krovetz and
Turtle, IPM 1990) - Bayesian inference net model to combine evidence
from different parts of document structure (Croft
and Turtle, EDT 1992) - e.g. marked-up documents (Croft, Smith, and
Turtle, SIGIR 1992) - XML retrieval
- INEX (2002)
6Similarities and Differences
- Common interest in providing efficient access to
information on a very large scale - indexing and optimization key topics
- Until recently, concern about effectiveness
(accuracy) of access was domain of IR - Focus on structured vs. unstructured data is
historically true but less relevant today - Statistical inference and ranking are central to
IR, becoming more important in DB
7Similarities and Differences
- IR systems have focused on providing access to
information rather than answers - e.g. Web search
- evaluation typically based on topical relevance
and user relevance rather than correctness
(except QA) - IR works with multiple databases but not multiple
relations - IR query languages more like calculus than
algebra - Integrity, security, concurrency are central for
DB, less so in IR
8What is the Goal?
- One unified information system?
- i.e. a single conceptual and formal framework to
support the entire range of information needs - at least a grand challenge
- or is it the Web?
- An integrated DB/IR system?
- i.e. extend database model to fully support
statistical inference and ranking - a major challenge given established systems and
9What is the Goal?
- An IR system with extended capability for
structured data - i.e. extend IR model to include combination of
evidence from structured and unstructured
components of complex objects (documents) - backend database system used to store objects
(cf. one hand clapping) - many applications look like this (e.g. desktop
search, web shopping) - users seem to prefer this approach (simple
queries or forms and ranking)
10What is the Goal?
- What about important database functionality?
- Source data can be stored in databases
- Extended IR system will construct separate
indexes - What about optimization?
- Search engines worry about optimization!
- Can incorporate ideas from DB optimization
- What about updates?
- Search engines worry about updates!
- Backend database system still available
- What about joins?
- Interesting. Treat IR objects as a view?
11Indri A Candidate IR System
- Indri is a separate, downloadable component of
the Lemur Toolkit - Influences
- INQUERY Callan, et. al. 92
- Inference network framework
- Query language
- Lemur http//www.lemurproject.org
- Language modeling (LM) toolkit
- Lucene http//jakarta.apache.org/lucene/docs/inde
x.html - Popular off the shelf Java-based IR system
- Based on heuristic retrieval models
- Designed for new retrieval environments
- i.e. GALE, CALO, AQUAINT, Web retrieval, and XML
12Zoology 101
- The indri is the largest type of lemur
- When first spotted the natives yelled Indri!
Indri! - Malagasy for "Look! Â Over there!"
13Design Goals
- Off the shelf (Windows, NIX, Mac platforms)
- Simple to set up and use
- Fully functional API w/ language wrappers for
Java, etc - Robust retrieval model
- Inference net language modeling Metzler and
Croft 04 - Powerful query language
- Designed to be simple to use, yet support complex
information needs - Provides adaptable, customizable scoring
- Scalable
- Highly efficient code
- Distributed retrieval
- Incremental update
- Based on original inference network retrieval
framework Turtle and Croft 91 - Casts retrieval as inference in simple graphical
model - Extensions made to original model
- Incorporation of probabilities based on language
modeling rather than tf.idf - Multiple language models allowed in the network
(one per indexed context)
Model hyperparameters (observed)
Document node (observed)
Context language models
Representation nodes(terms, phrases, etc)
Belief nodes(combine, not, max)
Information need node(belief node)
17P( r ? )
- Probability of observing a term, phrase, or
feature given a context language model - ri nodes are binary
- Assume r Bernoulli( ? )
- Model B Metzler, Lavrenko, Croft 04
19P( ? a, ß, D )
- Prior over context language model determined by
a, ß - Assume P( ? a, ß ) Beta( a, ß )
- Bernoullis conjugate prior
- ar µP( r C ) 1
- ßr µP( r C ) 1
- µ is a free parameter
21P( q r ) and P( I r )
- Belief nodes are created dynamically based on
query - Belief node estimates are derived from standard
link matrices - Combine evidence from parents in various ways
- Allows fast inference by making marginalization
computationally tractable - Information need node is simply a belief node
that combines all network evidence into a single
value - Documents are ranked according to P( I a, ß, D)
22Example AND
P(Qtruea,b) A B
0 false false
0 false true
0 true false
1 true true
23Query Language
- Extension of INQUERY query language
- Structured query language
- Term weighting
- Ordered / unordered windows
- Synonyms
- Additional features
- Language modeling motivated constructs
- Added flexibility to deal with fields via
contexts - Generalization of passage retrieval (extent
24Document Representation
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtDepartment
Descriptionslt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbodygt The following
list describes lth1gtAgriculturelt/h1gt
lth1gtChemistrylt/h1gt lth1gtComputer Sciencelt/h1gt
lth1gtElectrical Engineeringlt/h1gt
lth1gtZoologylt/h1gt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
lttitlegtdepartment descriptionslt/titlegt
lttitlegt context
1. department descriptions
ltbodygtthe following list describes
lth1gtagriculturelt/h1gt lt/bodygt
ltbodygt context
1. the following list describes
lth1gtagriculture lt/h1gt
lth1gtagriculturelt/h1gt lth1gtchemistrylt/h1gt
lth1gt context
1. agriculture 2. chemistry 36. zoology
. . .
Type Example Matches
Stemmed term dog All occurrences of dog (and its stems)
Surface term dogs Exact occurrences of dogs (without stemming)
Term group (synonym group) ltdogs caninegt All occurrences of dogs (without stemming) or canine (and its stems)
POS qualified term ltdogs caninegt.NNS Same as previous, except matches must also be tagged with the NNS POS tag
Type Example Matches
odN(e1 em) or N(e1 em) od5(dog cat) or 5(dog cat) All occurrences of dog and cat appearing ordered within a window of 5 words
uwN(e1 em) uw5(dog cat) All occurrences of dog and cat that appear in any order within a window of 5 words
phrase(e1 em) phrase(1(willy wonka) uw3(chocolate factory)) System dependent implementation (defaults to odm)
syntaxxx(e1 em) syntaxnp(fresh powder) System dependent implementation
27Context Restriction
Example Matches
dog.title All occurrences of dog appearing in the title context
dog.title,paragraph All occurrences of dog appearing in both a title and paragraph contexts (may not be possible)
ltdog.title dog.paragraphgt All occurrences of dog appearing in either a title context or a paragraph context
5(dog cat).head All matching windows contained within a head context
28Context Evaluation
Example Evaluated
dog.(title) The term dog evaluated using the title context as the document
dog.(title, paragraph) The term dog evaluated using the concatenation of the title and paragraph contexts as the document
dog.figure(paragraph) The term dog restricted to figure tags within the paragraph context.
29Belief Operators
sum / and combine
wsum weight
or or
not not
max max
wsum is still available in INDRI, but should
be used with discretion
30Extent Retrieval
Example Evaluated
combinesection(dog canine) Evaluates combine(dog canine) for each extent associated with the section context
combinetitle, section(dog canine) Same as previous, except is evaluated for each extent associated with either the title context or the section context
sum(sumsection(dog)) Returns a single score that is the sum of the scores returned from sum(dog) evaluated for each section extent
max(sumsection(dog)) Same as previous, except returns the maximum score
31Extent Retrieval Example
Querycombinesection( dirichlet smoothing )
ltdocumentgt ltsectiongtltheadgtIntroductionlt/headgt Stat
istical language modeling allows formal methods
to be applied to information retrieval. ... lt/sect
iongt ltsectiongtltheadgtMultinomial Modellt/headgt Here
we provide a quick review of multinomial language
models. ... lt/sectiongt ltsectiongtltheadgtMultiple-Ber
noulli Modellt/headgt We now examine two formal
methods for statistically modeling documents and
queries based on the multiple-Bernoulli
distribution. ... lt/sectiongt lt/documentgt
- Treat each section extent as a document
- Score each document according to combine( )
- Return a ranked list of extents.
SCORE DOCID BEGIN END0.50 IR-352 51 2050.35 IR-3
52 405 5480.15 IR-352 0 50
32Indri Examples
- Where was George Washington born?
- combinesentence( 1( george washington )
- born anyplace )
- Paragraphs from news feed articles published
between 1991 and 2000 that mention a person, a
monetary amount, and the company InfoCom - filreq(band( NewsFeed.doctype
- datebetween(1991 2000) )
- combineparagraph( anyperson
anymoney InfoCom ) )
33Example Indri Web Query
weight( 0.1 weight( 1.0
prior(pagerank) 0.75 prior(inlinks) ) 1.0
weight( 0.9 combine(
wsum( 1 stellwagen.(inlink)
1 stellwagen.(title)
3 stellwagen.(mainbody) 1
stellwagen.(heading) ) wsum( 1
bank.(inlink) 1
bank.(title) 3
bank.(mainbody) 1
bank.(heading) ) ) 0.1 combine(
wsum( 1 uw8( stellwagen bank
).(inlink) 1 uw8(
stellwagen bank ).(title)
3 uw8( stellwagen bank ).(mainbody)
1 uw8( stellwagen bank ).(heading) )
) ) )
34Examples of Using IR for Structured Data
- XML search
- Relevance models for incomplete data
- Extracted entity retrieval
35XML Search
- INEX workshop is similar to TREC but focused on
XML documents - Queries contain varying degrees of structural
specification - Not clear that these queries are realistic
- earlier study showed that people are not good
about remembering structure - document structure can provide valuable evidence
for content representation
36Example INEX Query
37Hierarchical Language Models
- Estimate a language model for each component of a
document tree (Ogilvie 2004, 2005) - Smooth using a weighted mixture of a background
model, a document model, a parent model, and a
mixture of the children models
38Hierarchical Language Models
39Does it work?
Results from Ogilvie, 2003
40Does it work?
Results from Ogilvie, 2003
41Indri INEX extensions
- Indri incorporates hierarchical language models
- Allows weights to be set for different language
models and component type - Query language extended to reference parent and
child extents - use the .\field operator to access a child
reference - use the ./field operator to access a parent
reference - use the .//field operator to access an ancestor
reference - e.g. combinesection( bootstrap
combine./title( methodology ) )
42Relevance Models for Incomplete Data
- Relevance models (Lavrenko, 2001) are used for
query expansion in IR based on generative LMs - Estimates dependencies between words based on
training set or initial ranking - Recently extended to semi-structured data for
applications where records are missing data
(Lavrenko, Yi, Allan, 2006) - e.g. NSDL collection with fields title,
description, subject, content, audience - 24 of 650,000 records have no subject field, 30
no author, 96 no audience
43Relevance Models for Incomplete Data
- Basic process is to estimate relevance models for
each field based on training data for a query,
then rank test records based on comparison to
relevance models - Relevance model estimates how likely it is that a
word occurs in a field of a record, given that a
record matches the specified query fields - Ranking is done using a weighted cross-entropy
- weights reflect importance of field
44Relevance Models for Incomplete Data
- In NSDL experiment, 127 queries of form
- subjectphilosophy AND audiencehigh
school - In test collection, all records had subject and
audience field values removed - Retrieved records had precision of 30 in top 10,
compared to 15 for a baseline that ranked text
records containing all fields - Shows potential of probabilistic models for this
type of application - can also generate structured queries (Calado et
al, CIKM 02) -
45Extracted Entity Retrieval
- Information extraction extracts structure from
text - e.g. names, addresses, email addresses, CVs,
publications, tables - Creates semi-structured (and noisy) data rather
than databases - Table extraction can be the basis for question
answering (Wei, Croft and McCallum, 2006) - Publication extraction is the basis of
CITESEER-like systems (e.g. REXA, McCallum, 2005) - Person extraction can be the basis for expert
46Expert Finding
- Evaluated in TREC Enterprise Track
- People are represented by text that co-occurs
with names - which names? what text?
- People are ranked for a query using the text
profile - Relevance model approach is effective
- For many applications involving retrieval of
semi-structured data, the right approach is an IR
system based on a probabilistic retrieval model
as a front-end, and a database system as the
back-end - but IR system is not implemented using database
system - Right means gives effective results and
supports users world view - IR systems based on language models (e.g. Indri)
are a good candidate