- Reduction in Number of Elements
- Quintuplets in ID straight sections
replaced by Triplets -2 Quads -1 Sext - To allow tune and beta function matching
add trim Quad in dispersion region - plus Sextupole for symmetry 1Quad 1
Sext (net -1 Q -1 Sext family) - Eliminate one sextupole in short ID for reduced
Beta-X in Quadrupole of SID - Add Length to ID straight sections
- Vacuum Group better defined transition
section to undulators/wigglers - Short ID length 5 ? 6.6m and Long ID 8 ?
8.6m - Add Three Pole Wiggler in dispersion region
- TPW active length 20cm with 2mradian
central bend gt 1T plus 20cm free space - Impact on emittance ??x 0.18 to 0.2nm for 15-
- 15 (8.6m LIDs 6.6m SIDs 4 0.40m(0.20m)
TPWs ) 252m - 32.2 Circumference783.3m (25 CDR 780.3m)
S.L. Kramer for the NSLS-II Team
2Other Considerations
- Variable bend radius dipoles
- Theoretical improvement from iso-magnetic
field case - lt of 3X reduction, but already DBA 2X MEDBA
- DW yields clear and controllable factor of
4 to 5X - Higher power radiated from dipole reduces DW
affect - High field at low dispersion end of dipole makes
overlap of dipole radiation with ID more
troublesome - i.e. Decker distortions maybe needed for XBPMs
3CD2 Lattice Functions
- Quadrupole Triplets in ID Straight sections, Trim
quadrupole in center of Dispersion - Circumference 783.3m ( 780.3m CDR)
4CDR Lattice Functions
- Quintuplets allow greater flexibility for beta
functions in ID and tune scan range - For constant emittance constraint Johan showed
not needed for wiggler/ID matching
5Impact of Triplets in IDs
- Matching Conditions in ID Given ßx,y ,, ax,y0
need to match - ßx ax at entrance to dipole for emittance
2-Qs needed - also match ßy ay over some range for
dispersion 1-Q okay, 2-Qs better - Dispersion region one Q needed for achromatic
condition 2-Q for peak ?x - Symmetry requires ax,y0 and ßx,y separation in
middle, tunes
6CDR Quad Closed Orbit Amplif. Factor
- Misalignment of quadrupole centers, drive large
Closed Orbit Distortion - Closed Orbit Amplification Factors (COAF)
defined as RMS(cod)/ RMS(error) - 50X in both planes or 100µm RMS Quad.
misalignment? 5mm offset of COD in lattice
7CD2 Closed Orbit Amplif. Factors
- Stronger Quadrupole Focusing COAFs
(52,56)?(58,64) Increased in SID Y 12 ?19
8CD2 Magnet Alignment Tolerances
- Quadrupole and Sextupoles have centers measured
to a - resolution of 10 and 15 µm with pulsed wire
technique - Allow 2X for resolution, alignment Tolerance
lt30µm on girder - Girder alignment Tolerance in tunnel lt100µm (as
achieved elsewhere ) - girder amplification factors (3.8,3.1) in ID
are 3 to 5X less than COAF
Std(COD) for 315 seeds with girder alignment
dX,dY10µm random at both ends
9DA and Diffusion Map CD2
Using 8 sextupole families
10DA and Diffusion Map CDR
Using 11 sextupole families
11DA for Corrected Alignment Toler.
Alignment Tolers. Girders Dipoles 100
µm Quads Sexts. 30 µm BBA BPMs acc.
10 µm
12Tune shift controlled but dP/P 3
13Changes in Source Parameters
14CD2 Lattice Parameters
15Summary and RD Work
- Reduction of quadrupoles in ID straight sections
- Increased ID length for vacuum transitions and
components - Added possibility for 15 TPWs to provide sources
for NSLS beam line migration - Need improve sextupole and nonlinear tuning
- Need further study of field tolerances
- Only linear impact of TPWs calculated