EU DataGrid Project Status and perspective for EU FP6 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EU DataGrid Project Status and perspective for EU FP6


Excellent collaboration with US Globus and Condor developments ... Integration of Condor DAGman. See for further details ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: EU DataGrid Project Status and perspective for EU FP6

EU DataGrid ProjectStatus and perspective for EU
  • Fabrizio Gagliardi
  • Project Leader, CERN

  • Experience of first year and main issues
  • Results of first project review and follow up
  • Testbed status
  • Relationships with other Grid projects
  • Future directions and EU FP6

Highlights (from First Project Review on March
  • The project is up and running!
  • All 21 partners are now contributing at
    contractual level
  • Project administrative and managerial structure
    established with minimum resources
  • All EU deliverables (40, gt2000 pages) submitted
    in time for the review according to the contract
    technical annex
  • First test bed delivered with real production

Major achievements (from First Project Review on
March 1st)
  • Core middleware group developed innovative S/W
    also exported to US (GDMP and resource broker)
  • Excellent collaboration with US Globus and Condor
  • Close collaboration with similar US activities
    (PPDG, GriPhyN/iVDGL)
  • Large community of enthusiastic, dedicated
    scientists (mostly unfunded)
  • End users involved in all stages of the project
    (requirements definition, architecture, S/W
    integration, deployment, validation and tests)
  • Unfunded staff effort about twice the EU funded
    (voluntary participation from Portugal, Ireland,
    Russia Denmark both in M/W and in the test bed)

more achievements, continued (from First
Project Review on March 1st)
  • Good relations to industry (IR Forum and WP11)
  • Seed funds for national Grid projects,
    coordinator and initiator of other projects
    (DataTAG, CrossGrid, GridSTART, security
  • Initiator and active participant in GGF,
    Intergrid, EIROForum Grid WG, OCDE interest to
    start a WG, exploratory work in Asian Pacific and
    South America
  • PM in GGF GFAC, 2 members in GGF WGSG, 2 GGF WG
  • 2 GGF WGs and 1 GGF research group being proposed
    on networking by WP7
  • Pioneering role (EU Grid flagship project) first
    opportunity to work on Grid for ESA with
    fostering effect of internal Grid activity
  • Prototype use of national RNs for Grid deployment
    (building Grids of Grids)

more achievements, continued(from First Project
Review on March 1st)
  • Collaboration with Geant/Dante (WP7 and DataTAG)
  • Collaboration agreement established in June 2001
  • Technical Proposal
  • Test equipment located in three GEANT PoPs
  • Analysis of TCP performance over a wide area
    high-speed network
  • Demonstration of high-throughput data flows over
    long time scales
  • Pilot of the IP Premium service including
    end-to-end tests with biology use-case
    applications (WP10)
  • Exploration of use of reliable multicast for file
  • Better understanding of how high-speed
    infrastructures react to traffic load
  • Support in the definition of TCP-based services
  • Integration and sharing of the existing GEANT
    monitoring with end-to-end DataGRID network
    monitoring data

Issues (from First Project Review on March 1st)
  • Overall under funded project relative to the
    size, goals and number of partners
  • New technology, 21 partners and diversity of
    applications and communities (CS, PP, EO and Bio)
  • CERN (and some other partners) original funding
    assumptions no longer valid
  • Project office under staffed and below minimum
    operating budget one project secretary, one
    technical coordinator and one quality engineer
    marginally funded (0 travel budget and personnel
    cost higher than expected)
  • Overall the project within budget, but ½ of
    partners overspent travel and 2 largely overspent
    first year budget
  • Almost completely unfunded resources for test bed
    equipment, networking and security

Experience of first year and main issues
  • The project is still up and running but,
  • Needs quickly to implement EU recommendations
  • Needs to understand how to progress with the test
    beds by mastering complexity, emerging standards
    and support issues
  • Needs to adapt and connect to proliferation of
    Grid projects world-wide
  • Needs to consolidate user communities (VOs)
  • Needs to keep cost under control
  • Needs to develop an after EDG strategy (LCG, FP6?)

First project review follow up
  • Mobil agents explained why we dont need them
  • Security features and cross-authentication
    explained our plans and EoI for a security
    project I FP6 submitted by a subset of partners
  • Integration of new resources in the testbed
    explained WP6 approach and WP4 plans for a light
    weight installation procedure
  • More flexible fabric installation procedures and
    requirements WP4 is following this
  • Interface to Globus and participation towards a
    common evolution main issue under active
    discussion (also in the context of GGF, Glue etc.)

First project review follow up
  • Scalability of resource scheduling architecture
    needs test-plan implemented and test group
  • Improve data replica scheme being address for TB
  • Improve test use cases being discussed also in
    collaboration with DataTAG
  • Involve more EO applications being addressed by
    WP9 also as part of their review
  • Expand the use of Grid in EO being addressed by
    WP9 also as part of their review
  • Improve project visibility and publish the
    content of EU deliverables being addressed by
    WP11 and WP12 (Information officer hired)

First project review follow up
  • ESA review to address their role in the project
    and their expenditure profile carried out
    successfully last week in Frascati
  • PO short-coming addressed by replacing second
    project admin.
  • ESTEDI project contacted by WP2, publication of
    content of deliverables reviewed weekly
  • GGF participation and GridStart
  • Involvment of industrial partners to be better
    documented for next review
  • EDG license agreed
  • WP11 should improve quantitative measurement of
    dissemination, web content etc.

Grid aspects covered by EDG testbed 1
  • Development
  • Small set of sites (approx 5) with small clusters
    of PCs for development purposes to test new
    versions of the EDG middleware, configurations
  • Not stable constantly changing
  • Currently testing EDG release 1.2
  • Production
  • More stable environment for use by application
  • more sites
  • more nodes per site (grow to meaningful size at
    major centres)
  • more users per VO
  • Currently running EDG release 1.1
  • Hope to install EDG 1.2 during June

Software Release Procedure
  • Coordination meeting
  • Gather feedback on previous release
  • Review plan for next release
  • WP meeting
  • Take basic plan and clarify effort/people/dependen
  • Sw development
  • Performed by WPs in dispersed institutes and run
    unit tests
  • Software integration
  • Performed by WP6 on frozen sw
  • Integration tests run
  • Acceptance tests
  • Performed by Loose Cannons et al.
  • Roll-out
  • Present sw to application groups
  • Deploy on testbed

themed tech. meets
testbed 1 Dec 11 2001 100 participants
Software release Plan http//
Roll-out. meeting
EDG platforms
  • EDG 1.1 (now) supports Linux RedHat 6.2
  • Globus2beta21
  • EDG 1.4 (July) will support Linux RedHat 7.2
  • Globus2.x
  • EDG 2.0 (October) will support Linux RedHat 7.2
  • Globus2.x
  • In 2002 we will start port to Solaris as 3 steps
  • WP1 UI tools
  • Other middleware
  • WP4 fabric mgmt tools

Release Plan details
  • Current release EDG 1.1.4
  • Deployed on testbed under RedHat 6.2
  • Finalising testing of EDG 1.2
  • WP1 APIs (see Massimos talk)
  • WP2 GDMP 3.0 (see Heinzs talk)
  • WP5 secure access to MSS (Castor)
  • EDG 1.3 (end June)
  • Build using autobuild tools to ease future
  • INTERNAL RELEASE will not be deployed on
    production testbed
  • EDG 1.4 (end July)
  • Support RH 6.2 7.2
  • Basic support for interactive jobs
  • Use MDS 2.2 with first GLUE schema
  • EDG 2.0 (Oct)
  • Still based on Globus 2.x (pre-OGSA)
  • Use updated GLUE schema
  • Job partitioning check-pointing
  • Advanced reservation/co-allocation
  • Integration of Condor DAGman

See http// for
further details
John Gordons Testbed Trident
iVDGL Datagrid
Les Robertson, CERN
  • Grid projects -
  • responsible for testbeds on which developers
    can build and test their software
  • testbeds for demos, Beta testing, scheduled
    data challenges

LCG - responsible for operating a production
Grid - 24 X 7 service - as easy to use
Issues when adding new sites to the testbed
  • EDG is currently setting-up procedures explaining
    how to add new sites
  • Variations already tested with Taiwan and Romania
  • Step-by-step instructions produced which we
    expect to become simpler over time
  • Need to clarify the minimum requirements for a
    site to become a member of the testbed
  • A number of regular tasks have to be performed by
    the sites administrators
  • A maximum delay needs to be defined for
    responding to requests/problems if the testbed is
    to run efficiently
  • Sites from new countries have to identify/create
    a supporting CA
  • Since CAs need mutual trust this could lead to an
    explosion of inspection activities
  • Some tasks will fall on the people responsible
    for managing the VOs
  • HEP experiment secretariats already perform some
    level of authentication of their institutes and
    members. How an we get some leverage from this?

Antonia Ghiselli, INFN
  • http//
  • Grid Laboratory Uniform Environment (GLUE) focus
    is on interoperability between Grid software
  • GLUE is a collaboration of grid projects with
    effort and management through iVDGL and DataTAG.
  • GLUE will report to and get guidance from HICB
    and JTB.
  • GLUE components are finalized to HEP experiments.
  • To date participating experiments are Alice,
    Atlas, BaBAR, CDF, CMS, D0, (LHCb?)
  • and projectsApGrid, CrossGrid,DataTAG, DataGrid,
    GriPhyN, IN2P3, INFN-Grid, iVDGL, LCG, GridPP,

Interaction with PPDG/GriPhyN/iVDGL
  • Work with dataTAG via the InterGrid (GLUE) to
    investigate inter-operability of US and EU grids
  • Authentication infrastructure
  • perform cross organizational authentication
  • DOE/EDG CAs mutual trust for Certs
  • Unified service discovery and information
  • discover the existence and configuration of
    services offered by the testbeds
  • Mature draft of information schema developed
  • Data movement infrastructure
  • move data from storage services operated by one
    organization to another
  • Authorization services
  • perform some level of cross organization,
    community based authorization
  • Computational services
  • coordinate computation across organizations to
    allow submission of jobs in EU to run on US sites
    and vice versa
  • These steps have to matched with EDG software
    release plan for deployment

The LHC Computing Grid Project
Goal Prepare and deploy the LHC computing
  • applications - tools, frameworks, environment,
  • computing system ? services
  • cluster ? automated fabric
  • collaborating computer centres ? grid
  • CERN-centric analysis ? global analysis
  • foster collaboration, coherence of LHC
    regional computing centres
  • central role of data challenges

This is not yet another grid technology project
it is a grid deployment project
Les Robertson, CERN
The futureOpen Grid Services Architecture
  • Increasingly popular standards-based framework
    for accessing network applications
  • W3C standardization Microsoft, IBM, Sun, others
  • WSDL Web Services Description Language
  • Interface Definition Language for Web services
  • SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
  • XML-based RPC protocol common WSDL target
  • WS-Inspection
  • Conventions for locating service descriptions
  • UDDI Universal Desc., Discovery, Integration
  • Directory for Web services
  • Service orientation to virtualize resources
  • Everything is a service
  • From Web services
  • Standard interface definition mechanisms
    multiple protocol bindings, local/remote
  • From Grids
  • Service semantics, reliability and security
  • Lifecycle management, discovery, other services
  • Multiple hosting environments
  • C, J2EE, .NET,

Globus 3.0 (OGSA compliant) end 2002 Industry
involvement IBM, MicroSoft, Sun
Future Plans
  • Collaborate with closely related activities
    (Glues, iVDGL, EDT, X) to deliver the basis of a
    production testbed to LCG
  • Extend collaboration with US based LHC activity
    via EDT/iVDGL
  • Prepare for second test bed in autumn 2002
  • Promote early standards adoption with
    participation to GGF and other international

  • Is there life after EDG?
  • EoI submitted for a large III (Integrated
    Infrastructure Initiative) in coordination with
    European RNs (RN Geant follow on)
  • 300 M Euros total budget, 100 M Euros EU funding
  • Overwhelming interest from European Grid
    community and industry
  • Will our community be able to deliver up to these
    very high expectations?
  • What is LCG role into this? and the other HEP
    national Grid activities?
  • Interesting discussions today and in the year

Learn more about Grids DataGrid
Programme includes Grid Lectures by Ian
Foster Carl Kesselman Hands-on tutorial DataGrid
Apply now via web http// Plac
es are limited
CERN School of Computing 2002
Vico Equense, Italy, 15-28 September 2002 The
2002 CERN School of Computing is organised by
CERN, with the Institute of Composite and
Biomedical Materials, National Research Council,
Naples, Italy.
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