Title: gLite The Next Generation Grid Middleware Lukasz Skital
1gLiteThe Next Generation (?) Grid Middleware
Lukasz Skital
3 listopad 2005
EGEE is a project funded by the European Union
under contract IST-2003-508833
- Introduction
- Middleware
- Architecture
- gLite Services
- Information and Monitoring System (R-GMA)
- Service Discovery (SD)
- Virtual Organisations Management System (VOMS)
- Workload Manager, Computing Element and Worker
Nodes - Logging and Bookkeeping
- Data Catalogs, File Transfer etc.
- gLite User Guide
- Job submission
- Job information
- Data management
- gLite in Cyfronet
- EGEE preproduction system
- Middleware makes Grid from distributed resources
- Layer between user (application) and resources
- gLite EGEEs Next Generation Grid Middleware
- Provenance LCG (VDT,EDG), AlieEn,
5gLite Services
6Information and Monitoring System(R-GMA)
- Implements GGF GMA standard
- Virtual database (SQL-like query language)
- Flexible, but slow
Application code
Consumer servlet
Consumer API
Registry API
Registry servlet
Registry API
Schema API
Sensor code
Producer servlet
Schema servlet
Producer API
7Information and Monitoring System(R-GMA)
Publish Tuples
Producer Service
Producer application
Registry Service
Schema API
Send Query
Consumer Service
Consumer application
Schema Service
Receive Tuples
8Service Discovery (SD)
- gLite services database
- Can by used by end user and other services
- Compatible with
- File
9Virtual Organizations Management System (VOMS)
- Derived from DataTag and EDG
- Used for Virtual Organizations management
- Virtual Organization
- Users
- Resources
- Resources can be assigned to multiple VOs
- VOMS certificate appended to user proxy
certificate - Understood by Workload Management and Data
Management - Allows multiple VO membership
10Job Management
- WMS Workload Management System, resource broker
- CE Computing Element, interface to local
computing resources - WN Worker nodes
- Logging Bookkeeping job execution history
- Packet Manager dynamic installation of
application software
11Workload Management System (WMS)
- Resource broker
- Push mode
- WMS has a list of CEs
- WMS submits job to selected CE
- Necessary interaction with R-GMA (slow)
- Pull Mode
- CE has a list of WMS
- When CE has available resources, contacts WMS to
get a job. - Logging Bookkeeping
12Workload Management System (WMS)
13Computing Element (CE)
- Interface to local computational resources (WNs)
- Almost compatible with LCG one
- Two modes pull and push
- Condor client (WMSlt-gtCE)
- Local Resource Managment System (CElt-gtWN)
- Pbs (default Torque)
- Lsf
- Condor
14Data Management
- Three main services group
- Catalog Services
- Core service
- Independent data catalogs for VOs
- Storage Services
- Local Storage Resource Manager (eg. Castor,
dCache) - gLite IO-server
- File Transfer Services
- File transfer
- File placement
15Data ManagementCatalog
- File Catalog
- Filesystem-like view on logical file names
- Keeps track of sites where data is stored
- Conflict resolution
16Data ManagementStroage Element
- SRM interface
- Management and control
- SRM (with possible evolution)
- Posix-like File I/O
- File Access
- Open, read, write
- Not real posix (like rfio)
17gLite User Guide
18gLite User Guide How to submit a job?
19gLite User GuideHow to submit a job?
- Generate proxy certificate
20gLite User GuideHow to submit a job?
- Submit the job (prepared JDL file)
21gLite User GuideHow to submit a job?
22gLite User GuideHow to submit a job?
- Check the job status history (1/2)
23gLite User GuideHow to submit a job?
- Check the job status history (2/2)
24gLite User GuideHow to submit a job?
25gLite User GuideHow to submit a job?
26DAG Jobs Directed Acyclic Graph
- Jobs with dependencies
- Allows to define data flow using Storage Element
- Assures job synchronization according to DAG
- DAG definded in JDL
27gLite User GuideData Management
- Available glite-catalog operations
28gLite User GuideData Management
29gLite User GuideData Management
30gLite User GuideData Management
31gLite User GuideData Management
32gLite in Cyfronet
33gLitein ACC Cyfronet AGH
- Part of EGEE pre-production service
- Resources
- ONE node zeus32,
- 2 CPU 2.4GHz, 2GB RAM, 120GB HDD
- Requirements
- 5 nodes
- Solution Virtualisation
- The Xen virtual machine monitor
- 9 virtual machines running on one real node
- Performance??? Good enough for pre-production
34Cyfronet in PPS wiki
35gLite in ACC Cyfronet AGH
- Nodes and services
- zeus32
- Xen Domain-0 direct access to hardware
- nfsd, dhcpd
- R-GMA Server
- zeus73 Storage element DPM
- zeus74 IO server
- zeus75 WMS (pull mode)
- zeus76 Computing elements/Worker node
- zeus77-79 Worker nodes
- zeus80 User Interface
- http//glite.web.cern.ch/glite/
- https//wiki.egee.cesga.es1234/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/C
yfronetNodeList - Comparison of LCG-2 and gLite, E.
Slabospitskaya, IHEP - gLite for ATLAS Production, Simone Campana,