Title: Cyanobacteria Blooms:
1Cyanobacteria Blooms Effects on Aquatic
Karl E. Havens University of Florida /
IFAS Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- What kind of algae form these blooms?
- How does bloom occurrence vary seasonally?
- How does it vary with trophic state?
- What factors trigger onset and collapse of
blooms? - What are the ecosystem impacts?
- What are the key data gaps / research needs?
3Data from Lake George, Florida provided by Ed
Phlips (University of Florida)
4Zohary, T. et al. 1995. Cyanobacteria-phytoplankto
n dynamics in a hypereutrophic African lake.
Water Science Technology 32 103-104.
5Downing, J.A., S.B. Watson and E. McCauley. 2001.
Predicting cyanobacteria dominance in lakes.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic
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6Havens, K.E., R.T. James, T.L. East and V.H.
Smith. 2003. NP ratios, light limitation, And
cyanobacterial dominance in a subtropical lake
impacted by non-point source nutrient Pollution.
Environmental Pollution 122 379-390.
7Lathrop, R.C., S.R. Carpenter, C.A. Stow, P.A.
Soranno and J.C. Panuska. 1998. Phosphorus
loading reductions needed to control blue-green
algal blooms in Lake Mendota. Canadian Journal of
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55 1169-1178.
8Soranno, P.A. 1997. Factors affecting the timing
of surface scums and epilimnetic blooms of
blue-green algae in a eutrophic lake. Canadian
Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54
9Onset of blooms
- Increased water temperature
- Stable water column (species dependent)
- Reduced flow / continuous low flow (rivers)
- Depletion of nitrate nitrogen relative to ammonia
- Low DINSRP ratio
- Elevated pH, depletion of free carbon dioxide
- Selective grazing by zooplankton on edible
algae - High availability of soluble P or sediment source
10Bloom collapse
- Decreased solar radiation (cloudy days)
- Input of turbid or colored water
- Increased water flow
- Enhanced grazing by certain fish
- Increased turbulence (species specific)
- Input of water high in herbicides from the
- Light limitation plants, epiphyton, benthic
algae, phytoplankton
Reduced Transparency
- Sub-lethal and lethal impacts
- to fish populations
Elevated pH
- Altered competitive interactions
- among phytoplankton
Reduced CO2
- Allelopathy, sub-lethal and lethal toxic
effects on fish, zooplankton,
macro-invertebrates, wading birds, other aquatic
Toxin Production
Increased Algal Size
- Impacts on zooplankton grazing and food web
Hypoxia / Anoxia
- Fish kills, sub-lethal and lethal impacts on
other biota
12Biological Effects 1. Plants / Alternative States
14Biological Effects 2. Zooplankton / Food Webs
15Effects on grazing zooplankton
- Mechanical interference
- Toxic effects
- P limitation at high CP ratios
Results in
- Reduced growth rates
- Reduced fecundity
- Reduced longevity
- Increased mortality
- Large Daphnia most sensitive
- Food web effects
17Trophic effects on fish
- Fish biomass correlated with TP and Chl a
- Changes in fish community structure with
eutrophication - Loss of piscivores, increased omnivores
- Studies focused in temperate regions where main
effect may be loss of cold water hypolimnetic
refuge in summer due to anoxia - No major changes in fish community structure
noted in Florida lakes (Bachmann et al. 1996)
with increased TP and Chl a
Bachmann et al. 1996. Relations between trophic
state indicators and fish in Florida (USA)
lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic
Sciences 53 842-855.
18Biological Effects 3. Benthic Communities
19Palmer, M.A., A.P. Covich, S. Lake et al. 2000.
Linkages between aquatic sediment biota And life
above sediments as potential drivers of
biodiversity and ecological processes. BioScience
50 1062-1075.
20Biological Effects 4. Impacts of Cyanobacterial
Chemical Structure Alkaloid. Mode of Action
Neuromuscular block, e.g. block of sodium
pump. Symptoms Convulsions, muscle
cramps, respiratory distress, heart
failure death in as little as minutes very
fast death factor. Occurrence Relatively rare
compared to hepato- toxins, fortunately.
One of the first cyanobacterial neurotoxins
described very fast death factor, Gorham 1964.
Associated Species Anabaena flos-aquae,
Oscillatoria formosa, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae
Chemical Structure cyclic complex
peptides Mode of Action inhibition of protein
synthesis and disruption of cytoskeleton
in hepatocyte (liver) cells Symptoms liver
cancer and chronic problems associated with
gastro-intestinal tract Occurrence relatively
common in lakes with dense blooms of
Microcystis or Cylindrospermopsis
One of the first cyanotoxins described, fast
death factor (Bishop et al. 1959). Cyclic
peptide, over 50 variants discovered so far.
Specific modes of action necrosis the liver,
death from hemorrhagic shock. Inhibition of
protein synthesis, DNA damage. Possible tumor
Associated species Microcystis aeruginosa
Alkaloid tricyclic guanidinyl hydroxymethyluraci
l (Ohtani et al. 1992). Associated with now
famous Palm Island, Australia Intoxication of
148 people in 1979 (Bourke et al. 1983).
Specific mode of action cytotoxicity, lesions,
necrosis, hepato-enteritis. Possibly related to
suppression of glutathione levels (Runnegar et
al. 1994).
Associated Species Cylindrospermopsis raciborski
26Some Documented Effects of Cyanobacterial Toxins
- Suppression of zooplankton grazing (Gilbert 1990)
- Allelopathy on other phytoplankton (Suikkanen et
al. 2004) - Hepatotoxic effects on fish (Ernst et al. 2001)
- Renal failure in fish (Kotak et al. 1996)
- Inhibition of fish gill Na/K-ATPase activity
(Bury et al. 1998) - Accumulation in copepod body tissues and fecal
pellets and potential for accumulation in higher
trophic levels in plankton and benthos
(Lehtiniemi et al. 2002) - Accumulation in crayfish tissues and potential
for transfer to higher trophic levels (Liras et
al. 1998) - Mass mortality of ducks reported during a
Microcystis bloom in Japan (Matsunaga et al. 1999)
Most results from controlled lab experiments
and toxic effects occurred at high doses of toxins
27Estimates of summer internal P loading by
vertical migration of cyanobacteria
- 2.3 mgP/m2/day (Barbiero and Welch 1992)
- 2.5 mgP/m2/day (Pettersson et al. 1993)
- 2.2 to 3.6 mg/m2/day (Barbiero and Kann 1994)
- 2.0 mgP/m2/day (Head et al. 1999)
- Head et al. (1999) conclude that following
reduction of external phosphorus loading,
utilization of such internal phosphorus sources
may delay expected reductions of bloom-forming
cyanobacterial communities, and consequently
improvements in other aspects of water quality.
28Unresolved questions / research focus areas
- What physical, chemical and biological factors
determine level of toxin production during a
bloom? - What are the community level impacts of toxic
cyanobacterial blooms? - What impacts do changes in food web structure and
function during cyanobacterial dominance have on
fish? - To what extent does dominance by vertically
migrating cyanobacteria lengthen response time of
aquatic ecosystems to nutrient load reduction?