Title: SEAWITCH Federal Project History, Current Status
1SEAWITCH Federal ProjectHistory, Current Status
Way Ahead
LT Joshua BlockerUSCG Sector Baltimore 20
November 2008
- SEAWITCH Case History
- Current SEAWITCH Case Status
- Way Ahead
- Unified Command Elements
- Contact Information
3SEAWITCH Case History (1968)
- Hull No. 354, later christened SS C.V. SEAWITCH,
built at Bath Iron Works, Maine in 1968 - Lead vessel in 8-ship Seawitch Class container
4SEAWITCH Case History (1973)
- Involved in major marine casualty (collision with
SS ESSO BRUSSELS) in NY Harbor, 2 June 1973 - 14 killed (3 SEAWITCH, 11 ESSO BRUSSELS)
- Ensuing fire damaged Verrazano Narrows Bridge as
well as both vessels
5SEAWITCH Case History (1973)
6SEAWITCH Case History (1973 1975)
7SEAWITCH Case History (1974 1987)
- Relatively little historical data on SEAWITCH
from 1974 through 1987 - 1987 remnants of SEAWITCH hull (forward 455)
integral component of local salvage company,
aptly named Seawitch Salvage, located at Kurt
Iron Metal (KIM) facility in Baltimore, MD
8SEAWITCH Case History (1993 1995)
- In 1993, Seawitch Salvage awarded contract to
begin ship-breaking of USS CORAL SEA. Project ran
through 1995
9SEAWITCH Case History (1993 1995)
U.S.S. CORAL SEA ship-breaking project (circa
10SEAWITCH Case History (1998 2000)
- Kerry Ellis, owner of Seawitch Salvage, indicted
for possible environmental crimes committed
during CORAL SEA ship-breaking (illegally
disposing of asbestos and waste oil) - Kerry Ellis imprisoned following conviction on
Clear Air Act and Clean Water Act violations in
1998 Dies in prison in 2000 - In 2000, Maryland Port Administration (MPA)
acquires former Kurt Iron Metal property - SEAWITCH did not convey in MPAs property
acquisition. Later, NPFC conducted title and deed
search reaffirming SEAWITCH hull was abandoned
therefore lacked an identifiable Responsible
Party (RP)
11SEAWITCH Case History (2003)
- In August 2003, National Response Center received
report of sunken vessel leaking oil
approximately 20,000 gallons on board
(estimated). MPA was the reporting party MPA
last on site 15 April and vessel was still afloat - USCG Activities Baltimore accessed Oil Spill
Liability Trust Fund (OSLTF) and hired clean-up
contractors - Federal Project No. P03018
- OSLTF spent 550,000
- Operations ceased 25 November 2003 - Risk-based
decision matrix combined with lack of visible
oily product
12Current SEAWITCH Case Status (2007 2008)
13Current SEAWITCH Case Status (2007 2008)
- September 2007 During MPA-supervised site
remediation, USCG Sector Baltimore receives
Notice of Transfer from AA Environmental for
transfer of oily waste from SEAWITCH to vac truck
for transport to disposal site - 4 years have passed since FPN 03018, new crews
have changed out so a CG field response team is
dispatched for follow-up - Case turned over to Sector Baltimore Incident
Management Division for long-term
monitoring/management - MPA had contract in place to remediate site and
remove derelict vessels and therefore retained
operational lead - Unified Command established October 2007
14Current SEAWITCH Case Status (2007 2008)
- January 2008 Unified Command suspended
operations due to cold weather conditions and the
fact that any oil present will not rise to
surface due to near-freezing water temps - June 2008 Unified Command re-convenes. Oil
begins to re-appear - July 2008 With funding under MPA existing
contract exhausted, FOSC/Unified Command agrees
to Federalize the SEAWITCH project (FPN 08018) - Coast Guard and Maryland Department of the
Environment (MDE) assume operational lead
15Current SEAWITCH Case Status (2007 2008)
- Resolve Marine Group and Miller Environmental
Group hired under existing CG MLC emergency
response contracts - Both companies begin mobilizing gear, securing
hull containment and initiate extensive site
safety preps - Updated dive survey
16Current SEAWITCH Case Status (2007 2008)
- Resolve/Miller complete successful re-float of
SEAWITCH on 13 September - Re-floating of SEAWITCH hull necessary to
accurately confirm quantity of oil present in
double bottom tanks
17Current SEAWITCH Case Status (2007 2008)
18Current SEAWITCH Case Status (2007 2008)
- Hold 4 and 5 (and double bottoms) relatively
clean and free of heavy oil Hold 1 thru 3
accessed and approximately 33,000 gallons of oil
and 15 tons of oil-contaminated mud removed as of
15 November. Pumping operations still underway.
Technicians continue oil removal ops from hold
no. 2
19Current SEAWITCH Case Status (2007 2008)
- Federal project ceiling at 14.5M (as of 20
November 08) - No. 6 oil highly viscous oil has to be heated,
cut with diesel, then pumped off the SEAWITCH - 24/7 operations
- Weekly Unified Command meetings at
Fairfield/Mercedes facility
20Current SEAWITCH Case Status (2007 2008)
- Vessel destruction request memo approved by
Commandant on 29 October 2008 - Destruction approval needed to ensure maximum
full and complete validation of clean-up
21Way Ahead
- Continue heating and pumping of No. 6 oil
- Dead ship tow on or about 01 December 2008
- Contractor demobilization
- Stand down SEAWITCH Unified Command
22Unified Command Elements
- Coast Guard
- Coast Guard Headquarters (CG-533)
- 5th Coast Guard District/Regional Response Team
III - Sector Baltimore
- National Pollution Funds Center
- Coast Guard Atlantic Strike Team
- Coast Guard Marine Safety Center
- Coast Guard Salvage Engineering Response Team
- State of Maryland
- Department of the Environment
- Department of Transportation
- Maryland Port Administration
- MD National Guard 32nd Civil Support Team
23Unified Command Elements, continued
- Regional Response Team, Region III
- Environmental Protection Agency
- National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration - Tri-State Bird Rescue
- Emergency Response Contractors
- Resolve Marine Group
- Miller Environmental Group
24(No Transcript)