Title: Bird migration and AI
1AI Wild Birds Lessons Learnt Ukraine Black
Sergei Khomenko (PhD) Kiev, UKRAINE Institute of
Zoology, NAS Ukraine khomenko_at_izan.kiev.ua
Aviemore, Scotland 26-28 June, 2007
2AI outbreaks in the backyard poultry in the Black
Sea region
As was on the 20 February 2006
3AI localities in Ukraine, 2005-06
Late April 2006 Sivash, Cormorant colony
1. December 2005 January 2006, Crimea, Sivash
Lake - 34
2. February 2006,Odessa Zoo, captive collection
(LPAI?) - 1
3. June 2006, Peski - 1
4Spatial and temporal pattern of outbreaks in
poultry in Crimea, Ukraine
Sivash Lake
First outbreak
Poultry started to die mid-October Officially
reported 1.5 month later!
5Chronology of AI epizooty in Crimea in winter
Intensive migration of White-fronted Geese and
other waterfowl
Onsets of AI epizooty
Periods of outbreaks
Volga Delta became totally frozen and birds were
forced to move SW (Ukraine, Romania, Turkey)
6Waterbirds water human population AI
introduction risk
Are waterbirds to blame?
7WI/FAO AI missions to the Sivash Lake, Ukraine
- 21-27 April 2006, Eastern Sivash (3 sites)
- 15-24 October 2006, Eastern Sivash (4 sites)
A total of 736 birds sampled, Primarily waders
(target species Dunlin, Ruff)
8 known from the Sivash - 2006
CA Station Crimean Antiplague Station
9Official surveillance in Ukraine
- Veterinary service serology, PCR, all country,
stochastic, hunter-based, reliability low - Crimean Antiplague Station PCR, Crimea
nearabouts, routine work, wildlife experts
involved - Odessa Antiplague Institute PCR, Odessa region,
regular, wildlife experts, supported by 6th Navy
10Research surveillance projects
- WI BS Program (FAO/WCS/USAID/ GAINS) foreign
labs, Sivash Lake, targeted mission, by wildlife
experts - Kharkov Institute for Clinical Veterinary
Medicine serology, PCR, with wildlife experts,
waders, eggs, occasionally - UOS/OMPO foreign lab, scope ?, some Anatidae
species, short-term
11Round year AI surveillance project, Sivash Lake
from April 2007
Anser albifrons Anas platyrhynchos Tadorna
Yet to be done Planned - 1000
Philmachus pugnax Calidris alpina Calidris
ferruginea Calidris minuta Limicola
falcinellus Pluvialis squatarola
Done - 1261 Yet to collect - 1250
Larus melanocephalus Larus genei Larus
cachinans Sterna hirundo Talasseus
sendvicensis Phalacrocorax carbo
All done About 1400
12Species sampled FAO/WI - 2006
13Species sampled USAID/GAINS/ WCS Apr-May 2007