Title: Insect Pests On Beef Cattle
1Insect Pests On Beef Cattle
- Jeffery K. Tomberlin, Ph.D.
- Department of Entomology
- Texas Cooperative Extension
- Texas AM University
- jktomberlin_at_ag.tamu.edu
- 254 968 4144
2(No Transcript)
3Male Female
Southern cattle tick, Boophilus microplus
-One host tick
4Sites Attacked By Flies
5Three Primary Fly Pests
- House fly
- Stable fly
- Horn fly
6House fly, Musca domestica
7Horn fly, Haematobia irritans
8Insect Life Cycle
9(No Transcript)
10Horn fly, Haematobia irritans
- 1 pest affecting cattle
- Both sexes feed multiple times daily
- Reside on cow
- Consume 10 µl/day 3000/cow30 ml/day
- Bites hurt
- Cosmetic defects
Biology 1
11- Nursing cows
- Metabolism of cow
- Reduce feeding
Economic Threshold250 flies/cow
Biology 2
12Effects on weight gain
Horn fly s in Canada
13Stable Fly, Stomoxys calcitrans
14Insect Life Cycle
15(No Transcript)
16Where Are The Breeding Sites For Stable Flies?
17(No Transcript)
18Stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans
- More abundant in confined areas
- Attack many areas sides, back, primarily legs
- Both sexes feed once/day
- Do not reside on cow
- Bites hurt result in wound
- Reduced feeding
Economic Threshold 2-4/leg
19Greene et al. (Kansas State University)
20Greene et al. (Kansas State University)
21Greene et al. (Kansas State University)
22Saskatchewan (Agriculture, Food and Rural
23Saskatchewan (Agriculture, Food and Rural
24Various Control Methods
25Biological Control
Simply stated using what nature has provided to
suppress pest species
26Cultural Control
- Simply stated modifying the environment so that
it is unsuitable for sustaining a pest population
27Wes Watson (North Carolina State University)
28Chemical Control
29Baits for house flies
-Imidachloprid/muscalure -Cannot be used around
animals -6 oz per 1,000 sq ft -24.00 per 5 lb
bucket 111.00 per 40 lb bucket -life?
30Golden Malrin
-Methomyl/muscalure -Cannot be used in areas with
animals -8 oz per 1,000 sq ft -8.00 per
unit -life?
-Nithiazine-sugar -Can be used around animals -8
wk life -10-20 per unit
32Comparison Study of Baits
33Comparison Study of Baits
34Comparison Study of Baits
Six 1 hr replicates
35Ear Tags
- What are they?
- What are they used for?
- Which ones do I use?
36Common Ear Tags
37Double Barrel
- OP/Syn Pyrethroid
- 5 months
- Use on beef, non-lactating, calves
- Triangle design
- No pre-slaughter
- withdrawal
- OP
- 5 months
- Used on calves
39Gardstar Plus
40Back rubs
Oil face flaps
Oiler bullets
41Perimeter Sprays
- Vapona, Dichlorvos (op)
- Spray around barns for flies, etc.
- Suggested weekly Base on fly !!!
42Pour-on Insecticides
- Permethrin
- Non-restricted use
- Used as perimeter spray, back rubs, pour-ons
- Can remain in storage for approximately 1 year
- Know your pests
- Economic thresholds
- Use a combination of techniques
- Read labels
- Be careful!!
- The information given herein is for educational
purposes only. Reference to trade name is made
with the understanding that no discrimination is
intended and no endorsement by the Texas
Cooperative Extension Service is implied