Title: BSE: World Situation and USDA Response
1BSE World Situation and USDA Response
- FDA TSE Advisory Committee
- Silver Spring, MD
- October 14, 2004
- Lisa A. Ferguson, DVM
- Senior Staff Veterinarian
- USDA, APHIS, Veterinary Services
2Total BSE cases worldwide
- Cumulative total greater than 188,900 cases
- Greater than 96 in United Kingdom
- OIE website lists current reported totals
- www.oie.int
3Total BSE cases worldwide
Austria 1
Belgium 126
Canada 2
Czech 14
Denmark 13
Finland 1
France 926
Germany 335
Greece 1
Ireland 1441
Israel 1
Italy 115
Japan 13
Liecht. 2
Luxemb. 2
Netherl. 76
Poland 18
Portugal 914
Slovakia 18
Slovenia 5
Spain 479
Switz. 454
Total non-UK 4957
UK 183,972
4EU summary
- BSE testing in 2003 (EU 15)
- Total of 10 million cattle tested (8.7 million
healthy) - 1,364 positive
- Number of BSE cases and overall prevalence
decreased by approximately 35 compared to 2002 - Demonstrate control measures are having some
5PrevalenceCases per million adult cattle
Adult cattle (mil) Positives Prevalence 2003 Prevalence 2002
Total EU 15 38.9 1364 35 53
Spain 3.5 173 49 39
France 10.8 138 13 22
Ireland 3.2 185 57 103
Portugal 0.7 133 170 107
UK 4.9 614 125 230
6Assessments of country status
- Geographical BSE-risk
- Initial assessments completed in 2000 by SSC
- Level I-IV
- US considered Level II in 2000
- EC requested re-assessments, due to additional
findings of BSE - US, Canada, Mexico, South Africa Level III
- Australia remains Level I
- OIE recognition of provisionally free
- Argentina, Iceland, Singapore, Uruguay
7USDA-APHIS Import Regulations
- Title 9 Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 93-98
- Part 94.18 list of countries affected with BSE
or that present an undue risk of BSE - November 2003 proposed rule
- Create minimal risk category
- Import conditions for certain animals and
products from minimal risk regions - Place Canada in minimal risk category
- Reviewing and analyzing comments
8Canadian situation
- 2 indigenous cases identified
- May 2003 beef cow in Alberta
- December 2003 dairy cow in Washington
- Extensive epi investigations
- SRM removal June 2003
- Feed ban in place since 1997 - considering
additional animal feed restrictions - Increased surveillance targeted high-risk
- Goal 8,000 in 2004 - gt6300 samples to date
- Goal 30,000 in 2005
9FSIS Actions
- Federal Register - Jan 12, 2004
- Prohibit non-ambulatory disabled cattle from
slaughter for human consumption - SRMs prohibited from human food
- Tonsils, small intestine of cattle of all ages
brain, spinal cord, eyes, dorsal root ganglia,
trigeminal ganglia of cattle gt30 months - Mechanically separated meat prohibited from human
food process controls on AMR - Carcass of animals sampled not passed for
inspection until negative test results received
10BSE National Surveillance Plan
- Obtain as many samples as possible from the
targeted high-risk population in a 12-18 month
11BSE Surveillance Plan
- Targeting population where disease is most likely
to be diagnosed most efficient - Assumption if we cannot find disease in targeted
or most likely population, even more unlikely
to be found in non-targeted population - Use data obtained to extrapolate information
about broader cattle population
12BSE Targeted Surveillance
- Non-ambulatory animals
- Dead stock
- Field CNS Cases and on-farm suspects
- Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory data
- Public health laboratories
- Ante-mortem condemns at slaughter
13BSE Surveillance May 1990 FY2004 (thru
14Surveillance NVSL Bovine Brain Submissions FY
93-04 (through 5/31/04)
15Enhanced BSE Surveillance
- Total ELISA and IHC tests conducted since June
1, 2004 through October 10 - All negative results (2 inconclusives)
- 81,349
- (79,766 ELISA and 1,583 IHC)
16(No Transcript)