Magnetoencephalogram (MEG) correlated with perceptual binding of color and motion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Magnetoencephalogram (MEG) correlated with perceptual binding of color and motion


Magnetoencephalogram (MEG) correlated with perceptual binding of color and motion ... were enhanced when subjects perceived Dalmatian dog hidden in black blobs ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Magnetoencephalogram (MEG) correlated with perceptual binding of color and motion

Magnetoencephalogram (MEG) correlated with
perceptual binding of color and motion
  • Kaoru Amano1, Shinya Nishida2, and Tsunehiro

1. University of Tokyo 2. NTT Communication
Science Laboratories
Color motion asynchrony
Stimulus synchrony (SOA 0 ms)
Perceptual asynchrony (When color reversals and
motion direction reversals are physically in
phase, they are not perceived to be in synchrony.)
250 ms
Stimulus asynchrony (SOA 100 ms)
Perceptual synchrony (When motion directions
reversal precedes color reversals by about 100
ms, they are perceived to be in synchrony)
250 ms
Moutoussis Zeki (1997)
  • To find the neural activities correlated with
    perceptual synchrony and binding of color and
  • Comparison of MEGs between the condition of
    perceptual synchrony (SOA100 ms) and that of
    perceptual asynchrony (SOA0 ms)
  • Averaged waveforms
  • Wavelet analysis of time-frequency domain
  • Psychophysical experiments of the perceptual
    synchrony and binding of color and motion
  • To test psychophysically-proposed models, by
  • The difference in latency of motion response and
    color response
  • The effect of alternation rate on MEG responses
  • The effect of temporal structure on MEG responses

Visual stimulus
  • Color
  • Test (4 s) Color was reversed between red and
    green at 2Hz
  • Pretest (1 s) a green pattern
  • Always stationary
  • Motion
  • Test (4 s) Motion direction was reversed between
    expansion and contraction at 2Hz
  • Pretest (1 s) a stationary pattern
  • Always green
  • Color Motion (SOA 0 ms)
  • Test (4 s) Color and motion direction were
    reversed at 2Hz with no physical delay
    (perceptual asynchrony)
  • Pretest (1 s) a stationary green pattern
  • Color Motion (SOA 100 ms)
  • Test (4 s) Color and motion direction were
    reversed at 2Hz with a color delay of 100ms
    (perceptual synchrony)
  • Pretest (1 s) a stationary green pattern

color motion


0.5 s
1 s
MEG measurement
5 s
  • Concentric half rings
  • SF 1.1 cycle/deg, contrast50
  • Red or Green
  • Stationary or Expantion/Contraction
  • velocity 3 deg/s

MEG recording and analysis
  • Ten male subjects were employed.
  • MEG recording
  • Whole head MEG system (Yokogawa, PQ244OR) with
    230 axial-z sensors and 70 x 3 vector sensors
  • Sampling rate 625 Hz, Filter 0.3-200 Hz
  • The number of average 100 times
  • Pre-trigger 1000 ms, post-trigger 4000 ms
  • Wavelet analysis
  • Sensor output in each trial was convolved with
    complex Morlet wavelets and was averaged across
    all trials (Tallon-Baudry, 1996).
  • The time varying energy for each frequency was
    corrected by the pre-trigger interval of 500 ms.
  • The results of right or left occipital channels
    were averaged (34 channels for each).
  • Dipole source localization
  • 230 axial-z sensors over the whole head were used
    for the estimation.
  • Analysis was conducted for averaged MEG filtered
    at gamma band (20-60 Hz).
  • Goodness of Fit (GOF) should be larger than 80 .

Psychophysical experiment
Synchrony task
Binding task

Identify the color presented during expanding
Tell whether color and motion were perceived to
be in phase
Motion fast
Color fast
Motion fast
Color fast
In-phase response ()
Red response ()
Averaged across all subjects (n10)
Color delay SOA (ms)
Color delay SOA (ms)
More successful binding of color and motion for
SOA100 ms than for SOA0 ms.
More synchronous perception of color and motion
for SOA100 ms than for SOA0 ms.
Interactions of averaged waveforms
Waveform interaction, defined by
ColorMotion-(ColorMotion), averaged
between 1000 and 3750 ms and across occipital 68
sensors and subjects (n10)
MEG amplitude (fT)
ColorMotion (SOA 0 ms)
MEG amplitudes (fT)
ColorMotion (SOA 100 ms)
Latency (ms)
  • Peaked response to each stimulus change (every
    250 ms) were found except for motion condition.
  • There was no difference in the magnitude of
    waveform interaction between the condition of
    perceptual asynchrony (SOA0ms) and the condition
    of perceptual synchrony (SOA100 ms).

Interactions in time-frequency domain
Frequency domain interactions, defined by
colormotion-(motioncolor), averaged
between 1000 and 3750 ms and across occipital 34
left sensors and subjects (n10)
Frequency (Hz)
ColorMotion (SOA 0 ms)
TF Energy
ColorMotion (SOA 100 ms)
Latency (ms)
Frequency band (Hz)
  • Interactions in 20-40Hz were larger under the
    condition of perceptual synchrony (SOA100ms)
    than under the condition of perceptual asynchrony
  • The effect was significant for 30-35 Hz in left
    hemisphere (p0.034)

Dipole source localization
Color,Color Motion (without filter)
Color Motion (20-60Hz)
168 ms
3120 ms
  • Dipoles were estimated in the similar visual area
    for Color and ColorMotion with both SOAs.
  • Dipole estimation for motion direction reversal
    was not successful because of the low S/N.
  • Magnetic field maps of 6/10 subjects indicated
    the activities in the occipital areas
  • Their dipoles were mainly estimated around
    calcarine sulcus.
  • The dipole amplitudes were generally larger under
    the condition of perceptual synchrony than under
    the condition of perceptual asynchrony.

Dependency of temporal structure
Enhanced 20-40Hz responses might be correlated
not with perceptual synchrony but with physical
  • Perceptual asynchrony depends on the temporal
    structure of the stimuli (first-order change
    versus second-order change) rather than the
    attribute type (color versus motion).
  • C1P2 Motion delay (color motion asynchrony)
  • C1P1 or C2P2 No delay
  • C2P1 Color delay

Nishida and Johnston, 2002
Using C1P1 or C2P2 stimulus will make it clear
whether enhanced gamma responses are correlated
with perceptual synchrony or physical asynchrony
First- and second-order change of color and
Nishida and Johnston, 2002
First-order change (transitions)
C1P1 (no delay)
Defined by two points in time
C1P2 (motion delay)
C2P1 (color delay)
Second-order change (turning point)
Defined by three points in time
C2P2 (no delay)
Position (Motion)
Psychophysical experiment (C1P1)
Synchrony task
Binding task

Identify the color when the rings were at the
outward position
Tell whether color change and position change
were perceived to be in phase
Motion fast
Color fast
Motion fast
Color fast
Red response ()
In-phase response ()
Color delay SOA (ms)
Color delay SOA (ms)
Averaged across all subjects (n6)
More synchronous perception of color and motion
for SOA0 ms than for SOA100ms.
More successful binding of color and motion for
SOA0ms than for SOA100ms.
Interactions in waveforms and time-frequency
domain (C1P1)
Waveform interactions, defined by
C1P1-(C1P1), averaged between 1000 and
3750 ms and across occipital 68 sensors and
subjects (n6)
Frequency domain interactions, defined by
C1P1-(C1P1), averaged between 1000 and
3750 ms and across occipital 68 sensors and
subjects (n6)
TF Energy
MEG amplitudes (fT)
Frequency band (Hz)
  • Interactions of averaged waveforms were very
    similar between the two SOA conditions.
  • Interactions in 20-30Hz were larger under the
    condition of perceptual synchrony (SOA 0 ms).

Psychophysical experiment (C2P2)
Synchrony task
Binding task
Identify the color increasing during expanding
Tell whether color change and motion were
perceived to be in phase
Motion fast
Color fast
Motion fast
Color fast
Green response ()
In-phase response ()
Averaged across all subjects (n6)
Color delay SOA (ms)
Color delay SOA (ms)
More synchronous perception of color and motion
for SOA0 ms than for SOA100ms.
More successful binding of color and motion for
SOA0ms than for SOA100ms.
Interactions in waveforms and time-frequency
domain (C2P2)
Waveform interactions, defined by
C2P2-(P2C2), averaged between 1000 and
3750 ms and across occipital 68 sensors and
subjects (n6)
Frequency domain interactions, defined by
C2P2-(C2P2), averaged between 1000 and
3750 ms and across occipital 68 sensors and
subjects (n6)
TF Energy
MEG amplitudes (fT)
Frequency band (Hz)
  • Interactions of averaged waveforms were very
    similar between the two SOA conditions.
  • Interactions in 20-30Hz were larger under the
    condition of perceptual synchrony (SOA 0 ms).
  • The effect was significant for 20-25 Hz in right
    hemisphere and 20-25, 25-30 Hz in left hemisphere
    (p0.049, p0.032, p0.0065 respectively).

Previous studies on the binding of visual
20-40 Hz responses were enhanced when C1 and P2
were perceived to be in synchrony (SOA100ms),
while 20-30 Hz responses were enhanced when C1
and P1 or C2 and P2 were perceived to be in
synchrony (SOA0ms).
  • Electrophysiological studies on animals
  • When two superimposed gratings that differ in
    orientation and drift in different directions are
    perceived as a single pattern (pattern motion),
    synchronization between neurons sensitive to each
    motion direction was increased (Castelo-Branco et
    al., 2000)
  • Under the condition of binocular rivalry, cells
    driven by the winning eye show a significant
    correlation (Fries et al., 1997)
  • EEG or MEG studies on human
  • Gamma band responses were enhanced when subjects
    perceived illusory (Kaniza) triangle
    (Tallon-Baudry et al., 1996)
  • Gamma band responses were enhanced when subjects
    perceived Dalmatian dog hidden in black blobs
    (Tallon-Baudry et al., 1997)

20-30Hz responses, slightly lower than the gamma
band (gt30Hz), might be correlated with perceptual
binding of color and motion
Models of color motion asynchrony
  • Psychophysically-proposed models of color motion
  • Latency difference model (Moutoussis Zeki,
  • Color and motion are processed in different
    areas, and the processing time difference between
    color and motion leads to perceptual asynchrony
  • Time marker model (Nishida Johnston, 2002)
  • Temporal localisation judgements are made by
    using temporal markers assigned to salient
  • Hybrid model (Clifford et al, 2003 Bedell et
    al., 2003)
  • Separate mechanisms for temporal synchrony and

Give some suggestions on these models by
analyzing MEG amplitudes and latencies
Time marker model
Nishida Johnston, 2002
  • Perceptual motion delay occurs only for rapid
  • Reaction times are not different between color
    and motion

Latency model can not account for color motion
Temporal localisation judgements are made by
using temporal markers assigned to salient changes
  • Accurate temporal order judgement for slow
    alternations result from matching between first
    order changes (color change) and second order
    changes (motion direction reversal)
  • Color motion asynchrony at rapid alternations
    result from matching between first-order changes
    (color change and position change)
  • Color change, position change (motion)
  • First-order change
  • Time marker can be allocated even at rapid
  • Motion direction reversal
  • Second-order change
  • Time marker is difficult to be allocated at rapid

Verification of the models
  • The effect of alternation frequency on the color
    change (C1) response and motion direction change
    (P2) response.
  • According to the time marker model, the response
    to motion reversal becomes less salient for
    higher frequencies while the saliency of color
    change does not change largely.
  • Comparison of MEG amplitudes and latencies
    between color change (C1), color direction change
    (C2), position change (P1), and motion direction
    change (P2) at 2 Hz
  • Are there any difference in latency between MEG
    to P2 and C1
  • Does the temporal structure of stimuli affect MEG
    amplitudes and/or latency?

Dependency on alternation rate
0.25 Hz

RMS (fT)
Peak RMS (fT)
2 Hz
RMS (fT)
Average of peak RMS values at 250-500, 500-750 ms.
time (ms)
  • Increasing alternation rate did not decrease
    color response.
  • Motion response reduced at higher alternation
    rate (2Hz).

Consistent with the time marker model
Dependency on temporal structure Latency
  • MEG latency was apparently shorter (but in fact
    longer, considering the short stimulus cycles)
    for color change (C1) than for motion direction
    change (P2).
  • MEG latency was affected not by stimulus
    attribute but by temporal structure

Alternation rate 2Hz
Latency (ms)
  • The latency difference between C1 and P2 is
    consistent with the latency model, and is also
    consistent with the time marker model given MEG
    primarily reflects the response to first-order
    temporal changes.
  • Similarity in latency found between C1 and P1,
    and between C2 and P2 is consistent with time
    marker model, but the latency model cannot
    predict these results.

Dependency on temporal structure Amplitude
  • MEG amplitude was smaller for motion direction
    change (P2) than for position change (P1), and
    for color direction change (C2) than for color
    change (C1).

Alternation rate 2Hz
Amplitudes (fT)
Compatible with the hypothesis that MEG primarily
reflects the response to the first-order temporal
change and the first-order change in P2 and C2
were less salient than that in P1 and C1.
Suggestions on models
  • P2 response reduced at higher alternation rate
    (2Hz), though increasing alternation rate did not
    decrease C1 response.
  • MEG latency was affected not by stimulus
    attribute (color vs. motion) but by temporal
    structure (first-order vs. second-order).

The MEG responses support the time marker model
(and hybrid models) more than the latency model.
  • MEG responses for simultaneous alternations in
    color and motion direction were measured.
  • 20-40 Hz responses were enhanced when C1 and P2
    were perceived to be in synchrony (SOA100ms),
    while 20-30 Hz responses were enhanced when C1
    and P1 or C2 and P2 were perceived to be in
    synchrony (SOA0ms).
  • MEG responses were compatible with the time
    marker model of color-motion asynchrony (Nishida
    and Johnston, 2002) indicating matching of
    salient events.
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