Title: What are Africanized Bees
1What are Africanized Bees?
- European Honeybees,
- Africanized Honeybees,
- Other Stinging Insects.
Arkansas State Plant Board
2Bees often get the blame for other pestering
- Bumble Bees
- Yellow Jackets
- Sweat Bees
- Wasps
But Honeybees are specific and easy to tell
apart from the others.
3Lets Not Confuse the Issue.Not all stinging
insects are honeybees
Yellowjacket, European paper wasp, Honey bee,
Bumble bee
4Except for Honeybees, most stinging insects dont
leave their stinger
- Honeybees have a barbed stinger and this causes
their stinger to stay behind.
5Cuckoo Wasp
Sweat Bee
Bald Faced Hornet Nest
Syrphid Fly
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8African and European Honeybee look the same.
Only an expert using sophisticated equipment can
tell the difference.
9If properly maintained, these bees should cause
no concern.
10Beekeepers maintaining European bees are a first
line of defense
- AHB is just looking for new foraging grounds,
- The presence of well maintained European
honeybees will help to fill the vacuum that would
result in their absence.