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Involving ETmiss, jet production, lepton ID, etc Relevant to Dark Matter, ... by space- based detectors such as EGRET/GLAST with thresholds as low as 100's ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: James%20L.%20Pinfold

AstroCollider Physics
James L. Pinfold University of Alberta
James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Astro-Collider Physics The Synergies
Direct Detection of Cosmic Rays in Collider
High PT Collider Physics Involving ETmiss, jet
production, lepton ID, etc Relevant to Dark
Matter, Extra Dimensions, etc.
Forward (hgt5) Collider Physics Few particles
with low pT but very high energy ( gt90 of
Eevent) relevant to HECR
Astroparticle Physics Cosmology
James Pinfold ISMD 2005
The LHC Collider
LHC ring 26km in circ.
  • LHC install by the end of 2006
  • First beam April 2007
  • First collisions July 2007
  • 2007 First physics 4 fb-1
  • 2008-09 Low lumi 20 fb-1/y
  • 2010 High lumi 100 fb-1/y

James Pinfold ISMD 2005
The LHC Detectors
  • - Higgs boson(s)
  • - SUSY particles??
  • Quark Gluon Plasma
  • LHC-B
  • CP violation in the B sector
  • Total pp x-section
  • MoEDAL
  • Monopole search
  • (LoI accepted)

James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Forward Physics at the LHC Astroparticle
Forward (hgt5) Collider Physics Few particles
with low pT but very high energy ( gt90 of
Eevent) relevant to HECR
Astroparticle Physics Cosmology
James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Measuring the Forward Region at the LHC
see Risto's talk on Totem
  • Extended coverage being planned for ATLAS (with
    pots out to 420m?)
  • The LHC benchmark measurement in this area is
    that of stot(pp) to 1

James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Colliders CR Extended Air Showers
  • Major uncertainties in our understanding of
    Cosmic ray observables still exist
  • The NEEDS workshop (2002) discussed which
    measurements of hadronic interactions are key to
    our understanding of CR physics. Eg
  • A precise measure of stot /sinel. p-p x-sections
  • Energy distribution of the leading nucleon
    in the final state
  • Measurement of sdiff/sinel
  • Inclusive p-spectra in the frag. region xF gt0.1
  • Make these measurement for pp, pA, and AA
  • To answer these questions ATLAS, CMS TOTEM,
    CASTOR have been joined by the proposed LHCF
    Project To Measure Very Forward Particles at
    the LHC in order to Understand the Highest Energy
    Cosmic Rays
  • To achieve its aim LHCF aims to measure the
    production x-section of pions in p-p collisions
    at the highest energy ( 1017eV CR

EG-1 The HECR energy spectrum
LHCF Detector
The LHC HECR Energy Spectrum
  • Studies of forward LHC collisions with pp, pA
    AA collisions are needed to refine our
    understanding of the HECR energy spectrum.
  • Can colliders can contribute to our understanding
    of the knee?
  • Eg the Colour Sextet quark model - enhanced WW/
    ZZ production has a threshold at the knee (1015
  • The Tevatron energy is just too low but the LHC
    could see a clear effect.
  • Is the CR spectrum, beyond the GZK cut-off, due
    to physics beyond the SM?
  • From monopoles
  • From Extra Dimensions inducing strong n
  • From massive relic particle (MRP) decay with MX
    gt1012 GeV,
  • From SUSY particles such as the S0 (uds-gluino)

High energy CRs consist of protons, nuclei,
GZK Cut-off
James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Cosmic Ray Exotics at the LHC
  • Centauro events have been mostly observed in CR
    emulsion exposures in balloons they are all
    characterized by
  • Abnormal hadron dominance in multiplicity/energy.
  • Low hadron mult. (wrt AA
    collisions of similar energy)
  • PT of produced particles more than
    normal (PT1.7 GeV/c)
  • .h distributions consistent with
    fireball formation isotropic decay
  • The LHC CASTOR (CMS) proposal measure charge
    particle mult. EM/HAD E-flow up to h 8
  • A tungsten/quartz fibre calorimeter
  • CASTORs objectives, measure
  • EEM/Ehad Longitudinal shower evolution
  • Search for Centauros, etc.

One of the mysterious "Centauro" events seen by
the Brazil Japan collab. in X-ray emulsion
chambers on Mt Chacaltaya
  • L1.5m, 8 sectors 9?

James Pinfold ISMD 2005
High PT Collider Physics Cosmology and
Astroparticle Physics
High PT Collider Physics Involving ETmiss, jet
production, lepton ID, etc Relevant to Dark
Matter, Extra Dimensions, etc.
Astroparticle Physics Cosmology
James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Very High Energy Cosmic Rays SUSY
  • A possible origin of UHECRs is the
    decay of a MRP, Mx, with mass related
    to the unification mass scale.
  • Schematic view of a jet for an initial
    squark from the decay of the X
  • Particles with mass of order mSUSY
    decay at the 1st vertical line.
  • At the second vertical line, all partons
    hadronize and unstable hadrons
    leptons decay.
  • At best we would only detect on earth one
    particle of the 104s produced in the
    X-particle decay
  • Thus we will only be able to study single
    -particle inclusive spectra of
    ps, ns, LSPs gs.
  • Input from the LHC on SUSY cascade studies are
    vital to study this physics - at energies up to
    1012 GeV.

James Pinfold ISMD 2005
WMAP Dark Matter
  • Launch of WMAP satellite in June 2001 ?
    1st data, February 2003.
  • The vastly increased precision of the WMAP CMB
    data, revealed temperature fluctuations that vary
    by only millionths of a degree.
  • Best fit cosmological model (including CB, ACBAR,
    2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey and Lyman alpha forest
    data) give the following energy densities
    (units of the critical density)
  • OL 0.730.04 (Vacuum energy)
  • Ob 0.0440.004 (baryon density)
  • Om 0.270.04 (Matter density
  • One can derive the cold dark matter density
  • 0.94 lt OCDM h2 lt 0.129 (95 CL) (CDM)
    normalized Hubble Constant 0.71 0.04
  • Little or no hot dark matter

James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Constraining Dark Matter Candidates
  • Dark matter candidates are legion axions,
    gravitinos, neutralinos, KK particles, Q balls,
    superWIMPs, branons
  • SUSY dark matter (MSUGRA) a good candidate is
    the neutralino ? LHC can explore a lot of the
    parameter space
  • MSUGRA would be discovered in one year at the LHC
    using jets ETmiss X

mSUGRA A00 ,
Ellis et al., hep-ph/0303043
Co-annihilation region
Focus point (FP) region
Forbidden LSP stau
Bulk region
co-annihilation region
bulk region
James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Direct Searches for WIMPs
  • Predicted nuclear recoil energy spectrum depends
    on astrophysics (DM halo model), nuclear physics
    (form-factors, coupling enhancements) and
    particle physics (WIMP mass and coupling).

?p WIMP-nucleon scattering cross-section, f(A)
mass fraction of element A in target, S(A,ER)
exp(-ER/E0r) for recoil energy ER, I(A)
spin/coherence enhancement (model-dep.), F2(A,ER)
nuclear form-factor, g(A) quenching factor
(Ev/ER), ?(Ev)? event identification efficiency.
James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Direct DM Searches
  • Next generation of tonne-scale direct Dark Matter
    detection experiments should give sensitivity to
    scalar WIMP-nucleon cross-sections 10-10 pb.

James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Indirect Dark Matter Searches
  • Indirect neutralino dark matter can be detected
    via neutralino annihilations, giving rise to 3
    main signals
  • Neutralino annihilation in the suns/earths
    core. These ns detected via CC interactions (? ?
    µ convs) in n-telescopes such as AMANDA.
  • The planned neutrino telescopes ANTARES IceCube
    are sensitive to Eµ gt 10 GeV Eµ gt 2550 GeV,
  • .g-rays originating from neutralino annihilations
    in the galactic core halo producing hadrons,
    which give rise to gs mostly from p0 decays.
  • Detected by space- based detectors such as
    EGRET/GLAST with thresholds as low as 100s MeV
    and in atmospheric Cerenkov telescopes, with
    thresholds in the range 20?100 GeV.
  • Hard cosmic ray positrons produced in the decays
    of leptons, heavy quarks gauge bosons from
    neutralino annihilations in our galactic halo. A
    clumpy halo is required to get sufficient s/n.
  • Space-based anti-matter detectors such as AMS-02
    and PAMELA will provide precise measurements of
    the positron spectrum and may be able to detect a
    positron signal from neutralino annihilation.
  • The predicted detection rates are very dependent
    on the models of neutralino densities, etc. and
    thus subject to large systematic uncertainties.

James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Putting it All Together
The black contour depicts the exclusion that we
can expect from the planned future direct
detection (DD) dark matter experiments (sSI gt
10-9 pb).
The LHC (100 fb-1) can cover the HB/FP region up
to m1/2 700 GeV, which corresponds to a reach
in mgluino of 1.8 TeV
Reach of IceCube ? telescope with Fsun(µ) 40
µs/km2/yr and Eµ gt 25 covering the FP region to
The Tevatron (10 fb-1) could cover the Higgs
annihilation corridor as shown by red dashed line
If SUSY lies in the upper FP region, then it may
be discovered 1st by IceCube ( possibly
Antares), confirmed later by direct DM
detection and the LC1000.
James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Extra Dimensions
  • A broad features of theories of Extra Dimensions
    (EDs) is that compactification of the n EDs
    generates a
    KK (Kaluza-Klein)
    tower of states
  • Most of the ED models fall into 3 classes
  • 1st - The large extra dimension (LED)

    scenario in which
  • Gravity propagates in the bulk, the

    matter gauge forces live on the
  • 2nd - The RS scenario, the hierarchy is

    generated by the large curvature of the
  • There exists 1 ED the TeV Planck branes

    within a 5-D space of
    constant -ve curvature
    the bulk - where gravity propagates.
  • SM particles forces are confined to the TeV

  • 3rd - The UED scenario all fields can

    propagate in the bulk and branes do not need

    to be present

Often assume that EDs have a common size R
(31n ) dimensions
(31) dimensions
James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Searching for EDs at Colliders
  • Searches for LEDs have usually assumed the ADD
    scenario. EG at LEP graviton emission virtual
    graviton effects from LEDs have been sought
  • Hadron collider reach (ADD scenario) for real
    graviton emission and virtual
    graviton effects
  • In RS scenario there are KK excitations

    of the SM gauge fields with
    masses TeV, manifested as resonances.
  • The constraints from data theoretical
    requirements mean that the RS scenario could be
    ruled out completely at the LHC

80 pb-1
James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Astrophysical/Cosmological Limits on EDs
Anomalous heating of neutron stars by
gravitionally trapped KK graviton modes
SN cooling via graviton emission
Radiative decay of gravitons to gs, contribute
to the diffuse g back-grounds
  • Although some of these limits are stringent they
    are indirect and contain large systematic errors.
    Although the n 2 scenario looks like its in
  • Ignoring these limitations we see that the
    astrophysical constraints allow low-gravity
    models with MD 1 TeV, n ? 4.
  • If EDs are discovered at the LHC it would provide
    useful input to our understanding of

James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Black Hole Production at the LHC
  • In theories with large EDs BH production is not
    an remote possibility, but could be the
    dominant effect when the Ecm reaches the Planck
  • The Cross-section is given by the black disk

    s pRS2 1 TeV-2 10-38 m2 100 pb.
  • Two qualitative assumptions the absence of small

    couplings the democratic nature of BH decays
  • BHs decay to give large multiplicity, small
    ETmiss, jets/leptons 5 ? hadrons/leptons/g,W,Z/H
    iggs 75/20/3/2
  • BH decays open a window into new physics! Clean
    BH samples would make LHC a new physics factory.
    EG SUSY particles produced 1 level

James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Black Holes at the LHC
  • The LHC reach is MD 6 TeV for any ? in one
    year at low luminosity
  • Once the event horizon is larger than a proton,
    the LHC would only produce BHs! An example of an
    ATLAS BH event is shown below.


James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Black Hole Production by Cosmic Rays
  • Consider BH production deep in the atmosphere by
    UHE neutrinos - detect them, e.g. in PAO, Ice3
    or AGASSA
  • OFO 100 BHs can be detected before the LHC turns
  • But can the BH signature be uniquely

(Feng and Shapere, hep-ph/0109106)
PAO limit (96 CL)
James Pinfold ISMD 2005
Direct Detection of CRs at the LHC
Direct Detection of Cosmic Rays in Collider
Astroparticle Physics Cosmology
James Pinfold ISMD 2005
  • The LHC detectors will deploy unprecedented areas
    of precision muon tracking, tracking and
    calorimetry 100m underground
  • In the spirit of Cosmo-LEP the LHC detectors
    could be used to detect and measure cosmic ray
    events directly

Muon Physics Plus with CosmoLHC
  • CosmoLHC carrying on CosmoLEP (L3C,
    CosmoALEPH). Topics to study
  • Single/inclusive ms
  • Upward going ms (E spectrum, angular
    distribution, etc.)
  • Multi-ms Muon bundles
  • Isoburst events seen in LVD, KGF (due to the
    decay of WIMPS with Mgt 10 GeV??)
  • These measurements will yield data on
  • Forward physics of hadronic showers
  • Primary composition of cosmic rays
  • Non-uniformities (sidereal anisotropies, bursts,
    point sources, GRBs)
  • New physics (eg anomalous muon bundles)?
  • One can also place detectors in large area
    coincidence (cosmic strings)

Single muon data
A muon bundle event
Concluding Remarks
  • There is a considerable and growing synergy
    between collider astroparticle physics A good
    example of this partnership is the search for
    dark matter. Ultimate test of DM at LHC only
    possible in conjunction with astroparticle
    experiments g measure mc , scp,, fsun etc.
  • The nature of discovery physics is that it often
    occurs when it is least expected ? astrocollider
    physics maximizes the coverage of possibility
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