Title: Developing WindWave Hindcast
1Developing Wind/Wave Hindcast Climatologies for
David E. Atkinson International Arctic Research
Center / Atmospheric Sciences Department Universit
y of Alaska Fairbanks James Partain National
Weather Service, Alaska Region Headquarters NOAA
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
2Research results Storm climatology Wave
climatology development gt assumptions gt sea
ice gt gridded data probs with NNR gt
results Response to CERB objectives gt coastal
erosion activities PRIDE workshop and
initiatives for AK HI gt climate change
impacts Federal initiative currently under
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
3Coastal erosion
Alteration of the coastal regime gt usually
involves removal of material gt can include
reworking shifting bars or spits gt coastline
dynamics and morphodynamics gt can include flooding
Implications gt Mineral sediments and carbon moved
to ocean gt Terrestrial, marine ecology impacted gt
Human habitation, infrastructure, way of life
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
Interest in waves gt Coastal dynamics driven in
large measure by energy input from
waves Interest in climatologies gt Relate
existing coastal change to existing trends in
wave energy gt Predict possible future trends
Coastal dynamics implications gt Mineral sediments
and carbon moved to ocean gt Terrestrial, marine
ecology impacted gt Human habitation,
infrastructure, way of life disrupted
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
5NWS Alaska Region Climate Challenges
- Climate change in Alaska is WAY beyond academic
- Decades-old warming at locations all across
Alaska - Greatly reduced extent and thickness of
multi-year sea ice - Later freeze-up in Fall and earlier break-up in
Spring - Glaciers retreating, Permafrost melting with
attendant issues - For NWS, debate over cause of warming is moot
NWS weather customers are impacted on a daily
basis they are looking to us for expertise!
6The Bering Sea Storm Oct 18-20, 2004
- Greatest short-term weather impacts of climate
change are for coastal storms and attendant
erosion - Later freeze-up, less extent and thinner sea-ice,
combined with loss of coastal permafrost, is a
recipe for erosion from normal Fall storms - Impacts magnified by greater wave size due to
increased open-water fetch - Dozens of Alaskan coastal communities currently
experiencing significant erosion7 communities
are critical, and 3 are in imminent peril of
being washed away (Shishmaref, Newtok, Kivilina).
7The Bering Sea Storm Oct 18-20, 2004
- Most important contributions from NWS are
Accuracy and Lead Time - The bomb of October 18-20, 2004, illustrates
the potential of our contributions - An ex-tropical cyclone rapidly deepened over a
period of several days to 940mb - Such storms normally handled very poorly by the
models, even in the short-term - In this case, GFS had large-scale details,
including amplification and track, predicted at
5-days lead time - More importantly, run-to-run consistency was key
to forecaster confidence in forecast/warning
8Bering Sea storm October 19, 2004
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
9Bering Sea storm October 19, 2004
10Atlantic hurricanes, 2003 season
11The Bering Sea Storm Oct 18-20, 2004
- Lead-time from WFO Fairbanks with first products
was 60-hrs - Emergency managers were in continuous contact
with WFO Fairbanks and the WSOs in Nome and
Kotzebue before, during and after the event - MDLs storm surge guidance also quite accurate
and useful both to NWS staff and EMs - Evacuations took place and physical mitigations
were put in place for structure protectionno
loss of life or significant injuries resulted.
12The Bering Sea Storm Oct 18-20, 2004
- Stillmuch erosion and property damage occurred
- 30M damage in Nome alone
- 50 feet of shoreline lost in Shishmarefthey
will not survive another such storm - Congress is looking at relocating imperiled
villagesan extremely expensive proposition - This storm showed
- The value of accurate, consistent objective
guidance in improving forecaster confidence in a
developing storm - The value of lead time
- The value of NWS information to emergency
planners for disaster mitigation.
13Nome, AK during the storm
14Nome, AK Front Street (where the Iditarod
15A residence in Shishmaref, AK after the storm
16The Shishmaref school after the storm
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
19Impacts Alaska - communities
The following communities are directly threatened
Bluff and seawall defense at Homer, AK Picture
from High School project by Monica PetersNat
SeamanJoleena BaughKirsten Baltz 2003, Homer
High School
Homer (Katchemak Bay/Kenai) Newtok
(Kenai) Shishmaref (Seward) Point Hope (North
Slope /Lisburne Peninsula) Kivalina (North
Slope/Lisburne Peninsula) Barrow (North Slope)
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
20Impacts Alaska - communities
Figure given to me by Tohru Saito, IARC
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
gt Understand the impact of waves gt Understand the
importance of storms - to drive waves - to
drive surges Examine storm climatology results
2279th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
Atlantic track is prominent at circum-polar scale
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
23Results from Arctic Coastal Dynamics project
ACD zones, weather station locations
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
Storm counts
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
25Trends in storm counts
- no strong trend
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
26Other influences on coastal erosion
- In frozen regions must consider
- Sea ice
- Permafrost
27Trends in open water season length, 1950 -
2000 (model initialized with observations)
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
28Results from western Kara Sea (S. Ogorodov,
Moscow State University) - influence of
temperature and wave energy in permafrost zones
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
29Wave energy climatologies - impetus
gt Wave energy principle forcing agent gt Much of
the circum-polar coastal zone susceptible to
erosion gt Problem is not easy various
parameters that must be considered - shallow
zones - sea ice ice on/off dates controls
wave access position of ice offshore controls
fetch (presence of floating ice also modifies
wave energy) gt Coastal process models require
wave energy input (I.e., and not wind) gt
Engineering issues
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
30Scope and Approach
Desire develop a system that will translate
winds into wave energy gt ERA is available, but
- custom development will allow tailoring
(e.g. force with winds from HIRHAM, upcoming
arctic reanalysis, even AOGCM predicted
fields.) gt Generate climatological wave
fields - monthly totals - annual totals -
period means and trends (1979-2003) Provide to
coastal dymanics researchers, but can also
assess contribution of ice
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
31Scope and Approach
Wave energy calculation - 1st order linear
(Airy) approximation gt Coastal Engineering
Manual and Technical Reference for the
Automated Coastal Engineering System (USArmy
Corps of Engineers) gt suitable for most
applications Full complexity of the 3-D fluid
structure can not currently be described in its
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
32Scope and Approach
Wind forcing - NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, 925 mb to
overcome speed problems - direction limited to
180 (I.e. water side) Direct forcing approach,
not distribution based
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
33NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis wind speed problem
34NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis wind speed problem
35Scope and Approach
Depth - simply specified at 10m - represents
generic shelf zone Sea ice - NSIDC extent plots
used - coastal region divided into 12 sectors by
longitude - based on ice plots, sectors assigned
a binary ice/no ice class - turned energy on/off
for that month
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
36NSIDC Sea Ice extent from passive microwave
37Results from Arctic Coastal Dynamics project
ACD zones, weather station locations
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
No depth variation Winds do not catch all events
(spatial resolution) Ice sector
approximation Ice content (binary approach)
coarse Spatial resoution coarse Orientation of
wind energy wrt coastline crude (180 degree thing)
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
391979 total
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
401998 total
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
411979 2003 mean
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
421979 2003 trends
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
43Next steps/improvements
gt Increase wind forcing resolution gt Introduce
local coastal orientation gt Variable depth gt
Introduce variable ice concentrations, drop
sector approach gt Comparisons with existing
observed/modeled information (e.g. Ogorodov
for Pechora Sea)
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
gt Influence of sea ice apparent even for this
coarse approach gt Wave energy trends, not just
seasonal totals, influenced by sea ice conditions
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
45Coastal Dynamics as a Function of Environmental
Forcing and Coastal Geology/Geocryology
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
Figure by Volker Rachold, Alfred Wegener
Institute, Potsdam, Germany
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
IASC Council Meeting at ASSW 2003 (Kiruna, Sweden)
46Coastal erosion - mechanisms
gt waves gt currents gt normal thermal stress on
frozen environments - sediment collapse - ice
wedge/thaw planes gt sea ice - ice shoves -
freezing entrains sediments gt surges - water
level - water level waves
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
47Ice push Figures courtesy Patrick Lajeunesse,
Université Laval, Québec
48Ice push Figures courtesy Patrick Lajeunesse,
Université Laval, Québec
49Impacts Alaska - communities
Shishmaref bluff retreat
Photos by Julie Baltar , story in the Nome
Nugget Shishmaref, AK
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
- ecological systems threatened - way of life
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
50Notice taken at highest levels
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
51Coastal erosion - forcings
High winds gt storms gt stalled events Ice
marine and terrestrial and threats to it gt
effects on sediments gt sea ice - distance from
coast - open water season length Warming
temperatures (ice)
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
Storm mean speed
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
Storm duration
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
Storm mean power
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
55And so
gt Coastal erosion strongly dependent on forcing gt
Currently making impact felt human and
ecosystem gt Chukchi Sea region can see strongly
erosive storms gt storminess trends not
conclusive, but sea ice retreat problematic
Now what?
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
David E. Atkinson IARC/Atm. Sci., University of
Alaska Fairbanks
Two choices gt fight the sea gt run from it
Recall the interrelatedness of the coastal system
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
57Sea walls at Homer, Shishmaref
Moving a village is a very expensive option
- perhaps can work with and within the existing
environmental context - potential at Shishmaref ?
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
58In summary
- Coastal erosion potential is increasing
- Problem isnt going to go away
- But instead of the more heavy handed
(traditional?) engineering solutions, perhaps
work more with the context - requires greater understanding of how the arctic
coastal system functions - inputs from TK and from research
- CERB messages coast as a system, must integrate
various process trajectories to arrive at
resultant impact for coastal system (eg sea ice
and storm trends)
79th Coastal Engineering Research Board
meeting Egan Center, Anchorage, June 7-9, 2005
59Specification of wave energy
- Basic energy equation
- Define H and L in terms of U and F
- Returns energy for a given point