Title: Go Over Test
1Go Over Test 2
- Grade Breakdown Fall 2005
- A's 3
- B's 3
- C's 2
- D's 2
- How to Study for CSc-037
- Visit the instructor's office for help
- Work on HW Early (as opposed to starting it the
night before it is due) - Read Text Before After Class
- Make sure you understand what's happening in Lab
- Play with Sample Programs in Course Folder
- Work on Exercises in Textbook
- Try Sample Tests without looking at answers
- (not just the night before the test)
2Week 08 - a
- Swing GUIJTextField, JTextArea, JButtonJLabel,
JPanel, JFrame - EventsActionListener InterfaceMouseListener,
3Sample Programs Referenced(code located in
course folder)
- GUI Hello
- Temperature Convert
- Turtle Graphics
- Measles (ClickMe)
- TicTacToe
- Sleepy Eyes
- java events.EventLab
4AWT and Swing
- GUI Graphical User Interface
- Windows, buttons, text boxes, etc.
- AWT Abstract Window Toolkit
- Early set of classes for building GUIs
- Platform dependent
- Swing
- More recent set of classes for building GUIs
- Platform independent
- Relies on AWT
5Categories of Classes
- Components
- like frames, panels, buttons, text boxes,
- Layout management
- Control flow of components
- Help position components
- Events
- Generated when users click buttons, move the
mouse, - Listeners
- Methods activated by operating system when events
6Creating a GUIHello
- Start with a class that IS A JFrame
- public class HelloGUI extends JFrame
- Set its size, title, and other properties
- setSize(width, height)
- setTitle(text)
- setResizeable(false) // optional
- Set what it should do when the user closes it
- setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
- (Precludes need for WindowListener)
- Needed in JFrame, not Applet
- Write an application class that instantiates the
GUI and makes it visible - theGUI.setVisible(true)
7Example Problem
175 pixels
375 pixels
- A frame is a window with a title bar and a border
- The Frame class is a subclass of Container class
- Container class objects may have other components
(e.g. Buttons or Labels) added to them using the
add method - A typical Java GUI will create and display one or
more frames - To make a frame visible the message
setVisible(true) must be sent to the frame
9JFrame and Content Pane
10Create the JFrame
- The HelloGUI class
- Extends JFrame
- Constructor that
- Sets the size to 375 by 175
- Sets the title to Hello
- Makes the frame not resizable
- Sets the close operation
- Application class that
- Instantiates a HelloGUI object
- Makes the GUI visible
11Add Instructions
- Need Container object to hold the content pane
- Set its background color to white
- Set the layout to null (more on layouts later)
- Need a JLabel object for the instructions
- Set the bounds
- Position at (125, 10)
- Dimensions 250 by 25
- Add the JLabel object to the content pane
12Add Text Boxes and Buttons
- Make instance variables for the two text boxes
and buttons - JTextField and JButton
- Instantiate in GUI constructor
- Set bounds
- Name (125, 40, 200, 25)
- Message (125, 100, 200, 25)
- Enter (125, 70, 125, 25)
- Clear (250, 70, 75, 25)
- Add text boxes and buttons to content pane
13Java Event Model
- An event model describes how events are handled
in the language - Java uses event generators and event listeners
- An event generator initiates an event of a
particular type - e.g. clicking a button generates an action event
- A event listener listens for and responds to
events of a particular type - e.g. our GUI will listen for action events and
have a method that will say what to do in
response to an action event - Also, the java.awt.event package must be imported
14Registering as anEvent Listener
- The GUI needs to tell the event generator that it
is a listener - This is called registering
- An event listener registers itself with an event
generator - e.g. enter.addActionListener(this)
- enter is the event generator
- this (the GUI) is the listener
- In order to for an object to be a listener it
must follow protocols - It must have an actionPerformed event
- The protocols are defined in the ActionListener
interface - The listener class must implement ActionListener
15The actionPerformed Method
- Specified in the ActionListener interface
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
- Does the task(s) that should be performed when
the action occurs - E.g. Writes the message in the text box
- Not explicitly called
- Automatically called when an event occurs for
which there is a registered listener - The parameter gives the action object that is
being processed - That way we can tell which button was pressed
16Working with Images
- An object of the JLabel class can hold text or an
ImageIcon object - An ImageIcon object holds an image
- new ImageIcon( filename of image )
- Modify the GUI
- Add another JLabel object as an instance variable
- Instantiate it with a constructor that takes an
ImageIcon object as its argument - e.g. image new JLabel(new ImageIcon(RedFace.gif
) - Set its bounds to (15, 20, 90, 99)
- Add it to the content pane
- Move the image RedFace and BlueFace into the
project folder
17Changing the Images
- Modify the actionPerformed method to change the
image - Set the image to the red face when the enter
button is pressed - Set the image to the blue face when the clear
button is pressed. - Use setIcon method of the JLabel
- e.g. Image.setIcon(new ImageIcon(BlueFace.gif)
18Display the MessageHello
- Modify the GUI to implement ActionListener
- Register the GUI as a listener for both buttons
- enter.addActionListener(this)
- clear.addActionListener(this)
- Write an actionPerformed method to set the text
in message to the String "Hello, " plus the text
in name. - Use the setText and getText methods of the
JTextFields - Try it
- Try the enter button
- Try the clear button
- How do we make them do different things?
19Sensing the Object
- Need to know who initiated the event
- The ActionEvent object that is the methods
parameter holds the information - Its getSource() method can be called to get a
reference to the object - e.g. e.getSource() would return a reference to
either the enter or clear button object - We can test it and use a decision structure to
decide what to do - Add
- Object buttonPressed e.getSource()
- The decision structure
20Entering Text can alsoTrigger an actionEvent
- Add the actionListener to the text field
- May need to determine which text field caused the
event - See Temperature Project in BlueJ
- (also listed on next 3 slides)
- Watch what happens if we resize the window
- Flow Layout
- Don't need to specify the location of each object
21Temperature Conversion(1 of 3)
- import java.awt.
- import java.awt.event.
- import javax.swing.
- /
- GUI to convert between Fahrenheit and
Centigrade Temperatures. -
- _at_author Dave Hannay
- _at_version 21 February 2004
- /
- public class Temperature extends JFrame
implements ActionListener - JTextField txtFahr new JTextField(6),
- txtCent new JTextField(6)
22Temperature Conversion(2 of 3)
- public Temperature()
- this.setSize(250,100)
- this.setTitle("Temperature Conversion")
- this.setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
- Container frame this.getContentPane()
- frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout())
- Panel fahrPanel new Panel()
- Panel centPanel new Panel()
- fahrPanel.add(new JLabel("Fahrenheit"))
fahrPanel.add(txtFahr) - centPanel.add(new JLabel("Centigrade"))
centPanel.add(txtCent) - frame.add(fahrPanel)
- frame.add(centPanel)
- txtFahr.addActionListener(this)
- txtCent.addActionListener(this)
- // end of Temperature constructor
23Temperature Conversion(3 of 3)
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
- double fahr, cent
- // check for user input in txtFahr TextField
- if (e.getSource() txtFahr)
- fahr Double.parseDouble(txtFahr.getText())
- cent 5.0 (fahr - 32.0) / 9.0
- txtCent.setText(""cent) // the old
convert to String trick - // end of fahrenheit to centigrade
- else
- cent Double.parseDouble(txtCent.getText())
- fahr 9.0 cent / 5.0 32.0
- txtFahr.setText(""fahr)
- // end of centigrade to fahrenheit
- // end of actionPerformed method
- // end of Temperature class
24HW 7(see Sample HW 7)
- GUI Interface for CD Collection
- See Textbook, problem 4, page 514
- Store info on your CD Collection in an array (or
Vector if you prefer) of Objects of type CD - Do not use Text Files for this assignment
- i.e. do not look ahead to chapter 8
- It will tend to make things more confusing
25Java BREAK
26Turtle Graphics
- Moves around screen based on button clicks
- Vector to remember where it has been
- so it can draw trailing line
- See in BlueJ
27Mouse Interfaces
- Java AWT provides a several interfaces for
handling mouse events - MouseListener
- has abstract methods mouseClicked, mousePressed,
mouseReleased, mouseEntered, mouseExited - MouseMotionListener
- has abstract methods mouseMoved, mouseDragged
- If a class should recognize mouse events, the
class must implement one or both of the
interfaces - The class must then contain concrete definitions
of ALL of the methods in the interface(s) - if a method is not used, its body may be empty
28Creating "Mouse Click" Listeners
- Import the java.awt.event package
- In the class header, add the words implements
MouseListener - Send the addMouseListerner(this) message to the
mouse event manager (should be done in the
constructor method) - Define methods mouseClicked, mousePressed,
mouseReleased, mouseEntered, mouseExited
29Mouse Listener Template
- import java.awt.event.
- public class classname implements MouseListener
- // include manager.addMouseListener(this)
- // manager is a an applet for now, so omitted
- // in some initialization method
- public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e)
- public void mousePressed (MouseEvent e)
- public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent e)
- public void mouseEntereded (MouseEvent e)
- public void mouseExited (MouseEvent e)
30Finding Mouse Location
- Inside mouseClicked, the argument e of type
MouseEvent can be used to find the location of
the mouse cursor - The call e.getX( ) returns the value of the
horizontal coordinate of the mouse cursor
position - The call e.getY( ) returns the value of the
vertical coordinate of the mouse cursor position
31MouseListener ExampleMeasles (ClickMe)
- import java.awt.event.
- implements MouseListener clause in method header
- addMouseListener(this) in init method
- Every MouseListener method must be implemented,
even if empty - 5 of them
- Use of getX(), getY()
32ClickMe ClassRun in BlueJ
- import java.awt.
- import java.applet.
- import java.awt.event.
- import java.util.
- // David Hannay 21 February 2004
- public class ClickMe extends Applet implements
MouseListener - private int radius 7
- private Color color Color.RED
- private Vector spots
- public void init()
- spots new Vector()
- addMouseListener(this)
- // end of init method
- public void paint(Graphics g)
- for (int s0 sltspots.size() s)
- int x ((Point) spots.get(s)).x
- int y ((Point) spots.get(s)).y
- g.setColor(color)
33ClickMeHandling Mouse Actions
- public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event)
- spots.addElement(new Point(event.getX(),
event.getY())) - repaint()
- // end of mouseClicked method
- public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event)
- public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event)
- public void mouseExited(MouseEvent event)
- color Color.GREEN
- repaint()
- // end of mouseExited method
- public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent event)
- color Color.RED
- repaint()
- // end of mouseEntered method
- // end of ClickMe class
- A more "practical" use of MouseListener
- Run Program in BlueJ, then take a look at the
TicTacToe class
35TTTBoard Class (1 of 2)
- public class TTTBoard
- public static int EX 0, OH 1, VACANT 2
- private int sq VACANT, VACANT, VACANT,
VACANT - public boolean isMarked (int row, int col)
- return sqrow-1col-1 ! VACANT
- // end of isMarked method
- public int getMark (int row, int col)
- return sqrow-1col-1
- // end of getMark method
- public void putO (int row, int col)
- sqrow-1col-1 OH
- // end of putO method
- public void putX (int row, int col)
36TTTBoard Class (2 of 2)
- public boolean done ()
- for (int i0 ilt3 i)
- for (int j0 jlt3 j)
- if (sqijVACANT) return false
- return true
- // end of done method
- public int winner ()
- int center, ul, lr
- center sq11
- if ((center sq00 center
sq22) - (center sq02 center
sq20) - (center sq01 center
sq21) - (center sq10 center
sq12)) return center - ul sq00
- if ((ul sq01 ul sq02)
- (ul sq10 ul sq20))
return ul - lr sq22
- if ((lr sq12 lr sq02)
37Creating Mouse Motion Listeners
- Import the java.awt.event package
- In the class header, add the words implements
MouseMotionListener - Send the message addMouseMotionListener(this) to
the mouse event manager (should be done in the
constructor method) - Define methods mouseMoved (mouse up) and
mouseDragged (mouse down)
38Mouse Motion Listener Template
- import java.awt.event.
- public class classname implements
MouseMotionListener -
- // include manager.addMouseListener(this)
- // (manager. not needed for applets)
- // in some initialization method
- public void mouseMoved (MouseEvent e)
- public void mouseDragged (MouseEvent e)
39Mouse Motion
- mouseMoved will be called each time the mouse
makes a significantly large movement - mouseDragged will be called instead if the mouse
button is pressed and the mouse makes a
significantly large movement
40Listening to All Mouse Events
- To catch all seven mouse events use the following
class header - public class classname implements MouseListener,
MouseMotionListener - You then need to define all seven mouse methods
mouseMoved, mouseDragged, mouseClicked,
mousePressed, mouseReleased, mouseEntered,
- See in BlueJ
- implements MouseListener and MouseMotionListener
- several concrete methods are implemented
- others are empty
- do nothing
- Everyone grab a PC and double-click MS-DOS prompt
icon - "Volunteer" to run it on instructor's console
- java events.EventLab
43Java BREAK