Title: Industrialization and Globalization of Agriculture
1Industrialization and Globalization of Agriculture
- Sara Guthrie
- Kristin Hilt
- Dan Graybill
- Rachel Darling
3For centuries, farmers focused on their local
- Accountability
- Responsibility
- Balance between regional fish, fowl and other
wild creatures
4Global conversion to an industrial agriculture
system has resulted in
- Acceleration of environmental destruction
- Farmers and livelihoods disappearing
- Increased hunger
- Compromised nutrition and safety of food
5Change in market Change in land and its
inhabitants Pollution Transport has negative
affects Spread of exotic species and
diseases Communities to corporation Biopollution
6Promotion of industry
- World Bank
- IMF International Monetary Fund
- WTO World Trade Organization
- NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
- FTAA Free Trade Area of the Americas
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8The Global Takeover of Industrial Agriculture
9The Slave Trade
- European colonization
- Produce and extract raw materials
- Supply need of colonizing nations
- Required importing cheap labor resource
10Change Growth
- Farm-produced replaced by off-the-farm-produced
- Machines replaced human labor
- high yield hybrids developed
- Chemicals and pesticides
- Required more water
- Large dams, re-routed rivers
11- Increase in use of Energy
- Ecological respect, diversity and self-reliance
replaced by subjugation, conquest, uniformity and
dependence. - This Green Revolution spread throughout the
12- Monoculture or monocropping instead of
intercropping - Decreased soil quality
- Eliminated plant diversity
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14A Global Crisis!
- Local crops replaced!
- Livelihoods displaced!
- Hungry people!
- Ecological crises!
- Depleted soils!
- Overused water resources!
- Disturbed insect and animal lives!
- Poor air quality!
- Political and social conflicts!
- !
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15International Institutions and Agreements
- Debi Barker gives us evidence that international
agreements on agriculture often harm local
agricultural systems and environment
- 1994 General Agreement on Tarriffs and Trade
(GATT) - 1994 NAFTA
17NAFTA, Corn, and the Environment
- 1.3 increase in corn exports to Mexico
- Corn Production relies Heavily on Fertilizers,
and Herbicides - From Alejandro Nadal and Timothy A. Wise The
Environmental Costs of Agricultural Trade
Liberalization Mexico-U.S. Maize Trade Under
NAFTA Discussion Paper Number 4 Working Group
on Development and Environment in the Americas
18The Hidden Hazards of Global Food Transport
- Debi Barker claims that the globalization of food
production has many negative impacts on the
environment and human health.
- Emissions produced by shipping
- Bunker C
- Spread of diseases
- Foot and Mouth disease in Europe
- Increased need for packaging
20A More Rational Approach
- Investigate Locally and Globally
- Act towards energy efficiency and low
environmental impacts - Not look for short term monetary gains
21Nature as a Corporate Free-For-All
- TRIPS Its an agreement on the Trade
- related aspects of Intellectual Property that
- affects the agriculture and our environment.
- Intellectual property rights are the rights given
to people over the creations of their minds.
23The WTO
- All life forms and resources can be turned into
commodities that would be readily available for
corporations. - -The TRIPS agreement requires all WTO members
to adopt their own system of intellectual
property rights.
24Biotech Foods
- Extending Global Control over Farmers and Seeds
25What it Takes for Agribusiness to Grow?
- It needs to control the biology of scientific
agriculture - It ensures that control is being maintained by
- (From medicine to agriculture, these discoveries
have helped in - various
ways) - Helping doctors treat the sick.
- Farmers are protecting their crops
27Breaking The Global System
- Alternative Models To Industrial Agriculture
28The Many Movements
- Non-Government organizations (NGOs)
- Citizen involvement