Title: T F C U Tinker Federal Credit Union
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2Critically Important
3T F C UTinker Federal Credit Union
- Richard L. Peterson
- SWCMS 2006
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5TFCU Mission Statement
- TFCU exists to help our members achieve their
goals and realize their dreams
6Tinker Federal Credit Union
- TFCU The First 33 Years
- TFCU The Second 26 Years
- TFCU Today and Tomorrow
- KRA Community Relations
- Q A
71946 to 1979
- Why was this credit union started?
- Why did it have such tremendous success?
- Why in the world did they wear those glasses?
8Who and Why
- Tinker Field
- Civilian Employees
- Did Not Trust Banks
- Decided to Trust Each Other
- Deposited Earnings and Made Loans to Each Other
- People Helping People
9You Named It What ???
- The Federal Employees Association for the
National Defense Unit 26 Credit Union
10One of the First Branches
11Where is the Computer?
12Now there is a teller line
13The People Who Make It Happen
14Looking Good
15General Gerrity asks TFCU to include the
16Where did they get those glasses?
17Growth of the Credit Union
- 1946 Started by Seven Civilian Employees
- and 35 Cash
- 1949 61,000 Assets and 1,155 Members
- 1956 5 Million Assets
- 1958 General Gerrity added Military
- 1969 40 Million Assets 38,577 Members
- 1979 161 Million Assets 75,089 Members
- Membership consisting almost 100 of TAFB
Civilians and Military -
18TFCU 1980 -2006
- SEG Growth
- Credit Union Mergers
- Technology
- Branch Expansion
19Serious Stuff
20SEG Builders
Today over 500 SEGs because of people like this
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45Hey Its for the Kids !!!
46Much Better
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56Disaster Preparation
Backup Generators
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58TFCU 2006
- 1.4 Billion Assets
- 180,000 Members
- 17 Branches
- 400 Employees
59Happening Now and the Future
- Lobby Tracking
- Biometric Account Access
- Remote Agents - 24 Hour Member Service
- VOIP Communications Convergence
- Internet Cafes
- Instant Loan Kiosks
- Community Relations Mobile Unit
- Disaster Recovery Mobile Unit
- Bar Coding with RFIF Satellite Tracking
- Remote Teller Stations
- Outsourcing
- Next 5 Years 200,000 Members - 1.6 Billion
Assets 25 Branches - Next 10 Years 250,000 Members 2.8 Billion
Assets - 30 Branches - Nest 15 Years 340,000 Members - 4.3 Billion
Assets 35 Branches
61Is TFCU becoming a bank?
62TFCU is the Largest Credit Union in Oklahoma The
ABA is trying to show that credit unions like
TFCU are nothing more than banks with tax
protection If TFCU becomes a Community
Chartered Credit Union it could grow to 75-100
branches in Oklahoma What can be done to show
TFCU is not a becoming a bank?
63KRA - Community Relations
- Lose Money
- Invest in People
- Share Common Concerns
- Help Each Other Grow
- Defend the Credit Union Philosophy
- Display the Difference
64Banks Versus Credit Unions
- Decisions Based on Profit Potential
- Community Relations to Build Profit
- Decisions Based on Members
- Community Relations to Help Others
65Build It and They Will Come
Midwest City Land Owned by Tinker Federal Credit
66Community Multi-Purpose Building
- Offices for Use by OCUL, TCUL, and Other Credit
Unions - Heritage Club for Senior Members
- Training Center Computers and Language Training
- Fitness Center
- Computer Rooms for Children
- Conference and Community Activities Rooms
- Specialize Investments Office
- 24 Electronic Service Center
- Gymnasium / Meeting Rooms
- Internet Café and Greeting Station
- Travel and Insurance Center
- Refreshment Center
- Library and Museum
67TFCU Community Center
- Cost to Construct 3 Million
- Yearly Loss After Expenses 250,000
- Note 10,000 boxes currently stored off-site
- brought into this facility will save
75,000/year -
- Net Cost/Year 175,000 annual (What a Deal
68TFCU Community Center Benefits
- Strengthens ties with the Community
- Strengthens relationships with other Credit
Unions - Provides activities for Members and Others to
Grow and Learn - Displays the Difference between Banks
- and Credit Unions
69Future TFCU Community Center People Helping
Celebrating 60th Anniversary 1946-2006
Proud to be a Credit Union and we hope you are