Title: The Research Teaching Nexus:
14th Annual Learning Teaching Conference Equality
The Research Teaching Nexus the Scholarship of
Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Professor Vaneeta
D'Andrea City University
University of Wales Institute,Cardiff Athrofa
Prifysgol Cymru Caerdydd 14 July 2004
2Context Teaching/Research Nexus - 1
- One telling measure of how differently
teaching is regarded from traditional scholarship
or research within the academy is what a
difference it makes to have a problem in one
versus the other. In scholarship and research ,
having a problem is at the heart of the
investigative processbut in ones teaching , a
problem is something you dont want to have,
and it you have one, you probably want to fix it. - (source Bass, 1999)
3Context Teaching/Research Nexus - 2
- separation of teaching from research and
scholarship - separation of pedagogic research and subject
research - effort and resources to maximise research
funding - financial incentives for Scholarship of Teaching
and Learning (SoTL) almost non-existent - status differentials
4Context Teaching/Research Nexus - 3
- Boyer Categories
- the scholarship of discovery
- the scholarship of integration
- the scholarship of engagement
- the scholarship of teaching
- Source Boyer (1990)
5What is the Scholarship of Teaching Learning
(SoTL)? 1
- builds on many traditions
- commitment to help learners understand our
field/subject/discipline - peer collaboration
- traditional educational research
- action research
- critical engagement with teaching and learning
- educational development
- (source based on P. Hutchings, 2001)
6What is the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
(SoTL)? 2
- What it IS.
- focus on teaching and learning and their
inter-relationship as intellectual work - more than teaching improvement, it advances the
field - multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary field of
enquiry - multiple forms of enquiry- methodological
pluralism - cumulative literature and theory based
- a set of products and processes that make
teaching and learning - public
- peer reviewed
- builds on and contributes to the field
- communities of engagement
- (source based on P. Hutchings, 2001)
7Teaching Scholars and/or Scholars of Teaching
- What does a Teaching Scholar do?
- __________________________
- __________________________
- __________________________
- What do Scholars of Teaching do?
- __________________________
- __________________________
- __________________________
- (source Richlin, 2001)
8SoTL Capacity Building Some Challenges - 1
- How to
- break isolation of those with an interest in
pedagogy - achieve critical conversations between those
working on SoTL projects - learn from experience of those engaged in SoTL
elsewhere - give reward and recognition for SoTL achievements
9SoTL Capacity Building Some Challenges - 2
- Promoting Dialogue (Hutchings, 2001)
- within and across disciplines (Huber 2004)
- within and across institutions (D'Andrea
Gosling, 2000) - across approaches to SoTL
- across types of activities
- between academics in different countries
- Annual International SoTL Conference
- (D'Andrea Gosling, 2003)
10SoTL Capacity Building Institutional Level
- importance of institutional ethos
- institutional commitment to teaching quality
- building an institutional mission and concerns
- linked to institutional LTS
11Conclusions revaluing is difficult but not
impossible - 1
- Institutional commitment to
- Centre with cross institutional responsibility ?
- support for pedagogic research culture ?
- School Practice-based Research Projects
- rewards for staff engaged in SoTL ?
- Teaching Fellowship Award
- opportunities for going public ?
- Annual Learning and Teaching Conference
12Conclusions revaluing is difficult but not
impossible - 2
- Institutional commitment to
- certificated awards with a strong requirement to
engage in SoTL investigations - promotion routes which give recognition to those
who successfully undertake SoTL - internal peer-reviewed SoTL publications/products
/artefacts - link with research funding
- external support --- visiting SoTL professorships
13SoTL You 1
- In pairs
- brainstorm a list of the challenges you would
encounter in building capacity for the
scholarship of teaching and learning
14SoTL You 2
- Top Five SoTL Challenges
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
15Contact Details
- Copies of papers related to this topic and the
SoTL Conference Proceedings are available from
The Educational Development Centre, City
University, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB. - 44 (0)20 7477 0177
- edc_at_city.ac.uk