Mobile Code, Mobile Agents - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mobile Code, Mobile Agents


Used in Aglets, Grasshoppers, Mole, Discovery. Weak mobility with fixed method invocation ... Grasshopper. A method named live is invoked to an agent ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mobile Code, Mobile Agents

Mobile Code, Mobile Agents Mobility
  • Ming Kin Lai
  • March 2, 2007

Programming Languages for Mobile CodeTommy
ThornACM Computing Surveys 9/1997
  • mobile code defined differently
  • author defines as software that travels on a
    heterogeneous network, crossing protection
    domains, and automatically executed upon arrival
    at the destination
  • protection domains corporate network or PDA
  • excludes cases where code is
  • loaded from a shared disk
  • downloaded (manually) from the Web

  • Mobile code supports a flexible form of
    distributed computation where the desired
    nonlocal computations need not be know in advance
    at the execution site

  • Efficiency
  • Simplicity and flexibility
  • Storage

Well-known examples of mobile code
  • PostScript
  • Database technology SQL
  • Documents with embedded executable contents
    transmitted on the network Java (applet)
  • Inferno developed by Lucent a
    mobile-code-enabled network OS

Common needs of mobile code in terms of
programming languages
  • Portability
  • Safety
  • Security
  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Availability
  • Authenticity
  • Efficiency

Representative programming languages for mobile
  • Java
  • Limbo
  • Objective Caml
  • Obliq
  • Telescript
  • Safe-Tcl

Two Mobility Models
  • Code fetching user downloads the code to be
    executed initiative is with the receiver of the
    code Java, OCaml, Limbo
  • Agent programmed to migrate themselves
    initiative is with the mobile code itself Obliq,

Mobile Agents Basic Concepts, Mobility Models,
and the Tracy ToolkitsPeter Braun, Wilhelm
Rossack 2005
  • Mobile code a technique where code is
  • from the computer system that stores the codes
  • to the computer system that executes the code
  • Mobile agent a special type of mobile code

Java applets
  • Well-known example of mobile code
  • Small programs available in a portable and
    interpretable byte code format
  • Transferred from a Web server to a Web browser in
    order to be executed as part of an HTML page

Mobile agents
  • A program that can migrate from a starting host
    to many other hosts in a network of heterogeneous
    computer systems and fulfill a task specified by
    its owner
  • During the self-initiated migration, the agent
    carries all its code and data, and in some
    systems also some kind of execution state

Differences between Java applets and mobile agents
  • MAs initiate the migration process migration of
    Java applets is initiated from other software
    components (e.g. Web browser)
  • Java applets migrate only from a server to a
    client, do not leave the client to another client
    or back to the server
  • Applets lifetime bound to that of the Web page,
    dies when browser terminates or another Web page
    requested MA usually migrate more than once

MA from 2 viewpoints
  • AI MA Software agent mobility
  • Distributed Systems
  • Self-contained and identifiable computer
    programs, bundled with their code, data, and
    execution state,
  • that can move within a heterogeneous network of
    computer systems.
  • Can suspend their execution on an arbitrary
    point and transport themselves to another
    computer system.
  • During this migration the agent is transmitted
    completely, i.e., as a set of code, data, and
    execution state.
  • At the destination, execution is resumed at
    exactly the point where it was suspended.

Distributed Systems Point of View of MAs
  • Nothing about the characteristics of software
  • Simply computer program or processes in the
    meaning of OSes that are able to freeze
    themselves, move to another systems, and resumes
    execution there
  • Considered a design paradigm in the area of
    distributed programming
  • And a useful supplement of traditional techniques
    such as client-server architectures

  • Some kind of executable representation of
    computer programs
  • Can be
  • Source code, in the case of scripting languages
    such as Perl or Tcl
  • Byte code, in the case of Java
  • Executable machine language, in the case of C
  • Logic of the agent
  • Code of agent vs code of the agency

  • All variables of the agent (in OO languages, set
    of all attributes of the corresponding object)
  • Corresponds to agents instance variables if an
    agent is an instance of a class in
    object-oriented languages
  • aka object state
  • Owned by agent and movable

Execution state
  • Info about the execution of the agent
  • Might be quite complete info from within the
    underlying (virtual) machine about
  • Call stack
  • Register values
  • Instruction pointers
  • Most Java-based MA toolkits do not provide a
    sophisticated determination of the execution
    stack, due to some limitations of the JVM

Execution state
  • vs object state (i.e. data)
  • - object state directly controlled by agent
  • execution state usually controlled by processor
    and OS
  • Depends on decision of MA toolkit designer and
    underlying execution environment (processor, OS,
    virtual machine)

Execution state
  • In some toolkits, consists of
  • Current value of instr pointer
  • Stack of underlying processor

Short History of MAsMobile code
  • Mobile code considered an ancestor of MAs
  • Decode-Encode-Languages (DEL) by Rulifson in 1969
  • Network Interchange Language (NIL) by Elie in
  • Softnet by Linkoping Univ in Sweden in 1980
  • Network command language (NCL) by Falcone in 1987
  • Remote evaluation by Stamos in 1986

Short History of MAs contdMobile Objects
  • Mobile Objects messaging concept minimal kind
    of autonomy
  • Active message data some program code
  • Data portion still dominant, code more or less an
  • Migrates more than once, migration initiated by
    agent itself

Short History of MAs contdMobile Objects
  • Limited to static LANs
  • No notion of application-level intelligence
  • Messengers autonomy limited to the level of
    technological and system-level needs, not
    targeted at solving a users problem

Short History of MAs contdMobile Processes
  • Ability to capture the actual execution state of
    the processor or VM
  • Idea developed in the area of distributed OSes in
    late 1980s
  • Process moves to balance load of the distributed
    system as a whole
  • Example Sprite OS

Short History of MAs contdMobile Agents
  • 1994 White, affiliated with General Magic,
    published a white paper
  • Introduced Telescript
  • Received a U S patent

Short History of MAs contdMobile Agents
  • 1997 Chess et al published a paper describing a
    framework for itinerant agents as an extension of
    the client-server model

Short History of MAs contdExisting Mobile
Agent Toolkits
  • ADK
  • Aglets
  • Ajanta
  • Concordia
  • DAgents
  • Grasshoppers
  • Mole
  • Semoa
  • Tacoma
  • Tracy
  • Voyager

Programming languages for mobile agents
  • Any language can be used to implement MAs
  • In most MA systems, same language for both MAs
    and the underlying agency
  • Few (Tacoma and DAgents) allow diff lang for MAs
    and agencies
  • Almost all MA toolkits from 2000-2005 used Java

Java as the implementation lang for MAs in Tracy
  • import de.fsuj.tracy.agent.
  • public class MyAgent extends Agent
  • SomeOtherClass other new SomeOtherClass()
  • public MyAgent()
  • // do some init
  • public void startAgent()
  • // do something
  • final protected void go(String dest, String
  • // migrate the agent

Java as the de facto lang for MAs
  • Because of its many features that lessen the
    effort in building MA toolkits
  • Features that support migration process
  • Object serialization
  • Dynamic class loading
  • Reflection
  • Security features
  • Some Java aspects are imperfect

Main drawback of Java
  • Impossible to obtain the current execution state
    of a thread in the form of
  • Current instr pointer
  • Calling stack
  • Therefore, Java-based MAs can offer only a weak
    form of mobility
  • Agent restarted at the receiver agency
  • by invoking a method instead of
  • jumping into it and resuming execution at the
    1st stmt after migration

Another drawback of Java
  • Lack of resource control (e.g. for memory or
    processor cycles)
  • Therefore, impossible to avoid denial-of-service
  • Attacker tries to consume so many resources that
    the system no longer can handle incoming requests

Migration Command in the Tracy MA Toolkit
  • final protected void go(String dest, String
  • go(tcp//darwin.ics.uci.edu4040,
  • Semantics
  • Stops execution immediately
  • Statements following the go never executed

Migration of execution state
  • in Tracy, state name of method to invoke at the
  • go(tcp//darwin.ics.uci.edu4040,

Java reflection technique
  • Used to resume agent execution at the receiver
  • Determine info about
  • classes
  • their variables
  • methods
  • at runtime

Javas object serialization and deserialization
  • Serialization means all variables of the agent,
    plus all recursively referenced objects and their
    variables, are traversed and put into a flat byte
  • Object closure set of all objects to be
  • Java serialization determines only the object
    state of an agent, not its execution state

Javas object serialization and deserialization
  • ObjectOutputStream.writeObject()
  • ObjectInputStream.readObject()

Moving of code, data and state
  • Execution state (name of start method)
    transmitted as a parameter in the migration
  • Data (i.e. object state) is migrated using object
    serialization and de serialization
  • How about code?

Code migration
  • Code all classes the agent might ever use in
    the receiver agency
  • Need to determine those classes code closure
  • Code closure consists of
  • agents main class, and
  • all classes used for
  • variables,
  • method parameters,
  • method return values,
  • local variables
  • of any class of the code closure

Migration of code closure
  • Java does not provide an easy way to determine
    code closure
  • Class.getDeclaredMethods() returns classes used
    for member variables
  • Using this info, we can determine classes used
    for parameters and return values
  • Still cannot determine info about local variables
    defined within methods

Determining the code needed for local variables
in a method
  • Tracy uses its own technique that looks at the
    byte code of the class
  • Use ByCal (byte code analyzer) to read the
    constant pool
  • Constant pool a table containing all names ever
    used in this class

Removal of redundant code from code closure to be
  • If certain code assumed to be already in the
    receiver agency, delete it
  • Java does not provide a tool
  • Tracy develops its own way

Linking agents code to the receiver agencys
  • After agent is received at the destination
    agency, its code must be linked to the code of
    the already running agency
  • Use Javas dynamic loading and linking mechanism

Javas dynamic class loading
  • Allows JVM to load and define classes at runtime
  • class ClassLoader
  • findClass()
  • defineClass()
  • calls dlopen() ? Unixs lib for dynamic loading
    for C programs

Migration of code, data, and state
  • Migration of execution state parameter of the
    migration command
  • Migration of data - serialization
  • Migration of code Class.getDeclaredClasses(),
    ByCal, ClassLoader

Efficient migration
  • MA should not always migrate as one unit
    consisting of all code, data and state
  • Sometimes useful to let the agent decide which
    code and data should be transferred to the next
  • Mobility model describes the migration
    techniques of a MA toolkit

Many design issues relating to mobility models
  • From users view
  • Naming and addressing
  • Creating agents
  • Code source
  • Migration

Migration issues
  • Who initiates the migration
  • How to define the destination
  • Effect of migration copy or clone
  • What happens if there is an error
  • Mobility

Types of mobility
  • Most discussed issue concerning agent migration
  • Each type can be characterized by the
    interpretation of the term state
  • weak
  • strong

Types of mobility
  • Weakest
  • Transmits only
  • Instance variables (object state)
  • Code
  • Agent initialized and started by invoking a
    designated (pre-defined) method
  • Used in Aglets, Grasshoppers, Mole, Discovery
  • Weak mobility with fixed method invocation

My opinion
  • MAs of the Weakest form of Mobility may not
    qualify as MAs if one defines MAs as having the
    ability to migrate code, data, and EXECUTION
  • MAs - Self-contained and identifiable computer
    programs, bundled with their code, data, and
    execution state,
  • that can move within a heterogeneous network of
    computer systems.
  • Can suspend their execution on an arbitrary
    point and transport themselves to another
    computer system.
  • During this migration the agent is transmitted
    completely, i.e., as a set of code, data, and
    execution state

Types of mobility
  • Not so weak
  • Transmits
  • Instance variables (object state)
  • Code
  • Name of starting method
  • Allows programmer to define name of starting
    method within the go command
  • Agent initialized and started by invoking a given
  • Used in Voyager
  • Weak mobility with arbitrary method invocation

Weak forms of mobility
  • Programmer has to exert additional effort to
    implement marshalling and demarshalling of local
  • public class MyAgent extends Agent
  • private int copyOfLocal 0
  • protected void anyMethod()
  • int local 10
  • // some code
  • // before migration, we need to save
  • copyOfLocal local
  • go(tcp//,
  • This example shows how to save the value of local
    variables in object variables, so that the value
    is part of the (object stare, i.e. data) of the
    agent. runAtRemote() can use copyOfLocal again.

Weak forms of mobility
  • In both weak levels, the migration command has to
    be the last instruction within a method, because
    migration to a new agency invokes a new method
  • Recall
  • Semantics of go()
  • Stops execution immediately
  • Statements following the go never executed

Types of mobility
  • Strong
  • Transmits
  • Code
  • Instance variables (object state)
  • All local variables of the current method
    program counter call stack (execution state)
  • Agent initialized and started at the 1st
    instruction after go()
  • Used in early MA toolkits such as Telescript,

Strong mobility
  • Comparatively easy to add all the features that
    support strong mobility
  • if full access to
  • the underlying programming language,
  • the compiler, and
  • the runtime system
  • is available

Implementing strong mobility in Java-based MA
  • Either
  • Source code of JVM must be modified
  • Or
  • Agents source has to be transformed to simulate

JVM modification
  • Difficult
  • Said to be done in
  • Ara Peine and Stolpmann, 1997
  • Sumatra Acharya et al., 1997
  • DAgents Gray et al., 2002
  • Resulting MA toolkits can be used only if the
    modified JVM is used
  • Problems of licensing the JVM source code

Agent source code transformation
  • Funfrocken 1999 uses a preprocessor that
    inserts code to save and recover the execution
  • Sekiguchi et al 1999 made a comparable attempt
  • Drawbacks
  • Longer source code
  • Unnegligible performance decrease

Agent source code transformation
  • Other attempts
  • Illmann et al 2001
  • Bettini and Nicola 2001
  • Wang et al 2001
  • Fukuda et al 2003
  • Chakravarti et al 2003

Strong or weak mobility?
  • Pro-weak
  • Baumann states strong mobility is useless in most
    cases, because a migration step is a major break
    in the life of an agent
  • Cabri et al argue along the same line, stressing
    that weak mobility leads to a clean programming
  • Pro-strong
  • Belle and DHondt, for example, argue that strong
    mobility has a more natural programming style
  • .

Examples for mobility models
  • IBM Aglets 1995
  • IKV Grasshopper 1995
  • Both have weak mobility

  • A method named run is called whenever an agent is
    started or restarted at an agency
  • Migration command named dispatch with one
    parameter the destination agency
  • dispatch(http//....)

  • A method named live is invoked to an agent
  • Migration command named move with one parameter
    the destination agency
  • move(http//....)

Other mobility model classification
  • Fuggetta et al 1998
  • Weak mobility remote evaluation, where, except
    some init data, no state info is shipped to the
    remote destination
  • (here, Braun Rossaks weak mobility contains
    object state)
  • Weak mobility
  • Code shipping (remote evaluation)
  • Code fetching (code-on-demand)
  • Strong mobility supported in 2 forms
  • Migration
  • Remote cloning

My analysis
? migrated
My analysis
Claiming MESSENGER has strong mobility may be
My comments
  • Most, if not all, definitions of strong and weak
    mobility assume code mobility
  • Usually, code mobility refers to mobility on
    heterogeneous network, across protection domains

  • Anurag Acharya et al. Sumatra A language for
    resource-aware mobile programs. 1997
  • Lorenzo Bettini and Rocco De Nicola. Translating
    strong mobility into weak mobility. 2001
  • Arjav J. Chakravarti et al. Implementation of
    strong mobility for multi-threaded agents in
    Java. 2003
  • Stefan Funfrocken. Transparent migration of
    Java-based mobile agents. 1999
  • Munehiro Fukuda et al. A mobile-agent PC grid.
  • Robert S. Gray et al. DAgents Applications and
    performance of a mobile-agent system. 2002
  • Torsten Illmann et al. Transparent migration of
    mobile agents using the Java platform debugger
    architecture. 2001
  • Holger Peine and Torsten Stolpmann. The
    architecture of the Ara platform for mobile
  • Tatsurou Sekiguchi et al. A simple extension of
    Java language for controllable transparent
    migration and its portable implementation. 1999
  • Xiaojin Wang et al. Reliability through strong
    mobility. 2001
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