Populations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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example can be found in the breeding of the greyhound dog. ... their offspring, the greyhound breeders again selected those dogs who ran the fastest. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Populations

  • Developed by Adam F Sprague

We are the most important species, and we are in
charge of the rest of nature.
  • A population is an interbreeding group of
  • Defining characteristics
  • Populations have various defining characteristics
  • species of organism
  • time (historical)
  • place where they live
  • their number (size)
  • their density
  • their distribution in space (dispersion)
  • age structure/demographics
  • niche

Living sustainably
  • Sustainable system survives and functions over a
    specified time.
  • Sustainable society manages its economy and
    population size without exceeding all or part of
    the planets ability to absorb environmental
    problems, replenish resources, and sustain life.

Exponential Growth and Resource Usage
  • Exponential growth, in general, is not understood
    by the lay public. If exponential use of a
    resource is not accounted for in planning -
    disaster can happen.
  • Its not too great of simplification to state that
    the failure to understand the concept of
    exponential growth by planners and/or
    legislators, is the single biggest problem in all
    of Resource Management.

  • Exponential growth is a process that occurs all
    around us in real life. If you put money in a
    bank account, it grows exponentially. Cancer
    cells grow exponentially. The population of the
    world grows exponentially. Anything that grows at
    a fixed percent is growing exponentially

Biotic potential
  • Each population has a has a characteristic
    reproductive potential. This is the rate at which
    a population could grow if it had an unlimited
    amount of resource. Result would be growth

An example
  • A survey of Boulder Colorado residents about the
    optimal size for growth returned a result that
    most residents thought that a growth in
    population at the rate of 10 per year was

Example Cont.
  • Well 10 a year may not seem innocuous but let's
    see how these numbers would add up?
  • Year 1 60,000
  • Year 2 66,000
  • year 3 72,600
  • Year 4 79860
  • Year 5 87846
  • Year 6 96630
  • year 7 106294
  • Year 8 116923
  • So in 7 years (year 2--7) the population has
    doubled and by then 10,000 new residents per year
    are moving to boulder!

The difference between linear growth and
exponential growth is astonishing.
What kinds of things grow exponentially?
  • Population Energy resource use Number of shopping
    malls Number of automobiles on the freeway Your
    tuition (up to a limit) Number of Xerox Machines
    Number of cows McDonalds uses each year Number of
    hospital patients Number of prisoners Number of
    Web Pages
  • any resource that people use will grow

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Rule of 72
  • How long will it take for a population to double?

  • 1. Read Chapter 1, Answer Critical thinking
    question 5
  • 2. Determine doubling time for country of your
    choice. Present in class. Everyone will have a
    different country.

Factors determining Pop. Growth
  • It produces many offspring each time it
  • It has a long reproductive life
  • It starts reproducing early in life.
  • Bacteriainsects(reproduce only once but start
    early in life) vs Oaks(reproduce several times
    but late in life)

Population forecasts
  • What factors determine how fast a population

Birth Rate Death Rate are not the only factors
  • Migration movement from one place to another
  • Emigration movement of people out of a country
    or particular population.
  • (US vs. Australia)
  • Immigration movement of people into a country or
    population (US vs. Mexico)

  • Change in population size(birthsimmigration)-(de
  • can also determine if population is growing or

Dependency Ratio
  • The ratio of people over 65 and under 15 years
  • People in these ranges contribute very little to
    the economy they must be supported by the people
    within the age group.

Life expectancy
  • The average number of years that a newborn baby
    can be expected to survive.

Zero pop. growth
  • ZPG population size remains stable

Infant mortality rate
  • the number of babies out of 1000 born each year
    that die before their first birthday

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Factors affecting birth and fertility rate
  • Average level of education
  • Importance of children in labor force
  • Urbanization
  • Cost of raising a child
  • Educational and employment opportunities for
  • Infant mortality rate
  • Average age at marriage
  • Pension programs
  • Abortion
  • Birth control
  • Religious beliefs

Fertility Rates
  • General Fertility Rate number of babies born
    each year to 1000 women of reproductive age.
  • Age specific fertility rate the number of births
    per year per 1000 women of each age group.
  • Total fertility rate the number of children that
    an average women bears during her lifetime.
  • Replacement level fertility the number of
    children each couple must have to replace

Reduce Births
  • Family planning
  • Using economic rewards or penalties
  • Empowering women

Population-Age Pyramids
  • While fertility rates are obviously useful, the
    demographics of the existing population are also
    important and can provide key information to
    predict future growth rates

Demographic Transition
  • The demographic transition model seeks to explain
    the transformation of countries from having high
    birth and death rates to low birth and death
    rates. In developed countries this transition
    began in the eighteenth century and continues
    today. Less developed countries began the
    transition later and are still in the midst of
    earlier stages of the model.

  • The model is based on the change in crude birth
    rate (CBR) and crude death rate (CDR) over time.
    Each is expressed per thousand population.

Stage I
  • Prior to the Industrial Revolution, countries in
    Western Europe had a high CBR and CDR. Births
    were high because more children meant more
    workers on the farm and with the high death rate,
    families needed more children to ensure survival
    of the family. Death rates were high due to
    disease and a lack of hygiene. The high CBR and
    CDR were somewhat stable and meant slow growth of
    a population. Occasional epidemics would
    dramatically increase the CDR for a few years
    (represented by the "waves" in Stage I of the

Stage II
  • In the mid-18th century, the death rate in
    Western European countries dropped due to
    improvement in sanitation and medicine. Out of
    tradition and practice, the birth rate remained
    high. This dropping death rate but stable birth
    rate in the beginning of Stage II contributed to
    skyrocketing population growth rates. Over time,
    children became an added expense and were less
    able to contribute to the wealth of a family. For
    this reason, along with advances in birth
    control, the CBR was reduced through the 20th
    century in developed countries. Populations still
    grew rapidly but this growth began to slow down.

Stage III
  • In the late 20th century, the CBR and CDR in
    developed countries both leveled off at a low
    rate. In some cases the CBR is slightly higher
    than the CDR (as in the U.S. 14 versus 9) while
    in other countries the CBR is less than the CDR
    (as in Germany, 9 versus 11). (You can obtain
    current CBR and CDR data for all countries
    through the Census Bureau's). Immigration from
    less developed countries now accounts for much of
    the population growth in developed countries that
    are in Stage III of the transition. Countries
    like China, South Korea, Singapore, and Cuba are
    rapidly approaching Stage III.

Assignment 2
  • Read Chapter 9 Critical Thinking Questions 1,3,5
  • Determine Population Age Structure, and of your
    country CBR and CDR http//www.census.gov/ipc/www/
    idbpyr.html will help

Some more ecology
  • Community groups of populations that interact
    with each other in a specific area
  • Habitat where an organism lives (its address)
  • Niche an organisms relationship to food and
    enemies (its job)

Carrying capacity
  • The number of individuals in a certain species
    that the environment can support.
  • Show Growth chart Ex rabbits in Australia
  • Species reaches its carrying capacity ina
    particular ecosystem when it starts using the
    natural resources as fast as the ecosystem can
    produce them.
  • Populations that exceed the carrying capacity
    degrade the environment. (Humans have probably
    exceeded their carrying capacity)

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How density affects population regulation
  • Small populations grow fast
  • larger populations grow slowly
  • larger populations get smaller
  • Why?

Density Dependent Regulation
  • Density determined factors kill a higher
    proportion of a crowded population than a sparse
  • Why? Predation, parasitism, and disease cause
    high death rates in dense populations.
  • A disease causing oragnism or a preadtor is more
    likely to find its prey or host if there are more
    in an area.

Density Independent Factors
  • Bad weather or natural disasters could be an
  • Drought may kill vegetation. Hard for a large pop
    to find food
  • Bad winter hard for a large pop to find shelter.

  • The ages for which death occurs are given by the
    survivorship data for the population.
  • This shows how long people are living.
  • Ex. Cemetery study

  • Type I
  • Type II
  • TypeIII

Type I survivorship
  • Type I survivorship starts out with simple
    exponential decline but shows bimodal kinetics
    whereby post-reproductive individuals display
    much more rapid exponential decline (a
    consequence of physiological limits on life
  • Such limits actually may represent an
    optimization of type II survivorship whereby
    replicative potential early in life (when
    survivorship is relatively high) is optimized at
    the expense of long-term physiological robustness
    (when survivorship declines anyway due to random
  • K strategists which display physiological limits
    on reproductive capacity (e.g., humans) tend
    toward Type I survivorship.

Type II survivorship
  • Organisms displaying type II survivorship show
    simple exponential decline from day one There is
    no enhanced mortality at any age, nor any
    significant decline in reproductive potential
    with age.

Type III survivorship
  • Type III survivorship combines low
    pre-replicative survival with a reduced rate of
    exponential decline following the achievement of
    reproductive maturity (i.e., such organisms
    display bimodal survivorship curves).
  • Organisms displaying type III survivorship
    typically produce large numbers of offspring few
    of which survive.
  • Long lived fecundity
  • Once established in a stable environment,
    however, individuals from populations displaying
    type III survivorship show little decline in
    reproductive potential over time.
  • Longer term survival thus leads directly to
    increased progeny production creating benefits
    for the long lived and therefore selecting
    against premature death.
  • Premature death be accident and predation
    nevertheless occurs thus accounting for the
    gradual decline in survivorship.
  • Sea turtles, with their extremely high
    post-hatching mortality, but long lives, given
    survival to adulthood, show type III
  • example oak trees

r strategist
  • Adapted to exponential increases
  • An organism which is particularly well adapted to
    an exponential increase in population size is
    know as an r strategist (the r coming from the
    differential equation described above).
  • r strategists are characterized by great rapidity
    in their developmental programs combined with an
    ability to produce large numbers of offspring.
  • No organism is a pure r strategist. Most show at
    least some capacity to survive at equilibrium,
    i.e., in carrying capacity situations.

r strategist
  • Pioneer species
  • r strategists tend to be particularly good at
    finding disturbed environments and then rapidly
    producing large numbers of progeny in such
  • Often those offspring are ill-equipped for
    survival except under optimal conditions because
    of the small amount of parental resource put into
    their survival. However, the large numbers
    produced tend to both make up for low
    survivorship as well as allow for great

K strategist
  • Adapted to limitation
  • In contrast to r strategists, many organisms show
    extreme potential to survive and prosper at or
    near carrying capacity, though often at the
    expense of their ability to display rapid
    population increases under most circumstance
    (i.e., their intrinsic rate of population growth
    is small). Such organisms are called K
  • The variable K refers to carrying capacity (i.e.,
    they display a bias in their adaptations toward
    maximizing carrying capacity).
  • K strategists tend to be very good at surviving
    in mature (climaxed) ecosystems.
  • K strategists also tend to put a great deal of
    resource into raising only a few young.
  • A gorilla is a K strategist.

Genetics Population
  • Types of selection
  • Stabilizing
  • Directional
  • Disruptive

Directional selection
  • A population may find itself in circumstances
    where individuals occupying one extreme in the
    range of phenotypes are favored over the others.
  • example can be found in the breeding of the
    greyhound dog. Early breeders were interested in
    dog with the greatest speed. They carefully
    selected from a group of hounds those who ran the
    fastest. From their offspring, the greyhound
    breeders again selected those dogs who ran the

Stabilizing selection
  • Natural selection often works to weed out
    individuals at both extremes of a range of
    phenotypes resulting in the reproductive success
    of those near the mean. In such cases, the result
    is to maintain the status quo. It is not always
    easy to see why both extremes should be
    handicapped perhaps sexual selection or
    liability to predation is at work. In any case,
    stabilizing selection is common. In humans, for
    example, the incidence of infant mortality is
    higher for very heavy as well as for very light

Disruptive selection
  • Disruptive selection, like directional selection,
    favors the extremes traits in a population.
    Disruptive selection differs in that sudden
    changes in the environment creates a sudden
    forces favoring that extreme.
  • meteor crashed into Earth 65mya

Evidence for directional selection in nature
Industrial melanism in the peppered moth (Biston
Evidence for directional selection in
natureEvolution of pesticide and antibiotic
Evidence for directional selection in nature
Evolution of heavy-metal tolerance in plants
Agrostis tenuis growing on a copper mine in
Examples of stabilizing selection
Population size
  • Population size has a direct effect on the
    magnitude with which genetic drift can affect
    populations. Particularly, smaller populations
    are more affected by random occurrences than are
    larger populations.

  • Small effective population size can result in a
    high occurrence of inbreeding, or mating between
    close relatives.
  • One of the effects of inbreeding is a decrease in
    the heterozygosity (increase in homozygosity)
  • This effect places individuals and the population
    at a greater risk from homozygous recessive
    diseases that result from inheriting a copy of
    the same recessive allele from both parents.

Phenotypic variation in populations
Genetic variation in populations
  • Allele frequencies
  • allele frequency the proportion of a certain
    allele within a population.
  • Fact allele frequency gene frequency gametic
  • gene pool the set of all alleles at all loci in
    a population

The Hardy-Weinberg genetic equilibrium
  • The allele and genotypic frequencies remain the
    same from generation to generation in a
    population in which there is
  • no mutation no genetic drift (i. e. the
    population size is infinitely large)
  • no migration.
  • random mating
  • no selection.

Balanced polymorphism through heterozygote
  • Maintenance of high frequencies of harmful or
    deleterious alleles is usually due to balancing
    selection through heterozygote advantage (i.e.
    heterozygotes have the highest relative fitness).

  • Inbreeding was very common among the royal
    families of Europe, and it has been linked as the
    cause of the widespread number of cases of
    hemophilia in the families.
  • The presence of hemophilia in the royalty of
    Europe started with Queen Victoria of England.
    Victoria is thought to be the original carrier
    for the recessive X-linked hemophilia gene, which
    lead to over twenty members of royal families
    inheriting the disease in just over 100 years.
  • The disease was spread throughout Europe,
    because Queen Victoria's children and
    grandchildren married into many different royal
    houses in Europe to create political alliances.
  • Females can only been carriers for the rare blood
    clotting disease if one of there X chromosomes
    contains the deleterious recessive allele.
  • Moreover, males inherit the disease if there X
    chromosome carries the gene for hemophilia.

  • coevolution is a change in the genetic
    composition of one species (or group) in response
    to a genetic change in another
  • For example, predation by birds largely drives
    the coevolution of model and mimetic butterflies.
    Some butterflies have evolved the ability to
    store poisonous chemicals from the food plants
    they eat as caterpillars, thus becoming
    distasteful. This reduces their chances of being
    eaten, since birds, once they have tried to
    devour such butterflies, will avoid attacking
    them in the future. Other butterflies have
    gradually evolved color patterns that mimic those
    of the distasteful butterflies (called "models").

  • Population size 0
  • A population whose size has been reduced to zero
    is said to have gone extinct.
  • A population size of zero is unique among
    population sizes in that subsequent recovery
    (increase in size) is not possible.
  • Limits
  • Limits and extinction often go hand in hand.
  • Thus, limits on population size, range,
    availability of nutrients, or abiotic
    requirements (e.g., as a consequence of
    over-specialization) can all result in an
    increased likelihood that a population will
    become extinct.

Higher likelihood extinction
  • Starting with a population consisting of 100
    individuals ("large" population) and a second
    population consisting of 10 individuals ("small"
    population), a decline of 10 or more will bring
    the large population down to 90 or so
    individuals, but will bring the small population
    down to 0.
  • Individual alleles are also likely to be lost
    from small populations with much higher
    likelihood (and for much the same reason) than
    from large populations.
  • Another was of saying this is that large
    populations are able to sustain genetic
    variability (genetic polymorphisms, lot's of
    alleles) much more readily than small
  • Loss of genetic variability leads to a lack of
    evolutionary flexibility which in turn leads to a
    higher likelihood of extinction.

Sexual Selection
  • differences in mating opportunity among
    individuals due to male contest and female
  • Fact Sexual selection results in dimorphism
    (pronounced phenotypic differences) between the
    sexes in many instances.

Why are females so choosy? Several hypotheses
have been put forward
  • 1./ females have some innate preference toward
    more ornamented or colorful males, i.e. they just
    happen to be choosy (Fisher's runaway hypothesis)
  • 2./ females choose males that carry superior
    genes (the "good genes" hypothesis)
  • 3./ females choose males that are healthier (the
    Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis)
  • 4./ females prefer ornamented or colorful males
    because their male offspring will be attractive
    again leading eventually to higher fitness (the
    "sexy son" hypothesis)

Male and female sugarbird
Females choose from among the cocks in the
Elephant seal bulls are much larger than females.
Bulls fighting for females.
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