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GlobColour international context (as


Haddock survival in the NW Atlantic (after Platt et al. 2003) ... Where number of haddock larvae and biomass of phytoplankton overlap, larvae have ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: GlobColour international context (as

GlobColour international context (as seen from
IOCCG) Prepared by IOCCG Project
Office Presented by Eric Thouvenot (CNES
representative to IOCCG)
IOCCGs perpective of International Context of
As operational oceanography grows, there is an
increased demand for data and information
relevant to understanding the marine ecosystem at
the global level. Many issues could be addressed
using the GlobCOLOUR data set, both global and
regional. Example 1 Yoder research -
long-term time series are required to examine
changes in global chlorophyll levels and to sort
out differences between cycles and trends.
Example 2 Platt research - long-term ocean
colour time series can explain haddock
recruitment fluctuations in the Northwest
Atlantic. There is great potential that the
GlobCOLOUR dataset will provide similar answers
elsewhere. The GlobCOLOUR dataset is also
relevant to several of the tasks of the
intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations
(GEO), which is leading a worldwide effort to
build a Global Earth Observation System of
Example 1 Yoder slides
Are Phytoplankton Biomass and Productivity
Declining in Large Parts of the Global Ocean
Owing to Climate Change Effects on
Stratification? Jim Yoder Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution
  • Are model and SeaWiFS phytoplankton chlorophyll
    (Chl) trends similar during the SeaWiFS-era
    (1998-2005) in regions of the open ocean, i.e.
    does the model agree with the satellite
  • Are model trends unusual during the SeaWiFS-era
    compared to other 8-year intervals during the
    model era (1958-2004)?

Motivation and Background
  • Three recent manuscripts indicate that
    phytoplankton chlorophyll/carbon (Chl)
    concentrations in large regions of the ocean are
    decreasing, possibly owing to climate change
    effects on ocean stratification.
  • Gregg, W. et al. 2005, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32,
    L03606, doi 10.1029/2004GL021808.
  • Antoine et al. 2005, J. Geophys. Res., 110,
    C06009, doi 10.1029/2004JC002620.
  • Behrenfeld et al. 2006, Nature 444

Trend in SeaWiFS Mean Chlorophyll (1997-2003)
(from Gregg et al. 2005)
Percent differences (red is 100, blue is
lt50) in SeaWiFS (1998-2002) to CZCS (1979-1983)
annual mean chlorophyll (from Antoine et al. 2005)
Trend in SeaWiFS chlorophyll, net primary
production (NPP) and stratification anomalies
(MEI) for stratified waters of the global ocean
(from Behrenfeld et al. 2006)
Chl (line)
MEI (circles)
Chl trend(line)
Impact of 96-97 ENSO on Satellite SST and Chl
Anomalies (from Yoder, J.A. and M.A. Kennelly.
2003. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 17 (4), 1112.
). Note that SST and (inverse) Chl anomalies
track ENSO index.
Global anomalies (mean seasonal trend removed
from each pixel) summed from 50S to 50N.
Blue is negative Chl (i.e. 0 - Chl) Black is
SST. Red is Nino 3.4 index.
  • Use the model to see if the trends observed in
    SeaWiFS imagery are also evident in the longer
    record (46 years) of the model.
  • Answer the following questions
  • Are model and SeaWiFS phytoplankton chlorophyll
    (Chl) trends similar during the SeaWiFS-era
    (1998-2005) in regions of the open ocean, i.e.
    does the model agree with the satellite
  • Do model results indicate that the SeaWiFS-era
    trends are representative of longer period trends
    showing decreasing Chl concentrations possibly
    linked to increasing ocean stratification?

Model References
  1. Moore, J.K., S.C. Doney and K. Lindsay, 2004
    Upper ocean ecosystem dynamics and iron cycling
    in a global 3-D model, Global Biogeochem. Cycles,
    18, 4, GB4028, 10.1029/2004GB002220.
  2. Doney, S.C., K. Lindsay, I. Fung and J. John,
    2006 Natural variability in a stable 1000 year
    coupled climate-carbon cycle simulation, J.
    Climate, 19(13), 3033-3054.
  3. Doney, S.C., S. Yeager, G. Danabasoglu, W.G.
    Large, and J.C. McWilliams, Mechanisms governing
    interannual variability of upper ocean
    temperature in a global hindcast simulation, J.
    Phys. Oceanogr., in press.

Brief Model Description
Starts with the 3-D physics of the Parallel Ocean
Program (POP) with 3.6 long and 0.9 to 2.0 lat
resolution, and we used monthly fields. Forced
by NCEP reanalysis fields. Embeds a
multi-element, multi-functional group ecosystem
model (Moore et al. 2004) and a marine
biogeochemistry model (Doney et al.
2006). Primary production is partitioned between
pico and nano phytoplankton and includes diatoms
and diazotrophs. N-fixation and calcification
are calculated. Zooplankton include micro and
larger forms. Nutrients include N, P, Si and Fe.
Analysis Sites
11 (green dots) of our 34 stations are within
areas identified by Gregg et al as showing
significant trends in SeaWiFS Chlorophyll. Used
these sites to examine model and SeaWifS Chl
  • Are model and SeaWiFS phytoplankton chlorophyll
    (Chl) trends similar during the SeaWiFS-era
    (1998-2005) in selected regions of the open
    ocean, i.e. does the model agree with the
    satellite observations?
  • Yes.
  • Do model results indicate that the SeaWiFS-era
    trends are representative of longer period trends
    showing decreasing Chl concentrations possibly
    linked to increasing ocean stratification?
  • No, the model shows that there are 8-year
    periods of both increasing and decreasing
    chlorophyll trends throughout the model era

  • Trends observed during SeaWiFS era are related to
    the very large ENSO which began in 1996 and had
    global impacts for many years (e.g. see Yoder,
    J.A. and M.A. Kennelly. 2003. Global
    Biogeochemical Cycles, 17 (4), 1112. ). Thus, he
    apparent changes (both increases and declines
    depending on ocean region may not reflect a long
    term trend.

Yoder and Kennelly 2003
Behrenfeld et al. 2006
Example 2 Platt slides
Example 2 Using ocean-colour remote sensing as a
tool for development of ecological indicators in
the coastal zone (Platt 2003, plus unpublished
Ecological indicators are an aid to
ecosystem-based management essential to have
long time series. With ocean colour data,
construction of time series is possible at any
chosen scale of spatial averaging.
Time series in NW Atlantic note differences in
the timing of the spring bloom from year to year
and region to region. (SeaWiFS data)
Quantifying Seasonality
Any or all of these indices may vary between
years (at any or all of the pixels in the region
of interest)
Platt, Sathyendranath Fuentes-Yaco, 2007
Using time-series data to test Cushings
Match-Mismatch Hypothesis Test whether
significant proportion of variance in larval
abundance (survival) can be accounted for by
variations in ecosystem indices (interannual
fluctuations in dynamics of spring bloom).
Anomalies for Timing of Chlorophyll a Maxima
(February - July)
Platt et al. 2003
Using time-series data from CZCS and SeaWiFS, it
appears that greatest larval survival coincides
with an earlier spring bloom.
Haddock survival in the NW Atlantic (after Platt
et al. 2003)
  • Where number of haddock larvae and biomass of
    phytoplankton overlap, larvae have food supply
    adequate for survival
  • Where this is not so, larvae are vulnerable to
    death by starvation

Early blooms imply a smaller blue area and a
smaller proportion of the total larvae produced
at risk from inadequate food supply
  • Remotely-sensed data are useful for
    construction of time series, but requires care in
    quality control.
  • Time series provide cost-effective basis for
    development of
  • ecological indicators, averaged at appropriate
    time and space scales.
  • Even with only two remotely-sensed variables
    (chlorophyll and temperature), a rich set of
    ecological indicators can be derived.
  • The SeaWiFS 10-year series has yielded
    interesting results. The GlobCOLOUR data set will
    likely add more.

Part 3 GlobColour and GEO
Other Relevant International Projects
  • The GlobCOLOUR dataset may also be relevant to
    the following GEO tasks
  • ChloroGIN Project (Chlorophyll Global
    Integrated Network). GEO Task EC-06-07.
  • The SAFARI Project (Societal Applications in
    Fisheries and Aquaculture using
  • Remote Sensing Imagery). GEO Task AG-06-02.
  • Global Ecosystems Classification and Mapping
    Initiative (GEO Task EC-06-02)

ChloroGIN Project (Task EC-06-07)
Chlorophyll Global Integrated Network
  • Goals
  • To develop a global network which will provide
    information on marine ecosystems for use at
    national and regional scales, using a combination
    of Earth observation (EO) data from satellites
    (Chl and SST) and in situ observations.
  • To integrate in situ and remote observations
    into a single network - this will improve
    understanding of ecosystem processes and dynamics
    and will help in fisheries management.
  • To provide a timely delivery of data and
    information that will benefit society.

ChloroGIN Project contd.
  • Data delivery may be in near-real time (NRT) or
    delayed mode time series data (similar to
    GlobCOLOUR dataset, but not merged data).
  • Latin American network (ANTARES) already
    established with the aim of studying long-term
    changes in coastal ecosystems. In situ and
    satellite data from around South America shared.
  • ChloroGIN Africa web portal was recently
    established along the same lines as ANTARES.
  • GlobCOLOUR dataset may help fill some of the
    gaps of ChloroGIN

ChloroGIN Africa
ANTARES (South America)
SAFARI Project (Task AG-06-02)
Societal Applications in Fisheries and
Aquaculture using Remotely-sensed Imagery
Project initiated October 2007 Funded by The
Canadian Space Agency Chairman Dr. Trevor Platt
  • Project Goals
  • To coordinate, at the international scale,
    various earth-observation initiatives related to
    fisheries and aquaculture, and add to their value
    through synergy.
  • Project Execution
  • Host an international coordination workshop
  • Publish an IOCCG monograph on the state of the
  • Highlight excellent demonstration projects of
    EO in fisheries
  • Develop an outreach component to increase
    awareness of the value of EO in the fisheries and
    aquaculture sector
  • Convene an international symposium on this
    timely topic

SAFARI Demonstration Projects
  • Examples of some elements that may be included in
    SAFARI and are relevant to GlobCOLOUR
  • An internationally-coordinated programme in the
    Northwest Atlantic Ocean (SHRIMP) to relate
    relative abundance and growth of the Northern
    Shrimp to ecosystem fluctuations, as indexed by
    remote sensing of ocean colour
  • A Canadian programme on development and testing
    of ecological indicators for the pelagic zone, as
    deduced from EO data, and evaluation of their
    utility for ecosystem-based management.
  • The design of an ocean-colour constellation of
    satellites for long-term, uninterrupted,
    internally-consistent stream of remotely-sensed
    data for operational applications (initiative of
    the IOCCG).
  • Southern African work on integrated,
    ecosystem-based and cooperative management of the
    Benguela ecosystem.

Global Ecosystems Classification and Mapping
Initiative (Task EC-06-02)
  • Aim
  • To establish an ecosystem classification task
    force, covering freshwater, terrestrial and ocean
    ecosystems, with a mandate to create a globally
    agreed, robust and viable classification scheme
    for ecosystems.
  • In parallel with the classification effort,
    develop, review, and initiate a mapping approach
    to spatially delineate the classified ecosystems.

Global Ecosystems Classification and Mapping
  • Global ecosystems can be classified at the
    meso-scale (on the order of 10 to 103 km2)
  • A biophysical stratification approach can be
    adopted for terrestrial, freshwater and marine
    ecosystem delineation.
  • For the oceans, the approach of Longhursts
    (1998) biogeochemical provinces can adopted.

Longhurst Partition
Boundaries may move seasonally (Devred 2007)
(No Transcript)
  • We still lack sufficiently long satellite time
    series to sort out differences between cycles and
  • We need a sustained international effort to make
    sure we can link one satellite data set to
    another to build the long time series that we
  • GlobColour is definitely a significant step in
    that perspective
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