Title: Sustainable management of
1Sustainable management of the Greenland halibut
fisheries in north-western Greenland
Bjarne Lyberth Greenland Institute of Natural
Resources BjLy_at_natur.gl
2- Management tools
- Information from fisheries
- Biological advise
- Management challenges
- 900 licence owners
- Three different areas
- Questionnaire study
3Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides
Larvae distribution
Spawning areas
Adult distribution
O.A. Jørgensen 2002
4Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides
Larvae distribution
Spawning areas
Adult distribution
O.A. Jørgensen 2002
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7Landings of Greenland halibut in inshore fisheries
8Catch by season and gear
9Mean lengths from landings of Greenland halibut
summer and winter
10Mean lengths from landings of Greenland halibut
summer and winter
Growth overfishery
11Catches and biological advice
1No advice 2No increase in effort
12Questinnaire survey
- Fishery and gear
- State of the stock
- Economy
- Social state
- Management and control
13Questinnaire survey
- Fishery and gear
- State of the stock
- Economy
- Social state
- Management and control
900 distributed 300 returned Results to be
published by spring 2009
14Thank you
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