Title: Evolution of the ASTM E 1528 Task Group
1Evolution of theASTM E 1528 Task Group
- by
- Jon Walker
- Regional Vice President, EDR
- Co-Chairman, E 1528 Task Group
- For Presentation
- at
- Environmental Bankers Association
- Portland, OR
- June 2004
2ASTM E 1528 Task GroupHow was the group formed?
- After passage of the Brownfields Law, the
industry questioned if the Transaction Screen
(ASTM E 1528) could live up to its original
purpose - to permit a user to satisfy one of the
requirements to qualify for the innocent
landowner defense to - CERCLA liability (E 1528 1.1)
- ASTM set up a task group to explore the future of
E 1528 - Jon Walker (EDR) and Bill Weissman (Piper Rudnick
LLP) were appointed as Task Group Co-Chairs
3ASTM E 1528 Task GroupPurpose
- E 1528 as it no longer satisfies all components
of the proposed all appropriate inquiry - Focus revised standard on various alternative
levels of environmental screening that may be
appropriate as due diligence by users (lenders)
for a parcel of commercial real estate,
specifically those perceived as lower risk
4ASTM E 1528 Task GroupInitial Members
- Jon Walker-Co-Chair (EDR)
- Bill Weissman-Co-Chair (Piper Rudnick LLP)
- Dick Hoffman (B of NY)
- John Rybak (BBT)
- Cindi Lewis (Enviroassessments)
- Harriet Greenwood (Comerica)
- Susan Peck (Sovereign Bank)
- Marc Guerin (Citizens Bank)
- Dan Neal (TX DOT)
- Julie Kilgore (Wasatch Environmental)
- Scott Kurtz-Ninyo Moore
- Jeff Telego-EBA
- John Worland, Converse
- John Manzo, Heron Environmental
5ASTM E 1528 Task GroupWhy Keep the Transaction
- 1. There is a need at smaller sized banks
- 75 of banks that lend on commercial real estate
are community/smaller regional banks and they
lack understanding and resources to manage
environmental risk - Consequently, over 500,000 commercial real estate
loans receive little or no due diligence
6ASTM E 1528 Task Group Why Keep the Transaction
- 2. Byproduct of this effort is the creation of a
Level Playing Field
7ASTM E 1528 Task Group Why Keep the Transaction
- 3. The document makes business sense
- It is risky for the lender and for the borrower
to ignore environmental risk - Increasing losses due to environmental exposures
are moving more and more banks, particularly the
community and smaller regional banks, to address
environmental issues during due diligence
8ASTM E 1528 Task Group Why Keep the Transaction
- 4. The E 1528 document will allow lenders and
consultants to consider alternative levels of
environmental due diligence on lower risk
properties where a Phase I Environmental Site
Assessment may not be deemed appropriate (e.g.,
recourse loans) -
9ASTM E 1528 Task Group Why Keep the Transaction
- 5. There is strong support for E 1528 from
utilities and government agencies. These
industries are represented in the task group.
10ASTM E 1528 Task GroupProposed Changes
- 1. Remove all references to CERCLA liability
11ASTM E 1528 Task GroupProposed Changes (cont)
- 2. Rewrite document to outline alternative levels
of environmental due diligence that may be
appropriate for a parcel of commercial real
estate, specifically those perceived by the user
(lender) as lower risk - Alternative levels of environmental screening
options vary in scope, comprehensiveness and cost - The borrowers experience, creditworthiness of
the borrower, loan structure, deal financials,
and integrity of the collateral will influence
the lenders selection of a specific level of
environmental investigation
12ASTM E 1528 Task GroupProposed Changes (contd)
- Alternative levels of environmental screening may
include - Level 1 Limited Questionnaire
- Level 2 Comprehensive Questionnaire and Site
Inspection - Level 3 Comprehensive Questionnaire, Site
Inspection and Government Environmental Records
review - Level 4 Comprehensive Questionnaire, Site
Inspection, Government Environmental Records
review and One Historic Use Resource - Level 5 Comprehensive Questionnaire, Site
Inspection, Government Environmental Records
review and Multiple Historic Use Resources
13ASTM E 1528 Task GroupHow the lenders benefit?
- 1. Provide a user friendly guidance tool for
performing environmental due diligence on
properties perceived by the lender as low-risk. - Leveling the playing field for all lenders
- Support greater awareness of environmental risk
management - 75 of the FDIC insured banks perform little or
no environmental due diligence - This segment houses the greatest risk
- 4. Build a stronger community of environmental
bankers - Lenders are thirsty for environmental risk
management information - Today the EBA has 37 banks membersTomorrow
2,000 banks members? - 5. Drive awareness through EBA training
- Seminars
- Training
- Tip sheets
14ASTM E 1528 Task GroupHow can the EBA support
the effort?
- Work with the Task Group to develop a document to
support screening lower-risk properties - Goal is to create a viable revision and bring the
draft to ballot in early 05
15Items for Discussion
- Should this be a standard guide or a standard
practice? - Should we revise E 1528 to reflect changes
brought upon by AAI and then create another
environmental risk management guidance document? - 3. How will the consulting community be affected?
16Items for Discussion
- 4. Are the five levels of environmental due
diligence appropriate? Should there be additional
levels? Less levels? - 5. Should the document include dealing with
higher risk loans Phase I, Phase I? - 6. What makes a loan lower risk