Title: The Life Of A Bee
1The Life Of A Bee
2Hello, I am a worker honey bee.My job is to look
after the Queen and the protection of the of the
hive.In the colony there are 50,000 bees.
3A Queen bee will live up to 2-3 years and when
she dies it is our job ( the workers ) to
choose a larva and feed it extra royal jelly and
when it grows up it will become our new Queen.
4We feed the larvae over 1,000 times a day. There
are 10,000 larvae growing in our hive so us
workers and house bees get really busy.
5To make honey we have to visit 500 flowers in one
trip. We cover about 3 and a half miles ( 5.6 km
). We have to pollinate 22 million flowers to
make 1 pound ( 0.5 kg ) of honey.
6To communicate to other workers we talk by
dancing. There are two types of dances that we
use. The round dance and the waggle dance but
they are both used for different reasons.
7The round dance is used to tell the other workers
that the food source is close.
8The waggle dance is used to tell the other
workers that the food source is far away from the
hive, it also tells them which way to fly.
Come on this way !!
9The Queen lays 3,000 eggs a day but she lays even
more on hot days, so it does get very busy in the
10There are lots of places us bees can live like in
a hollow tree, containers, wood, baskets,
pottery, straw, logs, shelter, caves or some
place dry.
11I was buzzing along to feed some of the larvae
when there was a large BANG, the hive shook. Us
workers flew out of the hive to defend our
colony. There were a lot of workers going down to
sting the bear.
12After along time the bear went.There were a lot
of workers that died that day but the Queen does
lay 3,000 a day so it does make up for it.
13After the day had ended all the workers were
really tired because they had, fought a bear,
made honey, fed the Queen, fed the larvae 1.000
times, got nectar and pollen to make honey and a
range of other things too.
14In the next 27 days I was getting really old and
tired so I left the hive but there is only 15
more days to live.It is a big job to work in a
hive as a worker and you would feel very tired
when you have been living for 6 weeks in a hive.
15This is a story about a worker bee that has a
very busy life and that feeds the larvae. I cant
tell you anymore so open up me to see!
16Digital Story ICT- Rubric Evaluation Term 2
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