Reasons why there is a high incidence of septic shock - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Reasons why there is a high incidence of septic shock


The immune system possesses recognition events that distinguish molecular ... Caused by venom from bee, wasp, hornet and ant stings; drugs such as penicillin, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Reasons why there is a high incidence of septic shock

Over-reactions of the immune system
Dr Kathy Triantafilou University of Sussex School
of Life Sciences
Reactions of the immune system
  • The immune system possesses recognition events
    that distinguish molecular components of
    infectious agents from those of the human body
  • Besides infectious agents, humans come into
    contact with numerous other molecules that are
    equally foreign but do not threaten health
  • These molecules are derived from plants and
    animals that are present in the environment where
    we live

  • In some circumstances, molecules stimulate the
    adaptive immune response and the development of
    immunological memory
  • on subsequent exposures to the antigen the immune
    memory produces inflammation and tissue damage
  • The person feels ill, as though fighting an
    infection, when no infection exists
  • These over-reactions of the immune system to
    harmless environmental antigens are called
    hypersensitivity or allergic reactions

Gell and Coombs classification
  • P.G.H. Gell and R.R.A. Coombs proposed a
    classification system for hypersensitivity
  • Type I
  • Type II
  • Type III
  • Type IV

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Type I hypersensitivity
  • Antigens (allergens) induce a humoral immune
  • commonly cause by inhaled antigens (i.e. plant
  • This immune response results in the generation of
    antibody-secreting plasma cells and memory cells
  • The plasma cells secrete IgE
  • this class of antibody binds with high affinity
    to Fc receptors (mast cells, basophils, etc)
  • these IgE-coated cells are said to be sensitised

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  • Exposure to the same allergen later cross-links
    the membrane bound IgE on sensitised mast cells
    and basophils
  • This causes degranulation of these cells
  • The pharmacologically active mediators released
    from the granules act on surrounding tissue
  • vasolidation and smooth muscle contraction
  • either systemic or localised (depending on the
    extent of mediator release)

Components of Type I
  • Allergens
  • IgE antibodies
  • mast cells and basophils
  • IgE binding Fc receptors
  • IgE-mediated degranulation
  • receptor crosslinking
  • Mediators
  • histamine
  • Leukotrienes, postaglandins and cytokines

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  • IgE responses are mounted against parasites
  • Some persons, however have an abnormally called
  • hereditary pre-disposition to the development of
    hypersensitivity reactions
  • IgE regulatory defects suffered by atopic
    individuals allow non-parasitic antigens to
    stimulate inappropriate IgE production
  • Allergen refers specifically to non-parasitic
    antigens capable of stimulating type I
    hypersensitivity reactions

  • Common allergens include rye grass pollen,
    ragweed pollen, codfish, birch pollen, timothy
    grass pollen, and bee venom
  • What makes these agents allergens?
  • Allergens possess diverse properties
  • most are small proteins (15,000-40,000)
  • no common chemical properties
  • allergenicity is a consequence of a series of
    interactions involving
  • dose, sensitising route, genetic condition of the

  • The existence of a human serum factor that
    reacted with allergens was first demonstrated by
    K. Prausnitz and H. Kustner in 1921
  • The response that occurs when an allergen is
    injected into an individual is called a P-K
  • In the mid 1960s K. and T. Ishizaka isolated the
    new isotype of antibody, IgE

  • Serum levels in normal individuals are in the
    range of 0.1-0.4 mg/ml
  • IgE was found to be composed of two heavy chains
    and two light chains with a combined molecular
    weight of 190,000
  • It has an additional constant region than IgG
  • This additional domain changes the conformation
    of the molecule and enables it to bind to
    receptors on mast cells and basophils
  • Half-life in the serum of 2-3 days, once bound to
    receptors is stable for a number of weeks

Mast cells and basophils
  • Blood basophils and tissue mast cells can bind
  • Mast cells are found throughout the connective
    tissue, near blood and lymphatic vessels
  • skin and mucous surfaces of the respiratory and
    gastrointestinal track (10,000 mast cells per mm
    of skin)
  • mast cell populations in different sites differ
    in the types and amounts of allergic mediators
    they contain

IgE-binding Fc receptors
  • The activity of IgE depends on its ability to
    bind to a receptor specific for the Fc region of
    the heavy chain
  • Two classes of Fc receptors
  • High affinity receptor (FceRI)
  • mast cells and basophils (40,000-90,000 receptors
    on a cell)
  • binds with 1000 fold higher affinity
  • Low affinity receptor (FceRII)

High affinity receptor (FceRI)
  • The high affinity receptor contains four
    polypeptide chains
  • an a, a b chain and two identical g chains
  • Displays immunoglobulin-fold structure, and thus
    belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily
  • The a chain binds the IgE molecules
  • The b chain spans the membrane four times and is
    thought to link the a to the g homodimer
  • The g chains contain ITAMS similar to CD3

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Low affinity receptor (FceRII)
  • The low affinity receptor (CD23) is specific for
    the CH3/CH3 domain of IgE
  • It has a lower affinity for IgE
  • Allergen crosslinkage of IgE bound to FceRII has
    been shown to activate B cells, alveolar
    macrophages and eosinophils
  • When this receptor is blocked, IgE secretion by B
    cells is diminished
  • A soluble form of the receptor exists that has
    been shown to enhance IgE production by B cells
  • Sensitised individuals have higher levels of CD23

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Receptor crosslinkage
  • IgE-mediated degranulation begins when an
    allergen crosslinks IgE that is bound to the Fc
    receptor on a mast cell or basophil
  • the binding of IgE to FceRI has no effect on the
    target cell
  • It is only after the allergen crosslinks the
    fixed IgE-receptor complex that degranulation
  • monovalent antigens can not crosslink and thus
    can not trigger degranulation

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Intracellular events leading to degranulation
  • The cytoplasmic domains of the b and g chains of
    the FceRI are associated with protein tyrosine
    kinases (PTKs)
  • Crosslinking of the receptor results in the
    phosphorylation of tyrosines within the PTKs
  • Within 15 sec after crosslinking, methylation of
    various membrane phospholipids is observed,
    resulting in the formation of Ca2 channels
  • An increase in Ca2 channels reaches a peak
    within 2 min

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Ca2 channels
  • The Ca2 increase eventually leads to the
    formation of arachidonic acid which is converted
    into two classes of mediators
  • postaglandins
  • leukotrienes
  • The increase of Ca2 also promotes the assembly
    of microtubules and the contraction of
    microfilaments (necessary for the movement of
    granules to the cell surface)

  • The manifestation of the type I hypersensitivity
    reactions are related to the biological effects
    of the mediators released from the granules
  • The mediators can be classified as
  • primary mediators
  • produced before degranulation (histamine,
    proteases, eosinophil chemotactic factor,
    neutrophil chemotactic factor and heparin)
  • secondary mediators
  • after degranulation (platelet activating factor,
    leukotrienes, postaglandins, cytokines

  • Is formed by decarboxylation of the amino acid
  • Histidine is a major component of mast cell
    ganules, accounting for 10 of the granule weight
  • Once released, it binds to specific receptors on
    various target cells
  • Three types of histamine receptors have been
    identified H1, H2, and H3
  • binding to the receptors induces contraction of
    intestinal and bronchial smooth muscles,
    increased permeability of venules, and increased
    mucus secretion

Leukotrienes and postaglandins
  • Secondary mediators which are not formed until
    the mast cell goes through degranulation, and
    enzymatic breakdown of membrane phospholipids
  • Longer time for the biological effects to become
  • Their effects are more pronounced and longer
    lived than histamine

Leukotrienes and postaglandins
  • Leukotrienes
  • bronchoconstriction
  • increased vascular permeability
  • mucus production
  • 1000x more potent as bronchoconstrictors than
  • prolonged bronchospasm and buildup of mucus
  • Postaglandins
  • bronchoconstriction

  • Cytokines released from mast cells and
    eosinophils contribute to the clinical
    manifestation of type I hypersensitivity
  • Human mast cells secrete IL-4, IL-5, IL-6 and
  • These cytokines alter the local environment
    leading to the recruitment of inflammatory cells
  • IL-4 increases IgE production by B-cells
  • IL-5 is important in the recruitment of
  • TNF-a contribute towards the shock in anaphylaxis

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Consequences of type I
  • Systemic anaphylaxis
  • Localised anaphylaxis
  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Asthma
  • Food allergies
  • Atopic dermatitis

Systemic anaphylaxis
  • A shock-like (often fatal), whose onset occurs
    within minutes of a type I hypersensitivity
  • This was the reaction observed by Portier and
  • Caused by venom from bee, wasp, hornet and ant
    stings drugs such as penicillin, insulin and
    antitoxins, seafood and nuts
  • Epinephrine is the choice of drug for anaphylaxis
    (counteracts the effects of mediators by relaxing
    the smooth muscle, and reducing vascular

Localised anaphylaxis
  • The reaction is limited to a specific target
    tissue or organ
  • Often involving epithelial surfaces at the site
    of allergen entry
  • The tendency to manifest localised anaphylactic
    reactions is inherited and is called atopy
  • atopic allergies afflict about 20 of the

  • Common localised anaphylaxis is asthma
  • There are two types of asthma
  • allergic asthma
  • airborne or blood-borne allergens, such as
    pollen, dust, fumes, insect products or viral
    antigens trigger an asthmatic attack
  • intrinsic asthma
  • induced by exercise, cold, independently of
    allergen stimulation

  • Like hay fever, asthma is triggered by
    degranulation of mast cells with release of
  • Instead of occurring in the nasal mucosa, the
    reaction develops in the lower respiratory tract
  • The resulting contraction of the bronchial smooth
    muscles leads to bronchoconstriction
  • Airway edema, mucus secretion, and inflammation
    contribute to the bronchial constriction and to
    airway obstruction

Asthmatic response
  • The asthmatic response can be divided into
  • early response
  • occurs within minutes of allergen exposure and
    primarily involves histamine, leukotrienes and
  • bronchoconstriction, vasolidation, and some
    build-up of mucus
  • late response
  • occurs hours later
  • involves IL-4, IL-5, IL-16, TNF-a, eosinophil
    chemotactic factor (ECF) and platelet activating
    factor (PAF)

  • The overall effects is to increase endothelial
    cell adhesion as well as recruit inflammatory
    cells into the bronchial tissue
  • the inflammatory cells are capable of causing
    significant tissue damage
  • this lead to the occlusion of the bronchial lumen
    with mucus, proteins and cellular debris,
    thickening the basement of the epithelium and
    hypertrophy of the bronchial smooth muscles

Food allergies
  • Various foods can cause localised anaphylaxis in
    allergic individuals
  • allergen crosslinking of IgE on mast cells along
    the upper and lower gastrointestinal track can
    induce localised smooth muscle contractions and
  • this leads to symptoms such as vomiting and

Atopic dermatitis
  • Atopic dermatitis (allergic eczema) is an
    inflammatory disease of skin that is frequently
    associated with a family history of atopy
  • The disease is observed more frequently in young
  • Serum IgE levels are often elevated
  • The allergic individual develops skin eruptions
    that are erythematous
  • The skin lesions have Th2 cells and an increased
    number of eosinophils

Late-Phase reaction
  • As the reaction begins to subside, mediators
    released during the course of the reaction often
    induce a localised inflammatory response, called
    the late-phase reaction
  • It develops 4-6 hours after the type I reaction
    and persists for 1-2 days
  • Characterised by infiltration of neutrophils,
    eosinophils, macrophages, lymphocytes and
  • Mediated by cytokines such as TNF-a, IL-1, IL-3,

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Detection of type I
  • Skin testing
  • Small amounts of potential antigens are
    introduced at specific skin sites either by
    intradermal injection or by superficial
  • a number of tests can be applied to the site on
    the forearm or back
  • If the person is allergic, local mast cells
    degranulate and the release of histamine produces
    a wheal and flare within 30 min

Skin test
  • Advantages
  • inexpensive
  • large number of allergens tested
  • Disadvantages
  • sometimes sensitises the allergic individual to
    new allergens
  • rarely induces systemic anaphylactic shock
  • a few manifest a late-phase reaction

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Detection of type I
  • Another method is to determine serum levels of
  • Using the radioimmunosorbent test (RIST)
  • Patients serum is reacting with agarose beads or
    paper disks coated with rabbit anti-IgE

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Therapy of type I
  • Identify the offending allergen and avoid contact
    if possible
  • removal of house pets, dust-control measures, or
    avoidance of offending food
  • elimination of inhalant allergens (such as
    pollen) is impossible
  • immunotherapy with repeated injections of
    increasing doses of allergens (hyposensitization)
    has been known to reduce the severity of type I

Therapy of type I
  • Antihistamines have been the most useful drugs
    for symptoms of allergic rhinitis
  • They bind to the histamine receptor and block the
    binding of histamine
  • The H1 receptors are blocked by the classical
    antihistamines, whereas the H2 receptors are
    blocked by a newer class of antihistamines
  • Several drugs block release of allergic mediators
    by interfering with biochemical steps in
    mast-cell activation

Therapy of type I
  • Disodium cromoglycate prevents Ca influx in mast
  • theophylline is commonly administered to
    asthmatics orally or through inhalers (blocks
  • Cortisone and other anti-inflammatory drugs have
    been shown to reduce type I reactions

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Type II hypersensitivity (Antibody-mediated
  • Involves antibody-mediated destruction of cells
  • This type is exemplified by blood transfucion
  • Host antibodies react with foreign antigens on
    the incompatible transfused blood cells and
    mediate destruction of those cells
  • Antibodies mediate cell destruction by activating
    the complement system or though
    antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity
    (ADCC) (cytotoxic cells bind to the Fc region of
    antibodies on target cells)

Transfusion reactions
  • Antibodies to the A, B, and O antigens on red
    blood cells are usually IgM class
  • An individual with blood group A has antibodies
    against B in their blood
  • If a type A individual is accidentally transfused
    with blood containing type B cells, the anti-B
    antibodies will bind to the B blood cells and
    mediate their destruction by means of
    complement-mediated lysis

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Transfusion reactions
  • Transfusion of blood into a recipient possessing
    antibodies to one of the blood-group antigens can
    result in a transfusion reaction
  • massive intravascular hemolysis (can be immediate
    or delayed)
  • Reactions that begin immediately are associated
    with ABO incompatibilities, which lead to
    complement-mediated lysis
  • within hours, free hemoglobin can be detected in
    the plasma, filtered through the kidneys, some of
    it gets converted into bilirubin (high levels are

Delayed hemolytic reaction
  • Occurs in individuals who have received repeated
    transfusions of ABO-compatible blood that is
    incompatible for other blood groups
  • The reaction develops within 2-6 days after
  • The transfused blood induces clonal selection and
    production of IgG against a variety of receptors
  • Blood group antigens that cause this Rh, Kidd,
    Kell, and Duffy
  • Symptoms fever, low hemoglobin, increased
    bilirubin, jaundice and anemia

Hemolytic disease of the newborn
  • Develops when maternal IgG antibodies specific
    for fetal blood-group antigens cross the placenta
    and destroy fetal red blood cells
  • Severe hymolitic disease of the newborn, called
    erythroblastosis fetalis, most commonly develops
    when an Rh expressed an Rh antigen on its red
    blood cells that the Rh- mother does not express

Hemolytic disease of the newborn
  • During pregnancy, fetal red blood cells are
    separated from the mothers circulation by a
    layer of cells called the trophoblast
  • During her first pregnancy with an Rh fetus, an
    Rh- mother is usually not exposed to enough
    antigen to activate her Rh-specific B-cells
  • At the time of delivery separation of the
    placenta from the uterine wall allows large
    amounts of fetal blood to enter the mothers
  • The fetal red blood cells activate the
    Rh-specific B-cells of the mother

  • The secreted IgM antibodies clear the fetal red
    blood cells from the mothers circulation, but
    the memory cells remain
  • A subsequent pregnancy with a Rh fetus can
    activate the memory cells, which results in
    secretion of IgG anti-Rh antibodies which cross
    the placenta and damage the fetal red blood cells
  • Mild to severe anemia can develop in the fetus,
    sometimes fatal

  • Hemolytic disease of the newborn caused by Rh
    incompatibility can be almost entirely prevented
    by administering antibodies against the Rh
    antigen to the mother within 24-48 hours after
    the first delivery
  • These antibodies are called Rhogam
  • They bind to fetal red blood cells that have
    entered the mothers circulation and facilitate
    their clearance before B-cell activation

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  • If hemolytic disease develops, the treatment
    depends on the severity of the reaction
  • For a severe reaction, the fetus can be given an
    intrauterine blood-exchange transfusion
  • This replaces the fetal Rh cells with Rh- cells
  • This transfusion is given every 10-21 days until
  • In less severe cases, a blood-exhange transfusion
    is not given until after birth

Drug-induced hemolytic anemia
  • Certain antibiotics (penicillin, cephalosprin,
    and streptmycin) can absorb nonspecifically to
    proteins on RBCs
  • In some patients these complexes induce formation
    of antibodies, which then bind to the cells and
    induce complement-mediated lysis and thus
    progressive anemia
  • When the drug is withdrawn the hemolytic anemia

Type III hypersensitivity (immune-complex-mediated
  • The reaction of antibody with antigen generates
    immune complexes
  • Generally this complexing of antigen with
    antibody facilitates the clearance of antigen by
    phagocytic cells
  • In some cases, large amounts of immune complexes
    can lead to tissue damaging type III
    hypersensitivity reactions

  • Large amounts of immune-complexes are carried and
    deposited at different sites
  • The deposition of these complexes initiates a
    reaction that results in the recruitment of
    neutrophils to the site
  • The tissue there gets injured as a consequence of
    the granular release by the neutrophils
  • When antibodies or other proteins from non-human
    species are given therapeutically to patients,
    type III reactions are the potential side-effect

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Type IV (TDTH-mediated) Hypersensitivity
  • Type IV reactions develop when antigen activates
    sensitised TDTH cells
  • These cells are generally TH1, although sometimes
  • Activation of TDTH cells by antigen on
    appropriate antigen-presenting cells results in
    the secretion of various cytokines, such as IL-2,
    interferon gamma, etc)
  • The overall effect is to draw macrophages into
    the area and activate them, promoting increased
    phagocytic activity and increased conc. of lytic

Type IV
  • As lytic enzymes leak out from the macrophages
    into the surrounding tissue, localised tissue
    destruction can ensue
  • These reactions typically take 48-72 hours to
    develop, the time required for the accumulation
    of macrophages
  • The hallmarks of type IV are the delay in time
    required for the reaction to develop and the
    recruitment of macrophages as opposed to

Type IV
  • Many contact dermatitis reactions, including
    responses to formaldehyde, phenol, nickel,
    various cosmetics and hair dyes, poison oak and
    poison ivy are mediated by TDTH cells
  • Most of these substances are small molecules that
    can complex with skin proteins
  • This complex is then internalised by APCs in the
    skin, processed and presented together with an
    MHC class II molecule, causing activation of

Poison oak
  • A pentadecacatechol compound from the leaves of
    the plant complexes with skin proteins
  • When T-cells react with this compound displayed
    by local APCs they differentiate into sensitised
    TDTH cells
  • A subsequent exposure to this compound elicits
    activation of TDTH cells and cytokine production
  • 48-72 hours after the second exposure,
    macrophages are recruited to the site
  • Activation of the macrophages and release of
    their lytic enzymes leads to a IV reaction

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