Title: GEO 580 Advanced Applications of GIS in the Geosciences
1(No Transcript)
2GEO 580AdvancedApplications of GIS in the
- Monday/Wednesday
- 600 - 730 p.m.
- Digital Earth (Wilk 210)
- 4 credits
3Dawn Wright
dawn_at_dusk.geo.orst.edu 737-1229
Office Hours Mondays/Wednesdays 114 Wilkinson
Hall 200- 300 p.m.
4What Will You Learn?
- Theoretical
- broaden base of GIS theory established in GEO
465/565 - build entry points into GIS research literature
- cover sets of topics in GIS research practice,
with a focus on the geosciences / coastal
marine sciences
5What Will You Learn?
- Theoretical
- consider expanded capabilities of GIS in more
detail and relate them to YOUR current work - rethink the characteristics of spatial data, of
spatial analysis procedures - all about putting technology to work EFFECTIVELY
6What Will You Learn?
- Technical
- Practice w/ Windows XP as a working environment
for GIS - build a base of knowledge in ArcGIS 8
- apply GIS methods to problem-solving / project
completion - work toward professional level GIS skills
- Required
- Geographic Information
- Systems and Science
- by Longley, Goodchild,
- Maguire, Rhind, 2001
Modeling Our World by Zeiler, 2001
8Optional Textbook
Map Analysis Procedures and Applications in GIS
Modeling by Joseph Berry, 2001
9Required Project - 2 options
- Option 1 - LABS
- Tuesday labs in ArcGIS
- ArcGIS data models, spatial analysis, networks,
surfaces, digitizing, metadata - Take FINAL exam
- Option 2 - analytical project
- apply course concepts to your own project (thesis
or dissertation) - poster or web site, 10-20 page paper, and 10-15
min. presentation during Dead Week - No FINAL
10Option 2 - Proposal
- (1) Experience - Your previous experience with
GIS (previous GIS coursework?, previous GIS
experience during an internship or job?) - (2) Analysis - The question or problem that you
would like to address during your analytical
project. - "I am studying a species of salamander in the WA
Cascades, the Van Dyke'ssalamander. I am doing a
habitat association, model building excerise.
What are the differences in habitat in streams
and seeps where the salamander was detected vs.
those where the salamander was not detected? I
would like to take the opportunity available in
this class to explore differences in these sites
on a landscape level. I will compare sites where
the salamander was vs. was not detected at the
watershed level, using GIS layers supplied to me
by the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. I will
choose two variables to compare watershed size
above thelocation of each site, and dominant
seral class (or canopy closure)on the watershed
level. - (3) Data - If not already mentioned above, state
where you hope to obtain your data if you don't
have it already
11Project Options (cont.)
- dusk.geo.orst.edu/buffgis/project.html
- Select option by end of Add-Drop period
- Friday, April 9, 2004 (Option 2 proposals)
- Required intro. exercise in ArcGIS - April 16th
- Required intro. exercise on ArcGIS data model
schema - April 28th - Mid-Term exam - April 26th
- Final exam - June 7th, 600-800 p.m.
- ArcGIS Lab 1 and data model exercise - 10
- Mid-Term - 25
- Project Option 1 / Final - 45 / 20
- Project Option 2 / Presentation - 45 / 20
14Survival Skills
- Follow lecture material
- Keep up with reading in BOTH textbooks
- Proficiency in Windows, ArcGIS 8, HTML
- Build self-help capability
- Share resources
15GEO 580 Discussion Board geo580_at_lists.oregonstate
- Please put your email address on signup sheet
- ESRI User Conference. Every year in San Diego.
- August 6-9, 2004
- regional meetings as well
- User Conference Student Asst. Program
- www.esri.com/company/jobs/uc_student_prog.html
- Applications due by May 7, 2004
- GIS in Action Conference
- May 11-13, Portland
- www.orurisa.org/events/gisinact/2004event
- Other opportunities posted to geo580_at_lists.oregons
17ESRI Virtual CampusFREE subscriptions to OSU
- campus.esri.com
- ArcGIS 8 and extensions
- ArcIMS
- Visual Basic
- all GIS Technology courses
18What Kinds of Jobs Exist in GIS?
- (1) System developers
- high level of technical skills
- programmers in C, Java, Visual Basic
- 1,000 people
- (2) System maintainers
- moderate technical skills
- programmers in UML, Visio, CASE, Visual Basic
- 10,000 people
19What Kinds of Jobs Exist in GIS?
- (3) System users
- modest technical skills
- know how to use the tools
- familiar with the technical issues
- know the application domains
- work for univ., corp., govts.
- 100,000 people
- (4) General public
- minimal technical skills
- Know how to use some tools
- 1,000,000 people
20Success as (3) System User?
- the basic principles (GIS education)
- still there when the software changes
- how to be a demanding skeptic
- demand better documentation
- reliable and accurate results
- fixes for bugs
- what GIS means
- what the data mean in the real world
- what operations mean
21GISystems, GIScience and GIStudies
22GISystems, GIScience and GIStudies
- GISystems (GIS)
- Emphasis on technology and tools
- GIServices
- Implements storehouse of GISci knowledge
- GIScience (GISci)
- Fundamental issues raised by the use of GIS and
related technologies (e.g.) - Spatial analysis
- Map projections
- Accuracy
- Scientific visualization
- Systematic study of the use of geographic
information - GIStudies (GISt?)
- how systems and science are embedded in a
societal context, applications
23G. I. S. ?
- Geographic Illusionary System
- GRASS Interpolates Sushi
- Gastro- Intestinal Sophistication
- Geometrically Increasing Silliness
- Going In Style
- Gee, I'm Spatial!
24Hands-on practical training?
- software changes often (every 2 years)
- hands-on experience
- reinforces basic principles
- encourages you to be a demanding skeptic
- encourages thinking about what GIS means
25ArcGIS 8
26ArcTools w/in ArcGIS
27ARC/INFO, ArcInfo
- the workhorse of GIS
- the engine behind ArcView
- command-line interface
- required syntax
- difficult to use
28ArcInfo 8
- new easy-to-use version
- several hundred person-years invested
- complete rewrite, first since 1980
- version 7 becomes ArcInfo Workstation, the core
of ArcGIS 8 - ArcInfo Desktop, WIMP, wizards
- ArcView is now a subset in ArcGIS 8, along with
ArcInfo, ArcSDE, ArcIMS, ArcObjects, etc. - expect bugs
- Reworked labs in ArcGIS w/Oregon data