Title: WBS 2 - Hadron Calorimeter
1WBS 2 - Hadron Calorimeter
- Jim Freeman
- DOE/NSF Review
- May 8, 2001
- System Overview
- Status and Technical Progress
- Schedule and Cost Performance
- Committee Concerns and Issues
- Plans for the Next Six Months
- Summary and Conclusions
3System Overview
4US HCAL Scope
- HB Absorber, assembly and installation tooling
- Scintillator production for HB
- Scintillators and fibers acquisition for HE
- Fraction of fibers acquisition for HF
- Readout boxes, HPDs, and PMTs for HB, HE, HO,
HF - Front end and higher level electronics for HB,
HE, HO, HF - Power, calibration, controls for HB, HE, HO,HF
- Fraction of HE brass acquisition
- HF Mechanical Engineering
5HCAL Status and Progress
- Absorber and Tooling
- Scintillator Factory
- HPDs
- Front End Electronics
- Readout Electronics
- HF
6Absorber Factory
- HB- Complete and delivered to CERN
- HB- tooling completed and at CERN
- HB
- 12 wedges (out of 18) complete
- Expect completion in July 01
- HB should arrive at CERN in fall 01
- HB tooling complete and in Spain
- Entire absorber task 90 complete.
7Barrel HCAL
8HB- Absorber
HB- absorber is complete. It passed all QC tests
and has been disassembled and shipped to CERN.
9HB- at CERN
HB- wedges and scintillator crates in Bldg 186 at
CERN. Scintillators will be installed into wedges
in June.
12 of 18 HB Wedges are complete
Cradle and tooling ready
HB will be complete by end of July, ahead of
11Optics Factory
- Builds optical system for HB
- Full staffing at 14 ftes
- Rate 1.3 megatiles/day
- 473 out of 612 total Megatiles complete
- Completed HB- optics July 2000
- Complete HB optics Sept 2001
- Will finish ahead of schedule
12HCAL Optics 80 complete
Completed Megatiles
13HPD Status
- Had large electrical cross talk at high frequency
due to resistance between bias supply and diode. - Solution was to aluminize diode.
- Unfortunately, solution revealed and worsened
existing problem, optical cross talk. - Have found solution to optical cross talk,
anti-reflective coating. - Expect to have preproduction HPDs in fall 01.
- Plan to start production in December 01. Delivery
complete by Oct 2003. Defines critical path. - Possible to double production rate (to gain
schedule contingency) but at substantial cost
(200K). Need to make this decision this fall.
Diode Structure
Bias Voltage
15HPD Anti-reflective coating
Aluminum with no anti-reflective coating
Reflectivity vs wavelength for diode with
antireflective coating
16Readout Box Progress
- Redesign to modularize components (readout
modules plug into crate) - Results in better electrical, thermal, and
maintenance properties - Passed Production Readiness Review in February
01. CMS Sign-off on integration, safety, other
issues. - Starting production (optical components in
production, contract in place for crates)
17RBX Readout Module
- The readout module (RM) integrates the HPD, front
end electronics, and digital optical drivers. -
18Front End ASICs QIE and CCA
- QIE is pipelined charge(Q) Integrator and
Encoder Digitizer chip - Complete QIE ASIC submitted March 5. Due back
June 15 - Production scheduled to complete July 28, 2002
- One fabrication cycle contingency
- CCA is the Channel Control ASIC clock and
control chip - Channel Control ASIC will be submitted in May
- Production scheduled to complete August 16, 2002
19Readout Electronics
- Four generations of cards
- Demonstrator 2000 (show concept)
- Prototype 2001 (basic building blocks)
- Preproduction 2002
- Production 2003
- Production scheduled for completion Spring 2003
- Major upcoming tasks
- Radioactive source calibration demonstration
Summer 01, FNAL - Test Beam DAQ Summer 02, CERN
- Progress since last review
- Mechanical Engineering about finished. EDR in
August 01. - Specifications for phototubes and quartz fiber
defined. - Passed PRR for phototubes and fibers in March 01
- RFQs for phototubes and fibers ready to be sent
21Installation Planning
HB Installation Plan. HB, HE, and HO will be
covered in detail in break-out session
22US HCAL Schedule
HPD delivery determines schedule
V27 milestones
Installing HE readout modules critical path.
Driven by availability of HPDs.
23HCAL Cost Performance
24HCAL Cost Comparison
2000 Lehman 2001 Lehman
EAC 37.0M 38.3M
Complete 47 58
ETC EAC - BCWP 19.2M 16.0M
BCWS 19.7M 25.9M
BCWP 17.4M 22.3M
BCWS-BCWP -2.4M -3.6M
Contingency Use 2.3M 3.6M
Schedule variance largely due to delayed purchase
of phototubes and HPDs (2.4M) Contingency use
during the last year (1.3M) was 50 HPD-related
25US CMS HCAL L2 Milestone Performance
26Progress Since Last Review
- HB absorber, tooling almost complete. First HB at
CERN, second complete July 2001. - Optics Production about 80 complete. Finish in
September 2001. - Redesign, PRR for Readout Box. Starting
production - Bugs being fixed in HPDs.
- Front End ASICs Complete QIE submitted to
fabrication. CCA to be submitted soon. - Readout Electronics Demonstrators complete,
moving into prototype phase. - HF Mechanical Design close to complete. EDR in
August. - HF PRR for fibers and phototubes. Ready to place
RFQs - Revised installation plan at CERN
27Concerns from last review
- Front End Electronics ASIC QIE is on schedule,
CCA two months behind. Not on critical path - Bottoms-up Rebaseline of Readout Box Done.
Passed Production Readiness Review. Have started
production. - HPDs Still a problem, critical path. Hope for
final fix by fall 01. - Installation Plan Revised plan
28What we plan for the next 6 months
- HB completed and delivered to CERN
- Optics complete for HB- and HB
- Receive first complete QIEs and test
- Place order for HPDs
- Place order for HF phototubes and fiber
- Absorber and Optics factories finishing on cost
and schedule. - Front End ASICs progressing. Schedule is OK.
- RBX is in production phase. Not on Critical Path.
- HPDs remain an issue. Schedule recovery is