Title: Watershed Panel: Fox River Ecosystem Partnership
1Connecting Illinois Watersheds
- Watershed PanelFox River Ecosystem Partnership
Becky Hoag, Communications Manager
2(No Transcript)
3Watershed Statistics
- 1,720 square miles
- 130 miles in length
- Covers portions of eight counties
- Over 90 communities
- Over 400 lakes
- 15 dams on the mainstem
- 214,000 people depend on the Fox for drinking
4Vision Statement
- Our vision for the Fox River Watershed is to
balance all the uses and demands on our natural
resources while preserving and enhancing a
healthy environment
- FREP incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization in 2000Officers (President,
Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate
Past President) and Chairs of committees serve
as Executive Committee,which meets on a
bi-monthly basis and as needed
- Agriculture
- Conservation Design
- Education
- Government Relations
- Habitat
- Lakes
- Recreation
- Water Resources
7Staffing Funding
- FREP received grants to hire Communications
Manager to market the Integrated Management
PlanAll other participation is volunteer
8Integrated Management Planfor the Fox River
- Developed in 1998 through a year-long
facilitated planning process involving six
citizen-based teams and over 100 volunteers
focusing on six areas of concern.
9Elements of theIntegrated Management Planfor
the Fox River Watershed
- Water Quality
- Land Use
- Education
- Recreation
- Stormwater
- Habitat
10Marketing Activities
- Distribution of a Tool Kit for theIntegrated
Management Plan to governments and organizations
11Communication Tools
- Comprehensive websitefoxriverecosystem.orgFox
River News quarterly newsletter to 700
constituentsDownstreambi-monthly membership
newsletterEmail Communiqués
- Bi-monthly FREP Noon Networks (alternates
months with FREP Membership meetings)
Informational programs and a time for
networking for all FREP members and interested
persons within the watershed
13FREP Noon NetworkTopics
How to Get Your Project StartedFish Dam
Issues Within the watershedFox River
Watershed Monitoring EffortsRecreation in
the watershed
14FREP Noon Networks Topics
Wetland Mitigation Bank Otter Creek Stream
Restoration ProjectIEPA 319 Grant
ProgramAgricultural Conservation Easements
Farmland Protection Program
3-Year Strategic Work Plan2002-2005 Developed
in 2002 resulting in Work Plan with Goals and
Action Steps assigned to specific committees
- Grant ReviewC2000 GrantsSince 1997 38
projects1.66 M funding, 6 M matching
fundsIEPA 319 GrantsIn 2001 8 projects, 3.4 M
17Key Marketing/Outreach Efforts
- Bi-monthly Noon Networks
- Comprehensive Website
- Quarterly Community Newsletter
- Grant Process for EPA 319 C2000
- Yearly meeting with a legislative focus
- 3-Year Strategic Plan
18Questions Answers